Lē Silveus McNamara

CEO | Founder, Larunda Accessibility & Neurodiversity
Lē, pronounced “Lee”, (they/them) brings a diverse background and skillset to the a11y space as an accessibility engineer and neurodiversity advocate and the CEO and founder of Larunda Accessibility Solutions. Lē discovered their passion for accessibility in 2019 after a career transition from Public Relations (PR) and community work to Software Engineering in 2018. Past roles include accessibility remediation engineer with collaboration software company Smartsheet.com, accessible web extension developer, accessible WordPress developer, and accessibility engineer with TPGi and CVS Health. Lē has also enjoyed several a11y roles in the Knowbility Accessibility Internet Rally (AIR) competition (developer, project manager, and 3-time judge) and provides mentorship and accessibility training for emerging developers via Ada Developers Academy, a free software bootcamp and internship program for women.
Lē is especially excited to flex their chops as a public speaker and voice artist — podcast, anyone? — honed over years of PR and nonprofit work. They’re passionate about accessibility for the neurodivergent (ND) and identify as a member of the ND community. Last year Lē launched Supported Living (501c3), a Texas non-profit organization providing supported community housing for ND and chronically ill adults with low support needs. The first Supported Living house, ND Homestead San Antonio, hopes to open its doors in the spring of 2023.
John Slatin AccessU 2022
- Live: Hiring for Cognitive Diversity in Tech