Full Schedule

The AccessU 2022 schedule includes one day of pre-conference workshops followed by three days of live training and Q&A sessions. All times are US Central times.
Types of Sessions
This year AccessU will not only be hybrid but will include asynchronous sessions as well. ALL general sessions will be available to virtual and onsite attendees.
- Deep Dives: These full-day Pre-Conference workshops will be presented live onsite at St. Edward's University (some presenters will join virtually). Only attendees who purchase Premiere or PreConference tickets will have access to these workshops.
- Live Session: These will be full 90 min-180 min sessions presented live onsite at St. Edward's University (some presenters will join virtually).
- Q&A: Our Asynchronous sessions are pre-recorded and will be available for attendees May 5, 2022 in our Learning Center. These scheduled Q&A sessions will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions and follow up with the presenters. All Q&A sessions will have a designated classroom at St. Edward's University and several Asynchronous presenters will be joining on-site for their session.
- Roundtable: A moderator will introduce a topic/idea and facilitate discussion with panelists and the audience. Most roundtable moderators and panelists will be onsite, though some panelists and attendees will participate virtually.
- Demonstration: Presenters will demonstrate a product, service or technology on-site at St. Edward's University. Information regarding virtual participation will be coming soon.
Past Sessions:
Monday, May 9, 2022
8:00 AM
to 8:20 AMMon, May 9
Track: Misc/Fun/Social
Welcome: Pre Conference Ragsdale Maybee Ballroom
More Information about Welcome: Pre Conference
The Knowbility staff welcomes you to AccessU Deep Dives. Session Detail for Welcome: Pre Conference
8:30 AM
to 4:30 PMMon, May 9
Track: Policy/Strategy
Deep Dive: Accessibility Masterclass Trustee Room 203
taught by: Julie Romanowski & co-presented by: Becky Gibson
More Information about Deep Dive: Accessibility Masterclass
This workshop will provide a big picture overview for any stage of implementing an accessibility program across an organization. Starting with the institutional evaluation and providing tools and methodology for each stage, our team will take you through what you need to put in place a process to ensure that you reach and maintain your accessibility goals. Understand requirements Engage all stakeholders Set explicit goals/standards Assess current status and define success Adopt/create explicit … Session Detail For Deep Dive: Accessibility Masterclass
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Deep Dive: Accessible Front End Patterns Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Carie Fisher
More Information about Deep Dive: Accessible Front End Patterns
In this workshop, Carie will walk-through the process of creating accessible front-end components from design to development. Session Detail for Deep Dive: Accessible Front End Patterns
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Deep Dive: Accessible Javascript Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Steven Lambert
More Information about Deep Dive: Accessible Javascript
In this deep dive you'll gain hands on experience implementing accessibility into the most popular JavaScript frameworks, unit testing libraries, and end-to-end (e2e) testing libraries. We'll be learning about the JavaScript frameworks React, Vue, Svelte, and Next, unit testing libraries such as Mocha, Karma, Jest, and Enzyme/Testing Library, and e2e testing libraries Webdriver, Playwright, Puppeteer, and Cypress. For each framework, we'll cover how to avoid common accessibility problems and … Session Detail For Deep Dive: Accessible Javascript
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Deep Dive: Developing iOS/Android Apps for Accessibility Trustee Room 112
taught by: Jon Gibbins
More Information about Deep Dive: Developing iOS/Android Apps for Accessibility
Modern digital accessibility standards are designed to be applicable to all technologies, but they need translating for use in different contexts. This is particularly true for native mobile platforms where terminology and measures specific to web technology do not necessarily translate easily, and accessible techniques differ depending on the platform. Jon will take us through the ins and outs of accessibility on iOS/Android. Session Detail For Deep Dive: Developing iOS/Android Apps for Accessibility
Track: Design/UX
Deep Dive: Usability Testing with People with Disabilities Trustee Room 116
taught by: Elisa Miller
More Information about Deep Dive: Usability Testing with People with Disabilities
Learn how usability testing provides key information in the development of your products. Session Detail for Deep Dive: Usability Testing with People with Disabilities
5:00 PM
to 6:00 PMMon, May 9
Track: Policy/Strategy
Keynote: Redefining Accessibility for the World Wide Web Town Lake Holiday Inn
taught by: Molly Holzschlag
More Information about Keynote: Redefining Accessibility for the World Wide Web
Join the session on Youtube. Inclusion, diversity, universality. An entire industry has emerged to find the technical solutions, but do we really understand the social issues that have held us back from seeing Accessibility for the Web not as a tack-it-on-after endeavor, rather the most important point of connectivity between humans, computers, networks, and ultimately individuals and society. This session reveals some of the misperceptions we've all fallen into along the way about what … Session Detail For Keynote: Redefining Accessibility for the World Wide Web
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
7:30 AM
to 8:00 AMTue, May 10
Track: Misc/Fun/Social
Event: Morning Energizer Day 1 Ragsdale Maybee Ballroom
More Information about Event: Morning Energizer Day 1
Erica & Rocky will lead a group movement activity to get us all energized for the day ahead. Session Detail for Event: Morning Energizer Day 1
8:00 AM
to 8:20 AMTue, May 10
Track: Misc/Fun/Social
Welcome: Day 1 Ragsdale Maybee Ballroom
More Information about Welcome: Day 1
Sharron Rush and special guest Molly Holzschlag greet all AccessU attendees and reflect on the importance of gathering. Session Detail for Welcome: Day 1
8:30 AM
to 10:00 AMTue, May 10
Track: Gaming/XR/AI
Live: A11y, AI & Machine Learning: Opportunities & Threats Trustee Room 214
taught by: Christopher Land
More Information about Live: A11y, AI & Machine Learning: Opportunities & Threats
Discussion on new technologies impacting people with disabilities, both good and bad, including innovations on the horizon and around the corner presenting promise and risk. Session Detail for Live: A11y, AI & Machine Learning: Opportunities & Threats
