Andrew Drummond

State Director of Accessibility, State of Maryland - Department of Information Technology
With over 15 years of dedicated leadership within the field, I have built a strong track record in championing accessibility, particularly in the field of information technology. My expertise spans special education, higher education disability support, and assistive technology evaluation, culminating in a multifaceted proficiency in digital and web accessibility. Certified as an accessibility professional by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals, I have served as an expert witness in legal and administrative proceedings, highlighting my qualifications and commitment to the field. Beyond formal recognition, I have made significant contributions to digital accessibility in the Metro DC area. I authored the State of Maryland's inaugural comprehensive digital accessibility policy, announced by the Governor in January 2024. I have also shared my expertise on national platforms, addressing conferences, participating in televised panel discussions within the technology industry, and serving as a guest lecturer at local universities. These engagements have allowed me to spread awareness about the critical importance of accessibility for all.
John Slatin AccessU 2025
- How We Launched a State Office of Accessibility