Full Schedule

The AccessU 2023 schedule includes one day of pre-conference workshops followed by three days of live training and Q&A sessions. All times are US Central times.
Types of Sessions
AccessU 2023 is a hybrid event. All General Conference sessions and most Pre-Conference Deep Dive Workshops will be available on-site and to virtual attendees. Most instructors will be in-person in Austin, TX, and we will indicate which instructors will present virtually.
- Deep Dives are full-day workshops. Only attendees who purchase Premiere or Pre-Conference tickets will have access to these workshops.
- General Sessions are 90 min-180 min sessions.
- Some sessions will include pre-recorded materials played at the beginning of the session, followed by the instructor leading participants in a practice activity and/or Q&A session.
- Demonstrations: Presenters will demonstrate a product, service or technology.
- Roundtable: A moderator will introduce a topic/idea and facilitate discussion with panelists and the audience.
Past Sessions:
Tuesday, May 9, 2023: AccessU 2023
8:30 AM
to 4:30 PMTue, May 9
Track: Development
Deep Dive: Accessible Components from Design to Development Trustee 116
taught by: Carie Fisher
More Information about Deep Dive: Accessible Components from Design to Development
In this workshop, Carie will walk through the process of creating accessible front-end components from design to development. Throughout the workshop sessions, we will rely on accessibility best practices/guidelines and utilize testing tools and techniques at each step of the product development lifecycle. Session Detail for Deep Dive: Accessible Components from Design to Development
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Deep Dive: Developing an Accessibility Program for Your Organization Trustee 117
taught by: Julie Romanowski
More Information about Deep Dive: Developing an Accessibility Program for Your Organization
Find Developing an Accessibility Program for Your Organization on the Knowbility Learning Center This workshop will provide a big-picture overview of implementing an accessibility program across an organization. Starting with the institutional evaluation and providing tools and methodology for each stage, our team will demonstrate what you need to put in place to implement a successful accessibility policy. Knowbility's Accessibility Services Team will guide you through the following process to … Session Detail For Deep Dive: Developing an Accessibility Program for Your Organization
Track: Development
Deep Dive: Developing iOS/Android Apps for Accessibility Trustee 303
taught by: Jon Gibbins
More Information about Deep Dive: Developing iOS/Android Apps for Accessibility
Jon takes you through the ins and outs of accessibility on iOS/Android Session Detail for Deep Dive: Developing iOS/Android Apps for Accessibility
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Deep Dive: (Dis)ability Deconstructed: A Practical Guide to Ability Inclusion Trustee 215
taught by: Amber Benton
More Information about Deep Dive: (Dis)ability Deconstructed: A Practical Guide to Ability Inclusion
An interactive session to help attendees better understand the diversity of ability and how to make accessibility beneficial for everyone. Session Detail for Deep Dive: (Dis)ability Deconstructed: A Practical Guide to Ability Inclusion
Track: Documents & Templates
Deep Dive: Key Techniques for Creating More Accessible Infographics Trustee 203
taught by: Dax Castro & co-presented by: Chad Chelius
More Information about Deep Dive: Key Techniques for Creating More Accessible Infographics
Learn four specific methods for creating accessible infographics that increase the meaningful experience for the end user. This session focuses on how to maximize the accessibility of graphic elements created in MS PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Acrobat. Session Detail for Deep Dive: Key Techniques for Creating More Accessible Infographics
Track: Design & User Experience
Deep Dive: Usability Testing with People With Disabilities Trustee 112
taught by: Elisa Miller
More Information about Deep Dive: Usability Testing with People With Disabilities
Learn how usability testing provides important feedback for the development of your products. Session Detail for Deep Dive: Usability Testing with People With Disabilities
Track: Testing
Deep Dive: Testing Accessibility Trustee 211
taught by: Karl Groves
More Information about Deep Dive: Testing Accessibility
This workshop provides hands-on training in testing for accessibility. We will cover various testing methodologies including automated, manual, and use case testing and provide helpful job aids for each. Session Detail for Deep Dive: Testing Accessibility
6:30 PM
to 7:30 PMTue, May 9
Track: Keynote
Keynote: The Future History of Accessibility Austin Marriot South
taught by: Peter Slatin
More Information about Keynote: The Future History of Accessibility