Track: Content/Documents
Live: Audio Description: The Basics Trustee Room 116
taught by: Celia Hughes & co-presented by: April Sullivan
More Information about Live: Audio Description: The Basics
Audio description is a powerful tool for making visual information more accessible to a wide range of people. Gaining an understanding of the core principles of description can assist content developers select and present visual information in a more universally accessible format. Session Detail for Live: Audio Description: The Basics
Track: Design/UX
Live: Location, Location, Location: Tweaking Modern UX for Users with Low Vision Trustee Room 117
sponsored by Pope Techtaught by: Corbb O'Connor & co-presented by: Christina Adams
More Information about Live: Location, Location, Location: Tweaking Modern UX for Users with Low Vision
Just as location is the most-cited reason for a home's value, the location of elements in your UX can impede or facilitate a user with low-vision. Accessibility professionals know that some individuals will increase the font size of a website or zoom in, but—in general—we don't stop to ask enough questions of our designs and designers. Join us in this highly interactive session as we examine the impacts of proximity, leading lines, contrast, shapes, underlines, borders, dark mode, and reader … Session Detail for Live: Location, Location, Location: Tweaking Modern UX for Users with Low Vision
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: More Inclusive UX Testing: Inclusion of Persons with Cognitive Disabilities Trustee Room 203
taught by: Rob LeSueur
More Information about Live: More Inclusive UX Testing: Inclusion of Persons with Cognitive Disabilities
People with cognitive disabilities are underrepresented when it comes to participation in the UX testing process. In this session, we aim to change the mindset to be inclusive to this important population to improve Universal Design in its entirety. Session Detail for Live: More Inclusive UX Testing: Inclusion of Persons with Cognitive Disabilities
Track: Content/Documents
Live: Presenting with Accessibility in Mind Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Becky Gibson
More Information about Live: Presenting with Accessibility in Mind
When you speak publicaly do your presentation and slides reach your entire audience? Your audience is diverse, make sure everyone can benefit from the information you share. Come learn how to apply accessibility principles to your live presentations. Session Detail for Live: Presenting with Accessibility in Mind
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: Promoting Accessibility in a Startup Environment Trustee Room 211
sponsored by Evincedtaught by: Emma Hardman
More Information about Live: Promoting Accessibility in a Startup Environment
Engaging leadership, stakeholders, and the company in general can be difficult when priorities are many and ever-shifting. We will discuss some ways to build and maintain accessibility programs in the fast moving world of a startup. Session Detail for Live: Promoting Accessibility in a Startup Environment
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: Some CSS Techniques and Tips for Better A11y Trustee Room 112
taught by: Bouton Jones
More Information about Live: Some CSS Techniques and Tips for Better A11y
Using both HTML and CSS in dedicated files allows for the separation of content and presentation which contributes to greater Accessibilitty. This sessions is for web designers and front-end or full-stack web developers to apply HTML and CSS for better Accessibility. Session Detail for Live: Some CSS Techniques and Tips for Better A11y
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: The Web Is Inherently Accessible Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Rachele DiTullio
More Information about Live: The Web Is Inherently Accessible
Talk aimed at front-end developers or anyone using the basics of HTML to create content for the web. I explain how the web is accessible by default and that it's design choices that make the web inaccessible. Session Detail for Live: The Web Is Inherently Accessible
10:15 AM
to 11:45 AMTue, May 10
Track: Design/UX
Live: A11y Challenges and UX Problems Trustee Room 117
sponsored by Pope Techtaught by: Kate Walser
More Information about Live: A11y Challenges and UX Problems
Want to really fix that accessibility challenge you're facing? Recognize it as the user experience problem it is. Session Detail for Live: A11y Challenges and UX Problems
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: Accessibility Consulting is *Still* Broken Trustee Room 211
sponsored by Evincedtaught by: Karl Groves
More Information about Live: Accessibility Consulting is *Still* Broken
The audit-fix-audit-fix cycle is an endless time and money suck that only ends when the money runs out. There's a better way to improve accessibility, but it requires committment that extends beyond just cash. Session Detail for Live: Accessibility Consulting is *Still* Broken
Track: Content/Documents
Live: Accessible Hiring Documents and Materials 101 Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Jonathan Paul Katz
More Information about Live: Accessible Hiring Documents and Materials 101
This presentation will teach attendees about accessibility for digital materials used in the hiring process, including documents, applications, and online information. Topics will include legal requirements, making these materials readable and usable by applicants with disabilities and through assistive technology and how this access relates to workplace inclusion and reasonable accommodations. Session Detail for Live: Accessible Hiring Documents and Materials 101
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: Design and Develop Accessible Components Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Marly Ortiz
More Information about Live: Design and Develop Accessible Components
This session will provide an overview of the design and development of accessible solutions for new criteria WCAG 2.1, which covers a variety of techniques focused on three groups of users: cognitive or learning impairments, low vision and people who access via mobile. Session Detail for Live: Design and Develop Accessible Components
Track: Content/Documents
Live: Don't Remediate Your PDFs! Trustee Room 116
taught by: Bouton Jones
More Information about Live: Don't Remediate Your PDFs!
We'll examine how to ensure your Microsoft Office (MSO) documents are fully accessible and the best ways to turn your MSO docs into accessible PDFS. Session Detail for Live: Don't Remediate Your PDFs!
