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Ahmet Ustunel

Assistive Technology Specialist, San Francisco Public Schools

Ahmet Ustunel is a teacher of the Visually Impaired. He worked with blind students of all ages

in Turkey, Poland and the US in both nonprofit and public school settings. He currently teaches

in San Francisco public schools. Ustunel is also a ceramic artist and enjoys teaching art. He is an

outdoor enthusiast and advocate for accessibility and inclusion. As the recipient of the inaugural

Holman Prize from the Lighthouse For The Blind in 2017, he became the first blind person to

kayak solo from Asia to Europe. Ustunel served on the board of Library for the Blind and Print

Disabled and The Lighthouse for The Blind. He is a cofounder of Unlimited Sports Association

and currently serves on the board. In his free time Ustunel enjoys kayaking, hiking, tandem

biking, ceramics and chess.


K12 Access Summit