How did exclusionary reality become the status quo, default front door to just about everything everywhere? To understand that we need to consider that the true obstacle to access and participation is neither digital nor physical. We have to dig deeper to face how to pull that framework inside out so that accessibility becomes the foundation of the way we all live. No invitation needed. Session Detail For Keynote: The Future History of Accessibility
Wednesday, May 10, 2023: AccessU 2023
8:00 AM
to 9:00 AMWed, May 10
Track: Keynote
Keynote: Intentional Inclusion Jones Auditorium (Ragsdale Hall)
taught by: Giselle Mota
More Information about Keynote: Intentional Inclusion
Web3, metaverse, and extended realities present exciting and unique opportunities for disabled users. Representation, access, and inclusion in these emerging technology spaces are crucial. Join Giselle Mota as she explores how we can and should inspire technology for good, elevate voices of those with lived experience, and create pathways to inclusion. Session Detail for Keynote: Intentional Inclusion
9:15 AM
to 10:45 AMWed, May 10
Track: Design & User Experience
A11y Form-tastic: Designing Forms for Everyone to Use Trustee 116
taught by: Fahad Lambate
More Information about A11y Form-tastic: Designing Forms for Everyone to Use
Accessibility within forms is essential not only for people with disabilities, it is to ensure that all users can effectively interact with and complete the forms. Session Detail for A11y Form-tastic: Designing Forms for Everyone to Use
Track: Testing
Automated open-source keyboard checking and related tools by IBM Trustee 113
taught by: Thomas Brunet & co-presented by: Josiah Hoskins
More Information about Automated open-source keyboard checking and related tools by IBM
This session will give attendees an in-depth understanding of IBM’s approach to automating manual keyboard testing on various webpages. We will also demonstrate other features of the extension and related tools to integrate these checks into CI/CD environments. Session Detail for Automated open-source keyboard checking and related tools by IBM
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Building an Enterprise-Wide Accessibility Program Trustee 203
taught by: Jeff Kline
More Information about Building an Enterprise-Wide Accessibility Program
Guidance and Best Practices for Building a top down Digital Accessibility Program Session Detail for Building an Enterprise-Wide Accessibility Program
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Design Your Own Accessibility Program Trustee 215
taught by: JJ Rogers & co-presented by: Kristian Manrique, Brian Robinson
More Information about Design Your Own Accessibility Program
How do you go about building and sustaining an accessibility program to ensure the products you build are accessible? In this interactive session, we will share our journey and key cornerstones to developing and sustaining an accessibility program. Session Detail for Design Your Own Accessibility Program
Track: Development
Ems, Rems, and Flexible Interfaces Trustee 112
taught by: Christina Adams
More Information about Ems, Rems, and Flexible Interfaces
Flexible interfaces have been central to development practices since responsive websites became a business priority. In typography and visual design systems flexibility is also an accessibility requirement. We will explore flexibility with CSS through ems, rems, and relative sizing techniques and how these impact user experience. Session Detail for Ems, Rems, and Flexible Interfaces
Track: Policy & Advocacy
Critical Accessibility Theory Trustee 214
taught by: Crystal Preston-Watson
More Information about Critical Accessibility Theory
It is impossible to attain accessible technology until we acknowledge ableism in technology's creation, design, and innovation. In this session, participants will learn about Critical Accessibility Theory, its four central tenets, and how to use that knowledge to help companies, organizations, and practitioners progress toward truly accessible technology for people with disabilities. Session Detail for Critical Accessibility Theory
Track: Documents & Templates
Simplifying Digital Accessibility Trustee 303
taught by: Lyssa Prince
More Information about Simplifying Digital Accessibility
Digital accessibility can be daunting and overwhelming. With talk of WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), compliance, and even threats of being sued, it’s enough to make a person want to walk away or throw up their hands in defeat. In this session, we’ll take the digital accessibility stress level down a few notches by starting more simply. Session Detail for Simplifying Digital Accessibility
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
Look Ma, No Hands! Life with Eye Gaze and Speech Recognition Technology Trustee 211
taught by: Marc Thorson
More Information about Look Ma, No Hands! Life with Eye Gaze and Speech Recognition Technology