Track: Design/UX
Live: Environmental Concerns: Making Your Usability Tests Accessible Trustee Room 203
taught by: Erica Braverman
More Information about Live: Environmental Concerns: Making Your Usability Tests Accessible
You are ready to start UX studies with participants who have disabilities! But how can you make sure that the study experience itself is accessible? Learn how to plan for accessibility at every step of the way. Session Detail for Live: Environmental Concerns: Making Your Usability Tests Accessible
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: Good Software for Moderate Low Vision Trustee Room 214
taught by: Wayne Dick
More Information about Live: Good Software for Moderate Low Vision
Word, PyCharm and ArcGIS are excellent tools visual readers with low vision. This lecture will explain why. Session Detail for Live: Good Software for Moderate Low Vision
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: How to Maintain Accessibility on a Website with Many Contributors Trustee Room 112
taught by: Amber Hinds
More Information about Live: How to Maintain Accessibility on a Website with Many Contributors
Actionable ideas for how organizations and institutions can maintain accessibility on websites with large numbers of contributors - including those who may not know or understand about accessibility. Session Detail for Live: How to Maintain Accessibility on a Website with Many Contributors
12:30 PM
to 1:30 PMTue, May 10
Track: Design/UX
Keynote: Inclusive Design is Better Design Ragsdale Jones Auditorium
taught by: Christina Mallon
More Information about Keynote: Inclusive Design is Better Design
Christina Mallon will give a talk on Inclusive Design. Join us for the conversation. Session Detail for Keynote: Inclusive Design is Better Design
1:45 PM
to 5:00 PMTue, May 10
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: Accessibility Testing and Reporting Framework Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Michael Moore & co-presented by: Anita Pradeep
More Information about Live: Accessibility Testing and Reporting Framework
The HHS Accessibility Testing Framework is a comprehensive, detailed testing process that is simple to follow and yields actionable, prioritized results. Session Detail for Live: Accessibility Testing and Reporting Framework
1:45 PM
to 3:15 PMTue, May 10
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: Common Coding Mistakes Trustee Room 112
taught by: Becky Gibson
More Information about Live: Common Coding Mistakes
Programming for accessibility is more than just sprinkling in ARIA attributes and adding alt text. This session will highlight commonly seen coding errors and explain best practices. Learn how adding ARIA and other attributes can affect the screen reader navigation and announcement. Session Detail for Live: Common Coding Mistakes
Track: Content/Documents
Live: Hear from the Audio Description Experts Trustee Room 116
taught by: Celia Hughes
More Information about Live: Hear from the Audio Description Experts
Audio describers are generally sighted, but their clients are not. Come to this panel discussion to hear from savvy tech users who are Blind to learn from them what works and what doesn't. We often make decisions about access that may not be the best, so bring your questions and let the experts lead the way. Session Detail for Live: Hear from the Audio Description Experts
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: Inclusive Strategies for the Product Development Life Cycle Trustee Room 214
taught by: Christina Adams & co-presented by: Zach Coulter
More Information about Live: Inclusive Strategies for the Product Development Life Cycle
Embedding inclusive strategy into every step of the product development life cycle ensures that accessibility is built into business processes, success metrics, and core product requirements. Session Detail for Live: Inclusive Strategies for the Product Development Life Cycle
Track: Design/UX
Live: Making an Accessible Video From Planning to Publishing Trustee Room 117
sponsored by Pope Techtaught by: Sumner Davenport
More Information about Live: Making an Accessible Video From Planning to Publishing
Making an accessible video begins before you start to record. Making an Accessible video is more than adding the necessary synchronized captions. What else can you do to make your videos more accessible? Session Detail for Live: Making an Accessible Video From Planning to Publishing
Track: Design/UX
Live: Mobile First Thinking For Inclusive Design Wins Trustee Room 203
taught by: Kate Walser
More Information about Live: Mobile First Thinking For Inclusive Design Wins
Tackling your next project with a mobile first mindset can help you tackle accessibility goals as well. Session Detail for Live: Mobile First Thinking For Inclusive Design Wins
Track: Content/Documents
Live: Using the JAWS Screen Reader to Create Better Digital Content Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Rachele DiTullio
More Information about Live: Using the JAWS Screen Reader to Create Better Digital Content
Learn the basics of using the JAWS screen reader to navigate webpages and documents. Find out the common issues that using a screen reader can detect, as well as ways to improve your content for people with vision and cognitive impairments. Session Detail for Live: Using the JAWS Screen Reader to Create Better Digital Content
3:30 PM
to 5:00 PMTue, May 10
Track: Design/UX
Live: A Tale of Keyboard Accessibility in Five Parts Trustee Room 203
taught by: Rob Carr
More Information about Live: A Tale of Keyboard Accessibility in Five Parts
Let's break keyboard accessibility down into a handful of concepts that you can rely on to help keep you focused on keyboard-only interactions. We'll dig into each of the five in more detail as well to help you to design and create more accessible (custom and native) interactive elements. Session Detail for Live: A Tale of Keyboard Accessibility in Five Parts
Track: Design/UX
Live: Building Internal Accessibility Standards for Designers & Developers Trustee Room 117
sponsored by Pope Techtaught by: Paul Adam
More Information about Live: Building Internal Accessibility Standards for Designers & Developers
Learn how to translate the complex WCAG and ARIA specs into plain-language, actionable guidance for developers and designers. Save time for you and your teams by building guidance targeted to the specific accessibility responsibilities of designers and developers. Session Detail for Live: Building Internal Accessibility Standards for Designers & Developers
Track: Gaming/XR/AI
Live: Designing Accessible Games Trustee Room 214
taught by: Steven Lambert
More Information about Live: Designing Accessible Games
Learn about the principles of accessibility in games and how to design your games with accessibility in mind Session Detail for Live: Designing Accessible Games
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: Down Events and Pointer Cancellation Trustee Room 112
taught by: Christina Adams
More Information about Live: Down Events and Pointer Cancellation
Down-events for pointer devices and keyboards are not often considered in the accessible web conversation. In this session we will take an in depth look at down events and the accessibility implications relating to the WCAG criterion for pointer cancellation. Session Detail for Live: Down Events and Pointer Cancellation
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: Hiring for Cognitive Diversity in Tech Trustee Room 211
sponsored by Evincedtaught by: Lē Silveus McNamara
More Information about Live: Hiring for Cognitive Diversity in Tech
Hiring neurodiverse technologists can benefit your IT teams! Hiring for Cognitive Diversity in Tech strives to help companies and hiring managers understand the best hiring and interview practices to access qualified candidates who may learn and interact differently, candidates who may be inadvertently falling through the cracks of the current hiring and interview norms. Session Detail for Live: Hiring for Cognitive Diversity in Tech
Track: Content/Documents
Live: How to Create Accessible Captioned Videos Trustee Room 116
taught by: Meryl Evans
More Information about Live: How to Create Accessible Captioned Videos
