Eve Hill

Partner, Inclusivity Strategic Consulting
Eve Hill is a partner at Brown Goldstein & Levy and founder of Inclusivity Strategic Consulting. Eve has decades of experience implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act and other disability rights laws through consultation, technical assistance, training, guidance, and enforcement. She has served as a senior federal government official at the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, as the Director of District of Columbia Office of Disability Rights, at the Burton Blatt Institute, and in academia, nonprofit, and private practice. She also has experience helping entities go beyond compliance to include disability as part of their diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. She is the co-author of a treatise and a casebook on the ADA. Recent highlights of her work include successfully suing the Commonwealth of Virginia for prohibiting schools from requiring peer masking surrounding students with disabilities like leukemia, advising Monroe County, Indiana on how to reform their mental health and criminal justice systems to avoid unnecessarily incarcerating people with disabilities, requiring several states to implement accessible absentee voting, and developing best practices for inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education.