So you've probably heard a lot about screen reader and keyboard accessibility, but what about those who can't even use a keyboard or touch devices? Witness two evolving assistive technologies that are becoming more and more mainstream — eye gaze and speech recognition — and learn from an accessibility aficionado who relies on them daily. Session Detail for Look Ma, No Hands! Life with Eye Gaze and Speech Recognition Technology
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Most Accessibility Learning is Broken: Let's Fix It Together Trustee 117
taught by: Corbb O'Connor
More Information about Most Accessibility Learning is Broken: Let's Fix It Together
Whether built internally or purchased externally, most accessibility training isn't resulting in behavior change. Adult learning theory tells us that adults learn best when we're engaged, surprised, guided, and measured. Session Detail for Most Accessibility Learning is Broken: Let's Fix It Together
11:00 AM
to 12:30 PMWed, May 10
Track: Design & User Experience
Ask an AT User Mabee Ballroom (Ragsdale Hall)
taught by: Cristina Miranda & co-presented by: Joanna Blackwell
More Information about Ask an AT User
Here's your chance to ask a diverse panel of Assistive Technology users about their experiences using AT software and hardware. Session Detail for Ask an AT User
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
Disability Bias & New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence Trustee 211
taught by: Christopher Land
More Information about Disability Bias & New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
Bias in artificial intelligence (AI) systems can cause discrimination against marginalized groups, including people with disabilities. Learn how AI systems and machine learning work and how we can create AI systems that provide fair and equal treatment to everyone. Session Detail for Disability Bias & New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Including Accessibility with DE&I Initiatives Trustee 203
taught by: Erin Evans & co-presented by: Eric Stano
More Information about Including Accessibility with DE&I Initiatives
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) initiatives have been growing across learning institutions in the last 2 years - both in staff hiring and in the nature of the curriculum being taught. However, issues relative to accessibility are sometimes overlooked by those in DEI. Given that there are principled and like-minded people driving both DEI and accessibility, we believe there are opportunities for cooperation that are going unexplored. This presentation will introduce and discuss those. Session Detail for Including Accessibility with DE&I Initiatives
Track: Policy & Advocacy
The 2023 AccessU Legal Update Trustee 117
taught by: Eve Hill
More Information about The 2023 AccessU Legal Update
Digital accessibility is a civil right for people with disabilities. Join disability rights attorney Eve Hill as she shares recent developments, trends, and upcoming activities in the digital accessibility legal space. Session Detail for The 2023 AccessU Legal Update
Track: Policy & Advocacy
Neurodiversity 101 Trustee 214
taught by: Lē Silveus McNamara & co-presented by: Erica Braverman, Jen Goubeaud
More Information about Neurodiversity 101
As you work toward inclusion, you probably have many questions about cognitive accessibility and neurodiversity like: What the flip is neurodiversity?! Is it different than cognitive disability? How does all this jive with the WCAG? Is there more I can do? Join us for answers. Session Detail for Neurodiversity 101
Track: Documents & Templates
Overcome Your WCAG 2.1 PDF And InDesign Fears! Trustee 303
taught by: Jennie Delisi & co-presented by: Tamara Sawyer
More Information about Overcome Your WCAG 2.1 PDF And InDesign Fears!
If you’re frantically looking for guidance on how to design and remediate PDFs for WCAG 2.1, Minnesota can help! Session Detail for Overcome Your WCAG 2.1 PDF And InDesign Fears!
Track: Development
Power Up Your React App with A11y Trustee 215
taught by: Mika Gurrola
More Information about Power Up Your React App with A11y
Devs are the definition of a power user, for example: we’ve memorized all the hotkeys for our common actions and use tools that make our jobs easier and efficient. What if we extended that experience to the users of our apps? Session Detail for Power Up Your React App with A11y
Track: Testing
Practical Guide to Automated Accessibility Testing Trustee 113
taught by: Mark Steadman
More Information about Practical Guide to Automated Accessibility Testing
There are a number of different automated accessibility tools, and an even larger number of ways to use them for building web applications, which can cause confusion and stand in the way of adoption and progress. In this session, we will cover the different types of automation that exist and how your development team can effectively use them to keep development velocity high and a11y issues low! Session Detail for Practical Guide to Automated Accessibility Testing
Track: Development
Style vs. Substance: Why Not Both? Trustee 112
taught by: Christiaan Clark
More Information about Style vs. Substance: Why Not Both?