Adding captions to videos is only half the equation of accessible captions. Learn how and what it takes to create high-quality captions. Session Detail for Live: How to Create Accessible Captioned Videos
Track: Content/Documents
Live: Working On a Song: Exploring the Possibilities of Digital Accessibility for Learning Music Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Daniel Bernardo
More Information about Live: Working On a Song: Exploring the Possibilities of Digital Accessibility for Learning Music
From modifying existing practices to incorporating more advanced/emerging technology, explore accessibility options for online Music Courses currently being explored at the University of North Texas. Presented by Daniel Bernardo, a UNT College of Music Graduate and Digital Accessibility Specialist with UNT’s Division of Digital Strategy and Innovation. Session Detail for Live: Working On a Song: Exploring the Possibilities of Digital Accessibility for Learning Music
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
7:30 AM
to 8:00 AMWed, May 11
Track: Misc/Fun/Social
Event: Morning Energizer Day 2 Ragsdale Maybee Ballroom
More Information about Event: Morning Energizer Day 2
Erica & Rocky will lead a group movement acitivity to get us energized for the day ahead! Session Detail for Event: Morning Energizer Day 2
8:00 AM
to 8:20 AMWed, May 11
Track: Misc/Fun/Social
Welcome: Day 2 Ragsdale Maybee Ballroom
More Information about Welcome: Day 2
Knowbility staff welcome you to another wonderful day of learning and opportunities to continue the mission. Session Detail for Welcome: Day 2
8:30 AM
to 10:00 AMWed, May 11
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: A Non-Developer's Guide to Accessibility Testing with Chrome DevTools Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Jonathan Whiting
More Information about Live: A Non-Developer's Guide to Accessibility Testing with Chrome DevTools
Learn to use Chrome Developer Tools (DevTools) to identify basic accessibility information, test contrast, identify an elements "accessible name", and see how ARIA is being used. Session Detail for Live: A Non-Developer's Guide to Accessibility Testing with Chrome DevTools
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: A Path Towards Conscious Inclusive Design Decisions Trustee Room 203
taught by: Pratistha Sharma
More Information about Live: A Path Towards Conscious Inclusive Design Decisions
In a world of 7.8 billion people, where every person interacts with the design and its environment in its unique way. How do you commence the process of Inclusion? Because if we start designing for the whole range of human diversity, not only would it be a complicated task but also an unachievable one. Session Detail for Live: A Path Towards Conscious Inclusive Design Decisions
Track: Design/UX
Live: A11Y & Data Visualization Trustee Room 116
taught by: Thomas Watkins
More Information about Live: A11Y & Data Visualization
Accessibility and data visualization each have their own challenges. This workshop will explore techniques for tackling the goals of each of these areas simultaneously. Session Detail for Live: A11Y & Data Visualization
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: Accessibility Insights: Web and Android Development with Accessibility in Mind Trustee Room 112
taught by: Jacqueline Gibson & co-presented by: John Wade
More Information about Live: Accessibility Insights: Web and Android Development with Accessibility in Mind
Accessibility Insights is a suite of free, open-source products that helps developers find and fix accessibility issues through a combination of automated, assisted, and manual testing. In this session, you will learn how to build accessibility checks into your development process, and how the many features of these tools can help you build more inclusive applications. Session Detail for Live: Accessibility Insights: Web and Android Development with Accessibility in Mind
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: Making Streaming Video Inclusive Trustee Room 117
sponsored by Pope Techtaught by: Charu Pandhi & co-presented by: Carolina Crespo, Rachele DiTullio
More Information about Live: Making Streaming Video Inclusive
Join TPGi as we review accessibility considerations for delivering streaming video across multiple platforms using a variety of input modalities. Designers and developers will learn how to improve the user journey of finding and playing video content on demand. Session Detail for Live: Making Streaming Video Inclusive
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: What is an Accessibility Coach and How Can I Be One? Trustee Room 211
sponsored by EvincedMore Information about Live: What is an Accessibility Coach and How Can I Be One?
Watch this presentation in the Knowbility Learning Center Join our panel of accessibility coaches to hear about accessibility coaching: a new type of accessibility position that embeds in agile teams and trains developers and designers on the job so they can be self-sufficient and create accessible content by default. You'll hear about the typical day of an accessibility coach, how this career differs from other accessibility roles, and how accessibility coaching is changing the industry. Session Detail For Live: What is an Accessibility Coach and How Can I Be One?
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: Strategies for Equity: Transforming the Business of Designing for Compliance Trustee Room 214
taught by: Claire Benedikt
More Information about Live: Strategies for Equity: Transforming the Business of Designing for Compliance
Whatever your role, whatever your industry, there are achievable strategies for transforming the business of designing for accessibility compliance to the business of designing for equity. Session Detail for Live: Strategies for Equity: Transforming the Business of Designing for Compliance
Track: Content/Documents
Live: The Right to Understand: How Plain Language Improves Customer Experience Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Leslie O'Flahavan
More Information about Live: The Right to Understand: How Plain Language Improves Customer Experience
When we contact a company's Customer Service department for help with a product or service, we have a right to understand their reply, but many companies disregard accessibility when they reply to customers via email, live chat, social media, and other help channels. This session will show how writing to customers in plain language advances accessibility. Session Detail for Live: The Right to Understand: How Plain Language Improves Customer Experience
10:15 AM
to 11:45 AMWed, May 11
Track: Design/UX
Live: Accessible Typography, Fonts, Text, and More Trustee Room 117
sponsored by Pope Techtaught by: Jared Smith
More Information about Live: Accessible Typography, Fonts, Text, and More
We typically spend the vast majority of our time online reading text, yet the accessibility of that text is often overlooked. This session will present many considerations for determining the visual accessibility of online text. Session Detail for Live: Accessible Typography, Fonts, Text, and More
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: Creating Accessible Media Streaming Apps on TVs Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Joe Humbert
More Information about Live: Creating Accessible Media Streaming Apps on TVs
Discussing the nuances and differences between different media streaming environments for TVs (Roku, Xbox, AndroidTV) and how these differences can impact the solutions for providing an accessible experience for users. Session Detail for Live: Creating Accessible Media Streaming Apps on TVs
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: Driving a Human-Centered Accessibility Transformation Trustee Room 203
taught by: Lisette Arocha & co-presented by: Arpitha Shetty
More Information about Live: Driving a Human-Centered Accessibility Transformation
Most product teams typically get handed a report of accessibility assessment findings which can be overwhelming and leave teams unsure of where and how to start. In this session, Arpitha and Lisette will show you how you can start to drive an accessibility transformation in your organization or for your product teams using a human-centered design approach. Session Detail for Live: Driving a Human-Centered Accessibility Transformation
