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Live: More Inclusive UX Testing: Inclusion of Persons with Cognitive Disabilities

taught by: Rob LeSueur

Session Summary

People with cognitive disabilities are underrepresented when it comes to participation in the UX testing process. In this session, we aim to change the mindset to be inclusive to this important population to improve Universal Design in its entirety.


UX testing by people with disabilities is becoming increasingly more common. However, people with cognitive disabilities are often ignored as potential users and testers. Greater inclusion of all end users in the design process results in a better product.

Come learn how to engage people with cognitive disabilities in usability testing. The concepts of Universal Design will be discussed in conjunction with improved outcomes. We will share from learned experience on how to engage with this population throughout the testing process.

The power of inclusion is limited by its utilization. In the last part of the session, learn how to engage with organizations to encourage the adoption of utilizing people with cognitive disabilities within their design process.

(ICT 2022 Presenter)

Practical Skills

  • Creating accessibility for everyone (to include persons with cognitive disabilities) addresses the greater goal of Universal Design
  • The importance of engaging people with cognitive disabilities in Universal Design
  • How to engage with organizations to promote inclusion of people with cognitive disabilities in testing and design