Join a developer and a designer for a discussion of how to pair style and substance by exploring UI components with unique styles and treatments. Session Detail for Style vs. Substance: Why Not Both?
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
AI Tools Shaping an Inclusive Future Trustee 116
taught by: Claire Benedikt
More Information about AI Tools Shaping an Inclusive Future
Generative AI has the potential to create a more inclusive future in digital design. Let's look at where we are today and where AI can take us tomorrow. Session Detail for AI Tools Shaping an Inclusive Future
1:00 PM
to 2:00 PMWed, May 10
Track: Development
WAI and You: Working Together to Advance Digital Accessibility Mabee Ballroom (Ragsdale Hall)
taught by: Shawn Lawton Henry
More Information about WAI and You: Working Together to Advance Digital Accessibility
Find WAI and You: Working Together to Advance Digital Accessibility on the Knowbility Learning Center Find out about new and surprising free resources from the organization that develops Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). WAI resources help you create an environment where accessibility flourishes — whether you need to better understand how people use the web, train developers new to accessibility, help content creators understand … Session Detail For WAI and You: Working Together to Advance Digital Accessibility
2:15 PM
to 3:45 PMWed, May 10
Track: Development
Accessibility for Beginner Web Developers Trustee 112
taught by: Meenakshi Das & co-presented by: Jennifer Holyer
More Information about Accessibility for Beginner Web Developers
If you’ve just begun your career as a web developer or are simply taking a web development class in school, chances are you have questions on how you can do your part to make your app accessible to people with disabilities. This session will go over the basics of accessible web development with real examples, and provide a clear understanding of steps to ensure accessibility for the one billion disabled people on this planet. Session Detail for Accessibility for Beginner Web Developers
Track: Testing
Conducting accessibility testing on complex widgets Trustee 117
taught by: Russ Weakley
More Information about Conducting accessibility testing on complex widgets
Are you designing or building complex UI widgets? Would you like a framework that allows you to rigorously test widgets to ensure they are compliant and accessible? Session Detail for Conducting accessibility testing on complex widgets
Track: Design & User Experience
Designing Online Learning that is Inclusive of Students Who are Neurodiverse Trustee 214
taught by: Sheryl Burgstahler
More Information about Designing Online Learning that is Inclusive of Students Who are Neurodiverse
Sometimes online course designers or instructors inadvertently erect barriers to students with disabilities, including those who are neurodivergent and who have conditions that impact their ability to hear, see, process information, and engage. In this session the presenter and participants will share tips on creating a course that is fully accessible, usable, and inclusive and share resources for further study. Session Detail for Designing Online Learning that is Inclusive of Students Who are Neurodiverse
Track: Design & User Experience
Accessibility Annotations for Design to Dev Handoff Trustee 116
taught by: Paul Adam
More Information about Accessibility Annotations for Design to Dev Handoff
Part of shifting accessibility left is ensuring that designs are accessible before developers start coding. Learn how to annotate your designs with accessibility properties and requirements so that developers have the proper guidance to create accessible sites and apps. Session Detail for Accessibility Annotations for Design to Dev Handoff
Track: Documents & Templates
Creating Accessible PDFs from Microsoft Word Trustee 303
taught by: Chad Chelius
More Information about Creating Accessible PDFs from Microsoft Word
Creating a PDF file from our Word documents is a common task that we all perform daily. But to ensure that all users will be able to consume the content in the PDF file, we must take steps to properly create those PDF files. Word gives us the ability, we just need to take advantage of it. Session Detail for Creating Accessible PDFs from Microsoft Word
Track: Documents & Templates
How to Create Accessible Social Media and Web Content Trustee 203
taught by: Meryl Evans
More Information about How to Create Accessible Social Media and Web Content
Learn how to make sure the content — text, images, links, video, and audio — you share on your website and social media is accessible. Session Detail for How to Create Accessible Social Media and Web Content
Track: Testing
Update to the Mobile Accessibility Testing Guidelines Trustee 211
taught by: Gian Wild
More Information about Update to the Mobile Accessibility Testing Guidelines
The ICT Mobile Testing Guidelines for Mobile Sites and Native Apps were developed in 2018 and 2019 by members of a committee of volunteers from the accessibility community. Gian explains the guidelines and covers what is missing and what needs updating. Session Detail for Update to the Mobile Accessibility Testing Guidelines