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: Experience Study vs. Usability Testing Trustee Room 214
taught by: Seda Maurer
More Information about Live: Experience Study vs. Usability Testing
Usability Testing as currently known, which excludes accessibility testing as an integral part of the process, is neither complete nor sufficient. The proposed Experience Study is the complete testing approach that evaluates a website or application for its efficiency and success for ALL users. Session Detail for Live: Experience Study vs. Usability Testing
Track: Content/Documents
Live: How to Create Accessible MS Excel Documents Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Richard Steinberg
More Information about Live: How to Create Accessible MS Excel Documents
Following 9 basic requirements, it's easy to ensure your MS Excel files are accessible to people with disabilities. This presentation will cover static MS Excel files Session Detail for Live: How to Create Accessible MS Excel Documents
Track: Design/UX
Live: Integrating Accessibility into the Product Life cycle Trustee Room 116
taught by: Nandita Gupta
More Information about Live: Integrating Accessibility into the Product Life cycle
There is a need to bake accessibility into our overall product lifecycle, but how do we know where to start? This hands-on session will cover tangible ways to bake accessibility into a design process, specifically within the realm of human-centered design with a focus on the phases of UX Research, Design and then Implementation. I will use examples from both academic and professional projects that I have been involved with to help attendees understand further. Session Detail for Live: Integrating Accessibility into the Product Life cycle
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: Accessibility Tools and Guidance for Designers and Developers Trustee Room 211
sponsored by Evincedtaught by: Thomas Brunet & co-presented by: Jess Lin, Josiah Hoskins
More Information about Live: Accessibility Tools and Guidance for Designers and Developers
The IBM Equal Access Toolkit provides accessibility guidance and tools for roles throughout your application development workflow. Learn about our design kit, web extensions, and test automation tools that can help you through your accessibility journey. Session Detail for Live: Accessibility Tools and Guidance for Designers and Developers
Track: Content/Documents
Live: The Impact of Digital Document Accessibility Trustee Room 112
taught by: Ian Smith
More Information about Live: The Impact of Digital Document Accessibility
This course will cover PDF accessibility compliance and will provide an overview of how non-compliant documents 'appear' to end-users, the benefits of an accessible document, and the fundamentals required to create an accessible PDF file. Session Detail for Live: The Impact of Digital Document Accessibility
12:30 PM
to 1:30 PMWed, May 11
Track: Policy/Strategy
Keynote: Accessibility for Small Business Ragsdale Jones Auditorium
taught by: Kelsey Ruger
More Information about Keynote: Accessibility for Small Business
At latest count there were over 32.5 million small businesses in the US, which account for 99.5 percent of all US businesses. These businesses, which include many highly valued start ups are responsible for creating 1.5 million jobs a year and account for 64% of new jobs.This session will focus on what we know about small businesses, how they solve problems, and how we can share the importance of accessibility with this growing but traditionally under capitalized group of businesses. Session Detail For Keynote: Accessibility for Small Business
1:45 PM
to 3:15 PMWed, May 11
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: Accessible Data & Analytics Processing Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Kyle Waterworth
More Information about Live: Accessible Data & Analytics Processing
Learn how to get meaningful insights and answers from large datasets in an accessible way and get an overall picture of accessibility in the current no-code analytics landscape. Session Detail for Live: Accessible Data & Analytics Processing
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: Building an Enterprise-Wide Accessibility Program Trustee Room 116
taught by: Jeff Kline
More Information about Live: Building an Enterprise-Wide Accessibility Program
Guidance and best practices for building a tops down digital accessibility program. Session Detail for Live: Building an Enterprise-Wide Accessibility Program
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: Decentralizing Accessibility: Why your Whole Team Should Own Accessibility and How to Do It Trustee Room 211
sponsored by Evincedtaught by: Samuel Proulx
More Information about Live: Decentralizing Accessibility: Why your Whole Team Should Own Accessibility and How to Do It
In this presentation, you will learn the importance of socializing and distributing accessibility throughout all of the teams in your organization. The model of a single accessibility subject matter expert, or a small team that handles accessibility, often isn’t enough or sustainable. This presentation will cover better ways to think about the accessibility process, how to think about roles and responsibilities, and what various teams will need to make sure accessibility and inclusion are … Session Detail for Live: Decentralizing Accessibility: Why your Whole Team Should Own Accessibility and How to Do It
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: How to HTML Trustee Room 112
taught by: Amy Carney
More Information about Live: How to HTML
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is critical for creating accessible websites. Find out why HTML is important and what elements are available to make your site make sense to everyone. Session Detail for Live: How to HTML
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Live: Making Microsoft Word Documents Accessible Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Cornelius Chopin
More Information about Live: Making Microsoft Word Documents Accessible
This course will show you have to make a Microsoft Word Document Accessible by examining five structures elements and two manual checks. Session Detail for Live: Making Microsoft Word Documents Accessible
Track: Policy/Strategy
Live: Setting Up an Accessibility Team of One Trustee Room 203
taught by: Elizabeth Simister
More Information about Live: Setting Up an Accessibility Team of One
The purpose of this class to have an honest conversation about techniques, challenges, and rewards of setting up an accessibility program in an organization new to accessibility. Session Detail for Live: Setting Up an Accessibility Team of One
Track: Design/UX
Live: The Other Dark Web: Designing UI for Dark and High Contrast Modes Trustee Room 117
sponsored by Pope Techtaught by: Tori Clark
More Information about Live: The Other Dark Web: Designing UI for Dark and High Contrast Modes
Past versions of this talk discussed testing and remediating for high contrast and dark modes, but what can designers do to plan for these modes from the start? Session Detail for Live: The Other Dark Web: Designing UI for Dark and High Contrast Modes
Track: Content/Documents
Live: WCAG Principles in Plain English for PDF Documents Trustee Room 214
taught by: Dax Castro & co-presented by: Chad Chelius
More Information about Live: WCAG Principles in Plain English for PDF Documents
Learn the short answer on how to meet the success criteria for the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines for your PDF Documents. We will cover all the key principles you should know in a language you can understand. Session Detail for Live: WCAG Principles in Plain English for PDF Documents
3:30 PM
to 4:15 PMWed, May 11
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Accessible Chat Windows Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Russ Weakley
More Information about Accessible Chat Windows
This presentation will look at how to design and build accessible chat windows. Session Detail for Accessible Chat Windows
