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Q&A: Mobile Accessibility

taught by: Jennifer Hurst
co-presented by: Dane Dunham

Session Summary

This session contains information about mobile accessibility for websites. It includes considerations for accessible mobile content design as well as interactive elements, such as forms and links, based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) that apply to mobile content and the BBC Mobile Accessibility Guidelines.


Watch this presentation in the Knowbility Learning Center

This session will provide an overview of the four primary disability groups (sight, mobility, hearing, and cognitive) including some challenges they may encounter when on websites. The session will also include specific considerations that should be followed based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) that apply to mobile content and BBC Mobile Accessibility Guidelines. The session will conclude with a demo showing examples of accessibility issues based on the items discussed during the session.

Practical Skills

  • Become familiar regarding people living with disabilities and challenges they face when on websites.
  • Obtain a framework for potential accessibility issues to be aware of regarding content, layout, and interactive elements.
  • Become familiar with potential accessibility issues through the examples shown in the session.