Track: Policy & Advocacy
WCAG in Plain English Trustee 215
taught by: Dax Castro
More Information about WCAG in Plain English
This session evaluates core Success Criteria of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for document accessibility. We will walk through each Success Criteria and talk about how it relates to your PDF document. You will learn which criteria apply and which ones are not relevant. You will learn techniques on how to meet these criteria and why they are important. In addition to understanding the criteria we will review several WCAG myths for things like font size, merged cells and color … Session Detail For WCAG in Plain English
2:15 PM
to 5:30 PMWed, May 10
Track: Testing
Accessibility Testing and Reporting Trustee 113
taught by: Michael Moore & co-presented by: Anita Pradeep
More Information about Accessibility Testing and Reporting
The HHS Accessibility Testing Framework is a comprehensive, detailed testing and reporting process that is simple to follow and yields actionable, prioritized results. Session Detail for Accessibility Testing and Reporting
4:00 PM
to 5:30 PMWed, May 10
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
Accessible Data Visualization Trustee 211
taught by: Karl Groves
More Information about Accessible Data Visualization
Individuals with accessibility concerns are not able to access most data visualizations. This session describes their challenges and provides several innovative solutions for providing accessible, informative, and attractive data visualizations. Session Detail for Accessible Data Visualization
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Assessing Digital Accessibility Maturity Trustee 203
taught by: Andrew Arch & co-presented by: Neil Jarvis
More Information about Assessing Digital Accessibility Maturity
Learn how your organisation can grow its digital accessibility. Find out how a gap analysis can help to prepare a roadmap towards digital accessibility maturity. Learn about the components of a gap analysis report and how to implement its findings. Session Detail for Assessing Digital Accessibility Maturity
Track: Development
Building Accessible WordPress Websites Trustee 112
taught by: Amber Hinds
More Information about Building Accessible WordPress Websites
WordPress is a content management system that powers more than 40% of the web and makes it easy for anyone to spin up a website quickly or modify their existing website with a plethora of add-ons and plugins. This session will cover special considerations for building accessible websites with WordPress. Session Detail for Building Accessible WordPress Websites
Track: Design & User Experience
Creating and Managing Accessible Design Systems Trustee 117
taught by: Karen Hawkins
More Information about Creating and Managing Accessible Design Systems
Design teams are harnessing the power that design systems offer, creating digital solutions efficiently, consistently, and at scale. Yet, many of these systems are failing to address the needs of all audiences. From tokens to annotations, each step in the creation of and maintenance of a design system must consider and incorporate digital accessibility. Session Detail for Creating and Managing Accessible Design Systems
Track: Documents & Templates
Are you M.A.D.? Making a Difference: Incorporating Accessibility into Google Documents Trustee 303
taught by: Crystal Baker
More Information about Are you M.A.D.? Making a Difference: Incorporating Accessibility into Google Documents
The use of Google documents is growing in many fields, especially education and in non-profits. This course will be an introduction to the accessible features and considerations you should include when creating content with Google Docs. Session Detail for Are you M.A.D.? Making a Difference: Incorporating Accessibility into Google Documents
Track: Design & User Experience
Capturing the Magic of GIFs through the Art of Human Description Trustee 116
taught by: Caroline Desrosiers & co-presented by: Amanda Kaufman, Pamela Thomas
More Information about Capturing the Magic of GIFs through the Art of Human Description
There's alt text for images and then there's alt text for moving images. Learn how to craft meaningful descriptions that convey the visual message in a fun and engaging way. Session Detail for Capturing the Magic of GIFs through the Art of Human Description
Track: Documents & Templates
How to Create Accessible MS Excel Documents Trustee 214
taught by: Richard Steinberg
More Information about How to Create Accessible MS Excel Documents
This session will focus on understanding what makes Microsoft Excel data tables and charts accessible, and will include demonstrations of assistive technologies with Excel. Making Excel documents accessible ultimately improves usability for everyone, making them easier to read, access information quickly, and manage over time. Session Detail for How to Create Accessible MS Excel Documents
Thursday, May 11, 2023: AccessU 2023
8:30 AM
to 11:45 AMThu, May 11
Track: Testing
Accessibility Testing LIVE! Trustee 113
taught by: Rachele DiTullio & co-presented by: Wesley Estes
More Information about Accessibility Testing LIVE!