Track: Policy/Strategy
Q&A: Change Management in Accessibility Trustee Room 211
sponsored by Evincedtaught by: Michael Harshbarger & co-presented by: Heidi Kelly-Gibson
More Information about Q&A: Change Management in Accessibility
When introducing Accessibility in organizations it requires change. This session will cover 4 different change management theories and how to use them to help your accessibility initiative succeed. Session Detail for Q&A: Change Management in Accessibility
Track: Content/Documents
Q&A: Embracing Plain Language for Better Accessibility Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Ashley Bischoff
More Information about Q&A: Embracing Plain Language for Better Accessibility
No matter how technically correct a document may be, our words won’t do much good if those who are reading them can’t understand what we’re trying to say. But writing isn’t a black box—there are straightforward techniques that we can use to help ensure that our message gets across. Session Detail for Q&A: Embracing Plain Language for Better Accessibility
Track: Design/UX
Q&A: Next Gen Impact: Web A11y for Education Initiatives Trustee Room 117
sponsored by Pope Techtaught by: Rachel Lang & co-presented by: Deven Cao, Jeremy Englert
More Information about Q&A: Next Gen Impact: Web A11y for Education Initiatives
For education and mission-driven organizations, the desire to achieve web accessibility is more than a moral imperative. Failure to have an accessible website directly impacts the success of their strategic goals. In this session, you’ll learn techniques to empower organizations just getting started on their accessibility journey to help them make informed decisions for the short-term and long-term success of their website. Session Detail for Q&A: Next Gen Impact: Web A11y for Education Initiatives
Track: Policy/Strategy
Q&A: AccessU 2022 Digital Accessibility Legal Update Trustee Room 203
taught by: Lainey Feingold
More Information about Q&A: AccessU 2022 Digital Accessibility Legal Update
Digital Accessibility is a civil right of disabled people. Join author and disability rights lawyer Lainey Feingold as she shares (without legalese!) what is happening right now in the digital accessibility legal space. Session Detail for Q&A: AccessU 2022 Digital Accessibility Legal Update
Track: Design/UX
Q&A: The WAI to Web Accessibility: A Tour of New Resources from the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative Trustee Room 116
taught by: Shawn Lawton Henry
More Information about Q&A: The WAI to Web Accessibility: A Tour of New Resources from the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
Find out about new and surprising free resources from the organization that develops Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Session Detail for Q&A: The WAI to Web Accessibility: A Tour of New Resources from the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
3:30 PM
to 5:15 PMWed, May 11
Track: Development/Coding/Testing, Design/UX, Content/Documents
Assistive Technology Demos Trustee Room 215
More Information about Assistive Technology Demos
Assistive Technology Demos Session Detail for Assistive Technology Demos
Track: Development/Coding/Testing, Design/UX, Content/Documents
Assistive Technology Demos Trustee Room 216
More Information about Assistive Technology Demos
Assistive Technology Demos!! Session Detail for Assistive Technology Demos
4:30 PM
to 5:15 PMWed, May 11
Track: Gaming/XR/AI
Q&A: Echolocation as a Means for People with Visual Impairment to Explore Virtual Worlds Trustee Room 211
sponsored by Evincedtaught by: Ronny Andrade Parra
More Information about Q&A: Echolocation as a Means for People with Visual Impairment to Explore Virtual Worlds
Some blind people are known to use echolocation—sound and echo vibrations—to explore the physical environment around them. In this talk, Ronny explores how echolocation can be translated into virtual worlds. Session Detail for Q&A: Echolocation as a Means for People with Visual Impairment to Explore Virtual Worlds
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: How to Test for Accessibility Trustee Room 112
taught by: Sue Ann Rodriquez & co-presented by: Jennifer Hurst
More Information about Q&A: How to Test for Accessibility
This is a framework and technique coaching session for individuals so that they can understand how to test for accessibility in their work. Individuals will learn some techniques for conducting accessibility testing on various items, such as images, content, videos, etc. They will also learn what successful testing results to look for when conducting testing. Session Detail for Q&A: How to Test for Accessibility
Track: Policy/Strategy
Q&A: Inclusive Design at Scale: Building a Framework for Organizational Success Trustee Room 203
taught by: Sam Kanta
More Information about Q&A: Inclusive Design at Scale: Building a Framework for Organizational Success
Many factors come into play when implementing a digital accessibility program for the first time - it's hard to know where to start. This course helps you create the strategy needed to drive inclusive practices ahead in your organization. Session Detail for Q&A: Inclusive Design at Scale: Building a Framework for Organizational Success
Track: Design/UX
Q&A: Making Videos and Remote Sessions Accessible Trustee Room 116
taught by: Shawn Lawton Henry
More Information about Q&A: Making Videos and Remote Sessions Accessible
Learn how to make your audio and video media accessible. Help others make their remote and hybrid meetings, presentations, and training more accessible. Session Detail for Q&A: Making Videos and Remote Sessions Accessible
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: The Internet is Unusable: The Disabled View Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Nicolas Steenhout
More Information about Q&A: The Internet is Unusable: The Disabled View
Exploring lesser known areas of web accessibility through testimonials from disabled web users. Session Detail for Q&A: The Internet is Unusable: The Disabled View
Thursday, May 12, 2022
7:30 AM
to 8:00 AMThu, May 12
Track: Misc/Fun/Social
Event: Morning Energizer Day 3 Ragsdale Maybee Ballroom
More Information about Event: Morning Energizer Day 3
Erica & Rocky will lead a group movement activity to get us energized for the day ahead! Session Detail for Event: Morning Energizer Day 3
8:00 AM
to 8:20 AMThu, May 12
Track: Misc/Fun/Social
Welcome: Day 3 Ragsdale Jones Auditorium
More Information about Welcome: Day 3
Knowbility staff greet you in your final day of AccessU! Session Detail for Welcome: Day 3
8:30 AM
to 9:30 AMThu, May 12
Track: Policy/Strategy
Keynote: The Future of Work Must Prioritize Disability Inclusion Ragsdale Maybee Ballroom
taught by: Catarina Rivera
More Information about Keynote: The Future of Work Must Prioritize Disability Inclusion
With the future of work rapidly taking shape, savvy leaders need to recognize that disability inclusion is imperative. While more than 15% of the world is disabled, disability awareness and inclusion are often not seen as priorities. In her keynote, Catarina addresses 3 myths blocking leaders from focusing on disability, explores the emotions surrounding disability, and articulates a vision for the future of work that centers on disability inclusion. Catarina will also share tips for how you … Session Detail For Keynote: The Future of Work Must Prioritize Disability Inclusion
9:45 AM
to 10:30 AMThu, May 12
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: Accessibility Roadmap for SAAS Products Trustee Room 203
taught by: Shilpi Kapoor
More Information about Q&A: Accessibility Roadmap for SAAS Products
How can SAAS companies embed Accessibility in their processes to create inclusive technology? Session Detail for Q&A: Accessibility Roadmap for SAAS Products
Track: Design/UX
Q&A: How Can We Measure Successful Inclusion? Trustee Room 116
taught by: Gareth Ford Williams
More Information about Q&A: How Can We Measure Successful Inclusion?
I will be talking about the different ways in which accessibility and inclusive design can be measured from a human rather than a compliance perspective. Session Detail for Q&A: How Can We Measure Successful Inclusion?
Track: Content/Documents
Q&A: Introduction to Accessible PDF Trustee Room 211
sponsored by Evincedtaught by: Krishna Vemuganti & co-presented by: Cornelius Chopin
More Information about Q&A: Introduction to Accessible PDF
The goal for this training is to give participants the basic skills necessary to create an accessible PDF. It is a hands-on, lab style course so come prepared to do some work. There will be little to no lecture, just demos and practice. Session Detail for Q&A: Introduction to Accessible PDF
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: Making Accessibility Happen: From Accessibility Maturity to Meeting the ISO 30071-1 International Standard Trustee Room 117
sponsored by Pope Techtaught by: Jonathan Hassell & co-presented by: Peter Bricknell
More Information about Q&A: Making Accessibility Happen: From Accessibility Maturity to Meeting the ISO 30071-1 International Standard
Accessibility Maturity Models aren’t new. What is new, and we will present, is the award-winning Digital Accessibility Maturity Scorecard which uses the maturity model in the ISO 30071-1 Standard which has been created for application internationally, and provides a quick and free way of scoring your organization's maturity, and suggestions for the next best improvements to make in your organization's maturity journey. Session Detail for Q&A: Making Accessibility Happen: From Accessibility Maturity to Meeting the ISO 30071-1 International Standard
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: Meeting Conflicting Accessibility Needs Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Julie Grundy & co-presented by: Andrew Arch
More Information about Q&A: Meeting Conflicting Accessibility Needs
While WCAG is the basis for providing accessibility in digital products for people with disability, we find that the ways of meeting WCAG can create inaccessibility for some users. This session will discuss some of these situations we have found in the real world and potential ways for addressing them. Session Detail for Q&A: Meeting Conflicting Accessibility Needs
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: Out of the Browser Accessibility Trustee Room 112
taught by: Helen Burge
More Information about Q&A: Out of the Browser Accessibility
The common pitfalls for auditors used to web accessibility testing. We will walk through the hurdles and techniques used to correctly audit an application, whether it is a browser or standalone application. Session Detail for Q&A: Out of the Browser Accessibility
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: Web Accessibility is Broken. It's Time to Fix It. Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Eric Eggert
More Information about Q&A: Web Accessibility is Broken. It's Time to Fix It.
The web is still an accessibility wasteland. It must not be one. However, systematic issues plague progress that would enable millions of disabled people to properly participate as netizens . Session Detail for Q&A: Web Accessibility is Broken. It's Time to Fix It.
9:45 AM
to 11:30 AMThu, May 12
Track: Policy/Strategy
Roundtable: So, you Need to Teach Accessibility? Stories, Strategies and Resources to Assist in Teaching Accessibility Trustee Room 214
taught by: Rachael Bradley Montgomery & co-presented by: Brian Montgomery
More Information about Roundtable: So, you Need to Teach Accessibility? Stories, Strategies and Resources to Assist in Teaching Accessibility
Watch this presentation in the Knowbility Learning Center As accessibility professionals, we are often asked to teach accessibility in different situations and to a wide variety of students. These discussions may be a quick 5-minute introduction to the topic or an in-depth discussion of coding practices to experienced developers. The first part of this 90-minute session will present a framework to use when you are asked to teach accessibility including examples of different approaches and a … Session Detail For Roundtable: So, you Need to Teach Accessibility? Stories, Strategies and Resources to Assist in Teaching Accessibility
10:45 AM
to 11:30 AMThu, May 12
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: A Tangled Web of ARIA Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Mark Steadman
More Information about Q&A: A Tangled Web of ARIA
Web development has seen an alarming trend of using ARIA-first development instead of using the power of Semantic HTML, which has led to components that are a complete tangled web of ARIA that is hard to unwind. In this session, will walk through a scenario of a development team creating a component from scratch, the different iterations of that component, and how using ARIA only can create the tangled web of difficult-to-read HTML code that is also inaccessible. Session Detail for Q&A: A Tangled Web of ARIA
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: Order in the Course: Five Principles of Meaningful Interaction Sequencing Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Robert O’Connell
More Information about Q&A: Order in the Course: Five Principles of Meaningful Interaction Sequencing
Five principles inhere in meaningful interaction sequencing. These principles are often overlooked by UI designers, but ignoring them impacts people who rely on focus navigation (keyboard, touch swiping, voice command, screen reader navigation). The five essentials of interaction sequencing are: * Name must lead in name-value pairing * Parent must lead in parent-child sequencing * Action must precede in action-consequence sequencing * Containers must precede contents ambidirectionally * … Session Detail for Q&A: Order in the Course: Five Principles of Meaningful Interaction Sequencing
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: Screen Reader Testing - Errors, Warnings, and False Positives Trustee Room 112
taught by: Priti Rohra
More Information about Q&A: Screen Reader Testing - Errors, Warnings, and False Positives
In web accessibility, screen readers are largely used for testing websites and web applications. Tests are performed and results are derived. The key is to interpret the test results accurately. Session Detail for Q&A: Screen Reader Testing - Errors, Warnings, and False Positives
Track: Policy/Strategy
Q&A: The Human Sense and the Legal Risk - What Your Company Needs to Know About Digital Accessibility and Why It Shouldn't Be Thought of as "Optional" Trustee Room 203
taught by: Michele Landis
More Information about Q&A: The Human Sense and the Legal Risk - What Your Company Needs to Know About Digital Accessibility and Why It Shouldn't Be Thought of as "Optional"
Creating accessible digital products should be a given. USING and providing accessible technology within your organization should also be the standard. This is simple “Human Sense” claims A360 Co-Founder, Michele Landis. In many situations, it is also the law. Join this session for a frank conversation on why this is so important, especially now. DEI, Equitable Access, Civil Rights - it all comes together in this business topic. Walk away with a deeper understanding and a plan to accomplish … Session Detail for Q&A: The Human Sense and the Legal Risk - What Your Company Needs to Know About Digital Accessibility and Why It Shouldn't Be Thought of as "Optional"
Track: Policy/Strategy
Q&A: The Power of Templates Trustee Room 117
sponsored by Pope Techtaught by: Crystal Gonzales & co-presented by: Nancy Abee
More Information about Q&A: The Power of Templates
This class introduces the power of Word templates through a case study of how they are currently deployed at Texas Health and Human Services. The templates integrate accessibility and branding, providing efficiency for authors and improving the accessibility of documents across the agency. Session Detail for Q&A: The Power of Templates
12:15 PM
to 1:15 PMThu, May 12