This information is aimed at anyone who wants to better understand accessibility testing. I will demonstrate how to prepare for an accessibility test, configure your testing environment and perform automated and manual accessibility testing. Session Detail for Accessibility Testing LIVE!
Track: Documents & Templates
Accessible PowerPoint Presentations Trustee 303
taught by: Mike Zapata
More Information about Accessible PowerPoint Presentations
This class teaches students the basics of creating accessible presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. Session Detail for Accessible PowerPoint Presentations
Track: Development
Designing ARIA implementations for complex custom widgets Trustee 117
taught by: Matt King
More Information about Designing ARIA implementations for complex custom widgets
Using case studies, this class will walk attendees through the process of designing the ARIA implementation for a complex custom widget, whether you are building that widget using a framework or building that widget to be part of a framework. Session Detail for Designing ARIA implementations for complex custom widgets
8:30 AM
to 10:00 AMThu, May 11
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
Hosting Accessible Zoom Meetings Trustee 211
taught by: Jonathan Whiting
More Information about Hosting Accessible Zoom Meetings
Learn how to create and host accessible Zoom meetings and webinars. Participants learn how to leverage the accessibility of Zoom features like captions, sign language interpreters, screen share, chat, and more. Session Detail for Hosting Accessible Zoom Meetings
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
I’m Drowning in Resumes! Finding and Hooking the Right A11y Fish Trustee 203
taught by: Naveesha Maharaj & co-presented by: Heidi Kelly-Gibson
More Information about I’m Drowning in Resumes! Finding and Hooking the Right A11y Fish
Don’t drown in a pile of resumes that belong in Davey Jones’ locker! Let us cast you a line and help you determine if you hooked the right experienced A11y fish to build your team. We’ll explore the different roles related to accessibility and how they can work to benefit your organizational needs. Then get ready for a deeper dive to determine the qualifications to look for in candidates, what questions to ask in an interview, and how to respond if you’re the one applying! Session Detail for I’m Drowning in Resumes! Finding and Hooking the Right A11y Fish
Track: Design & User Experience
Inclusive Design for a Complex Reality Trustee 112
taught by: Jutta Treviranus
More Information about Inclusive Design for a Complex Reality
We live in times of accelerating change with complex and unpredictable phenomena. Our accessibility and design processes need to adapt. How can accessibility practitioners proactively respond to this changing reality? Session Detail for Inclusive Design for a Complex Reality
Track: Development
Data Visualization & Accessibility Trustee 116
taught by: Thomas Watkins
More Information about Data Visualization & Accessibility
The current state of accessibility for data visualization leaves much to be desired. Fortunately, we already know enough to evaluate the existing methods' effectiveness and imagine plans for making data insights accessible to users of all ability levels. Session Detail for Data Visualization & Accessibility
Track: Policy & Advocacy
The Web We Want: Unity, Universality, and the Unparalleled Quest for a Better World Trustee 215
taught by: Molly Holzschlag
More Information about The Web We Want: Unity, Universality, and the Unparalleled Quest for a Better World
Examining the global movement of #a11y and Accessibility as it was, is now, and hopefully can become! Session Detail for The Web We Want: Unity, Universality, and the Unparalleled Quest for a Better World
Track: Policy & Advocacy
Top 10 Accessibility Objections and How to Overcome Them Trustee 214
taught by: Colleen Gratzer
More Information about Top 10 Accessibility Objections and How to Overcome Them
Arm yourself with an arsenal of accessibility knowledge to combat objections you may hear from clients and coworkers. Find out the top 10 objections to accessibility and how to overcome them. Session Detail for Top 10 Accessibility Objections and How to Overcome Them
10:15 AM
to 11:45 AMThu, May 11
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Agile Is Ableist: Here's How to Fix It Trustee 112
taught by: Victoria Clark
More Information about Agile Is Ableist: Here's How to Fix It
Agile as an avenue to built-in accessibility has been discussed frequently, but what about when Agile becomes the very problem it's meant to solve? This session will discuss how Agile fails to live up to its name and how it affects disabled and neurodivergent workers and end users. Session Detail for Agile Is Ableist: Here's How to Fix It
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
AI, Hiring and Accessibility Trustee 211
taught by: Becky Gibson & co-presented by: Angela Barker
More Information about AI, Hiring and Accessibility