Track: Design/UX
Keynote: The Art of Perseverance Ragsdale Jones Auditorium
taught by: Kemi Yemi-Ese
More Information about Keynote: The Art of Perseverance
It is a known fact that we as humans face challenges. People with disabilities face even more apparent challenges in all areas of life. From physical to societal barriers, this population has had to rely on creativity and tenacity to gain equity. It is both how we face those challenges and create opportunities for others that define our character. During this session, Kemi Yemi-Ese CRC, LPC, will share tools integral to the art of perseverance through the lens of her lived experiences as a … Session Detail For Keynote: The Art of Perseverance
1:30 PM
to 2:15 PMThu, May 12
Track: Design/UX
Q&A: Accessible Graphic Design Trustee Room 116
taught by: Heather Neff & co-presented by: Paul Neff
More Information about Q&A: Accessible Graphic Design
Learn how to make your printed and digital marketing assets more accessible. We will discuss how to design accessible and responsive SVGs (scalable vector graphics), and to ensure your branding and marketing materials are as inclusive as possible. Session Detail for Q&A: Accessible Graphic Design
Track: Design/UX
Q&A: Cognitive Overlords Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Alex Tait
More Information about Q&A: Cognitive Overlords
An analysis of intrusive interface patterns and how we might think differently about how to approach the goals of our products and services. Session Detail for Q&A: Cognitive Overlords
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: Disabling Buttons Inclusively Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Zoë Haughton
More Information about Q&A: Disabling Buttons Inclusively
Disabled buttons are common in the wild. There are various ways interactive controls can be disabled and for different reasons, but are we disabling them in a way that is accessible as well as inclusive? Session Detail for Q&A: Disabling Buttons Inclusively
Track: Policy/Strategy
Q&A: Feeling Alone in The Accessibility Corner? Powerful Communications that Build Systematic Accessibility Trustee Room 117
sponsored by Pope Techtaught by: Jennie Delisi
More Information about Q&A: Feeling Alone in The Accessibility Corner? Powerful Communications that Build Systematic Accessibility
People create the work culture. Each group has unique needs. Take your communications to the next level. This session covers goals and strategies, tools, and measuring your impact. Session Detail for Q&A: Feeling Alone in The Accessibility Corner? Powerful Communications that Build Systematic Accessibility
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: Speaking up and Speaking out - Calibrated Communication for Accessibility Professionals Trustee Room 112
taught by: Cam Beaudoin
More Information about Q&A: Speaking up and Speaking out - Calibrated Communication for Accessibility Professionals
One of the hardest things to learn is how to speak up about accessibility to leadership, managers and your peers. I want to teach developers, testers and designers how to engage with others and champion accessibility within their organization. Session Detail for Q&A: Speaking up and Speaking out - Calibrated Communication for Accessibility Professionals
1:30 PM
to 3:15 PMThu, May 12
Track: Policy/Strategy
Roundtable: Accessibility NextGen: The Future of Accessibility Trustee Room 214
taught by: Albert Kim
More Information about Roundtable: Accessibility NextGen: The Future of Accessibility
One of the biggest gaps and challenges we face in digital accessibility is growing the future generation of accessibility professionals. Albert Kim, the founder of Accessibility NextGen, invites the current and next generation of accessibility leaders to talk about the future of our mission and how to bridge the generation gap to sustainably lead our pursuit of accessibility. Session Detail for Roundtable: Accessibility NextGen: The Future of Accessibility
Track: Design/UX
Roundtable: What You Always Wanted to Know About the Accessibility Internet Rally (AIR) Trustee Room 211
sponsored by Evincedtaught by: Sumner Davenport & co-presented by: Paul Chiou
More Information about Roundtable: What You Always Wanted to Know About the Accessibility Internet Rally (AIR)
The internal workings of the Accessibility Internet Rally (AIR ) from the perspective of participants. Session Detail for Roundtable: What You Always Wanted to Know About the Accessibility Internet Rally (AIR)
2:30 PM
to 3:15 PMThu, May 12
Track: Content/Documents
Q&A: Accessible PowerPoint Presentations Trustee Room 116
taught by: Mike Zapata
More Information about Q&A: Accessible PowerPoint Presentations
This class teaches students the basics of preparing, designing, and delivering presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. Session Detail for Q&A: Accessible PowerPoint Presentations
Track: Gaming/XR/AI
Q&A: AI in The Accessibility Stack: Where Are We And Where Are We Going? Trustee Room 203
taught by: Matthew Hallonbacka
More Information about Q&A: AI in The Accessibility Stack: Where Are We And Where Are We Going?
AI is having a big impact in some sectors, but some high-profile attempts to use AI to improve accessibility have been problematic. This session will explore some good and bad attempts to bring artificial intelligence into the accessibility stack, and where we might see it in the future. Session Detail for Q&A: AI in The Accessibility Stack: Where Are We And Where Are We Going?
Track: Design/UX
Q&A: Ask an AT User Trustee Room 113
sponsored by Oklahoma AbleTechtaught by: Dan Kinnunen & co-presented by: Mari Hunziker
More Information about Q&A: Ask an AT User
Do you wonder if real people who use assistive technologies are really able to use your accessible documents and web pages? A panel of assistive technology users is available to answer your questions. Session Detail for Q&A: Ask an AT User
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: Mobile Accessibility Trustee Room 112
taught by: Jennifer Hurst & co-presented by: Dane Dunham
More Information about Q&A: Mobile Accessibility
This session contains information about mobile accessibility for websites. It includes considerations for accessible mobile content design as well as interactive elements, such as forms and links, based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) that apply to mobile content and the BBC Mobile Accessibility Guidelines. Session Detail for Q&A: Mobile Accessibility
Track: Policy/Strategy
Q&A: Save Time, Be More Efficient: Reliable Strategies for Digital Accessibility Professionals Trustee Room 117
sponsored by Pope Techtaught by: Jennie Delisi
More Information about Q&A: Save Time, Be More Efficient: Reliable Strategies for Digital Accessibility Professionals
The pandemic highlighted the need for digital accessibility. Many experienced a sudden rise in communications, daily tasks, and demands on our time. Learn strategies to help improve how you organize your communications, track your tasks, and achieve your work goals. Session Detail for Q&A: Save Time, Be More Efficient: Reliable Strategies for Digital Accessibility Professionals
Track: Development/Coding/Testing
Q&A: What’s in a Name? Why and How to Add Accessible Names to User Interface Elements Trustee Room 104
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Alicia Evans
More Information about Q&A: What’s in a Name? Why and How to Add Accessible Names to User Interface Elements
In this lesson, you'll learn why it's crucial to ensure user interface elements have accessible names, how to use developer tools to find the accessible name of an element, various techniques for implementing accessible names, and how those names should be crafted. Session Detail for Q&A: What’s in a Name? Why and How to Add Accessible Names to User Interface Elements