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and accessibility isn’t just about overlays! Understand how the use of AI interacts with accessibility for both positive and negative outcomes. Review some of the US regulations surrounding the use of AI and biometrics in hiring and review processes. Session Detail for AI, Hiring and Accessibility
Track: Documents & Templates
Context Clues - How to Prioritize Visual Elements in Audio Description Trustee 215
taught by: April Sullivan & co-presented by: Celia Hughes
More Information about Context Clues - How to Prioritize Visual Elements in Audio Description
Audio Description can include a lot of information, or a little. How do you decide how much to provide for your videos? Session Detail for Context Clues - How to Prioritize Visual Elements in Audio Description
Track: Design & User Experience
Designing for Neurodiversity Trustee 116
taught by: Kate Walser & co-presented by: Jennifer Gauvreau
More Information about Designing for Neurodiversity
Ask a team how they’ve made their product accessible, and they may be delighted to describe their approach. Probe deeper and ask that same team if they are accounting for different types of brain functioning (neurodiversity), and you may be met with a blank look. Session Detail for Designing for Neurodiversity
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
The Business of Digital Accessibility Trustee 203
taught by: Seda Maurer
More Information about The Business of Digital Accessibility
Implementing Digital Accessibility can be a daunting task when it is treated as an after thought and not planned for appropriately, and in advance. The question should be whether are all the stakeholders are well informed and knowledgeable in order to plan appropriately. And, who are the stakeholders? What are their responsibilities? This talk will provide guideline for creating the structure needed for your organization to implement Digital Accessibility for your products. Session Detail for The Business of Digital Accessibility
Track: Policy & Advocacy
What Can You Do as a Product Manager to Influence the Culture of Accessibility in your Team? Trustee 214
taught by: Nandita Gupta
More Information about What Can You Do as a Product Manager to Influence the Culture of Accessibility in your Team?
Do you want to provide an inclusive and wonderful user experience for your users? Do you want to change and influence the culture on your team to build accessibility? What are some hands-on things you can go do TODAY to build accessibility into your product? That is what we'll talk about! Session Detail for What Can You Do as a Product Manager to Influence the Culture of Accessibility in your Team?
1:00 PM
to 1:45 PMThu, May 11
Track: Keynote
Keynote: Breaking Through Barriers: A Journey to Inventing Revolutionary Technology Jones Auditorium (Ragsdale Hall)
taught by: Kelvin Crosby
More Information about Keynote: Breaking Through Barriers: A Journey to Inventing Revolutionary Technology
Kelvin will take you on his journey to become a deafblind inventor and founder of Smart Glider Inc. With over 10 years of experience in designing and creating adaptive services and technology, Kelvin has dedicated his career to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities. He will discuss how his experience as a deafblind individual has informed his work and the unique challenges and opportunities that come with inventing as a person with disabilities. Don't miss this opportunity to … Session Detail For Keynote: Breaking Through Barriers: A Journey to Inventing Revolutionary Technology
2:00 PM
to 3:30 PMThu, May 11
Track: Testing
All-Pairs Testing Trustee 214
taught by: Dan Tripp
More Information about All-Pairs Testing
How to test software which has many combinations of inputs, without getting swamped by an exponential explosion. Session Detail for All-Pairs Testing
Track: Development
Common Accessibility Coding Mistakes Trustee 112
taught by: Becky Gibson
More Information about Common Accessibility Coding Mistakes
Programming for accessibility is more than just sprinkling in ARIA attributes and adding alt text. This session will highlight commonly seen coding errors and explain best practices. Learn how adding ARIA and other attributes can affect the screen reader navigation and announcement. Session Detail for Common Accessibility Coding Mistakes
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Digital Accessibility in Agile Trustee 203
taught by: Dewayne Walton & co-presented by: Kim Dowling
More Information about Digital Accessibility in Agile
Implementing shift-left processes to drive consistencies, efficiencies and better customer and employee experiences. Session Detail for Digital Accessibility in Agile
Track: Testing
Limitations of Code Trustee 113
taught by: Helen Burge
More Information about Limitations of Code
When auditing mobile native applications auditors can be held back by web ideals. Knowing the code used to create the application can help to understand what issues can be fixed and some cannot easily. This talk will walk through some common issues and how a developer can resolve them. Session Detail for Limitations of Code
Track: Documents & Templates
Making Microsoft Word Documents Accessible Trustee 303
taught by: Cornelius Chopin & co-presented by: Anita Pradeep
More Information about Making Microsoft Word Documents Accessible
Learn how to make Microsoft Word documents accessible by formatting key structural elements (e.g., Heading, Image, Tables, Lists, Links, and Color/Contrast). Session Detail for Making Microsoft Word Documents Accessible
Track: Design & User Experience
Plain Language: Increasing the Accessibility of Your Content Trustee 116
taught by: Elisa Miller
More Information about Plain Language: Increasing the Accessibility of Your Content
You went to a lot of trouble to put that content online. Understanding the concepts of Plain language will help your audience find it, understand it and use it. Session Detail for Plain Language: Increasing the Accessibility of Your Content
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
The Accessible Equation Editor - A Web Application for Online Accessible Braille Math Trustee 211
taught by: Sam Dooley
More Information about The Accessible Equation Editor - A Web Application for Online Accessible Braille Math
Blind children in some countries are not taught math at all, because math symbols are thought to be too difficult to translate. Now there is a new way to teach math skills to the visually-impaired using the Accessible Equation Editor. The AEE allows braille users to create documents using Unified English Braille (UEB) contracted text and Nemeth braille math. It supports file I/O, clipboard cut/paste, and document export to HTML, PDF, and BRF formats. Its accessible user interface gives sighted … Session Detail for The Accessible Equation Editor - A Web Application for Online Accessible Braille Math
2:00 PM
to 5:15 PMThu, May 11
Track: Development
Auditing Design Systems for WHCM Trustee 215
taught by: Victoria Clark, Christiaan Clark
More Information about Auditing Design Systems for WHCM
Past versions of this talk discussed tips and strategies for various roles on how to start slowly adding more Windows high contrast support. With the relative stability of the forced-colors media query, now it's time to turn words into action and start supporting high contrast mode today! Session Detail for Auditing Design Systems for WHCM
3:45 PM
to 5:15 PMThu, May 11
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Influential Advocacy: The Key to Successful Disability Inclusion Conversations Trustee 203
taught by: Cam Beaudoin
More Information about Influential Advocacy: The Key to Successful Disability Inclusion Conversations
Want to be heard when advocating for disability inclusion in the workplace? Learn practical communication tools that will give you the confidence to navigate even the toughest conversations. Empower yourself to become an influential advocate for disability inclusion. Session Detail for Influential Advocacy: The Key to Successful Disability Inclusion Conversations
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Achieving the Accessibility Mindset: Case Studies in Industry and Academic A11Y Transformation Room 216
taught by: John Neumann, Ph.D.
More Information about Achieving the Accessibility Mindset: Case Studies in Industry and Academic A11Y Transformation
A look into the successful launch of Accessibility curriculum at the University of Texas, and a discussion of learnings from integrating Accessibility into organizations in industry. Session Detail for Achieving the Accessibility Mindset: Case Studies in Industry and Academic A11Y Transformation
Track: Development
Accessibility in the Mobile Development Lifecycle Trustee 112
taught by: Mark Steadman & co-presented by: Zach Gadoury
More Information about Accessibility in the Mobile Development Lifecycle
Mobile apps are developed and deployed at a very fast pace, so how can accessibility become a part of that? With automation, quick testing, and definition of done for accessibility we can make it apart of the dev process! Session Detail for Accessibility in the Mobile Development Lifecycle
Track: Design & User Experience
Annotating Designs for Accessibility Trustee 214
taught by: Claire Webber
More Information about Annotating Designs for Accessibility
Annotating designs with accessibility information is a powerful way to focus on accessibility early in the design phase, as well as communicate your accessibility requirements to developers and testers. Claire will cover the benefits of documenting accessibility and what we should document at the design stage. Session Detail for Annotating Designs for Accessibility
Track: Design & User Experience
Spotting Accessibility Anti-Patterns Trustee 116
taught by: Kate Walser
More Information about Spotting Accessibility Anti-Patterns
In the past 10 years, some recurring anti-patterns have emerged. Learn how these anti-patterns are breaking accessibility and usability, and how to spot and overcome them. Session Detail for Spotting Accessibility Anti-Patterns
Track: Documents & Templates
Alternatives to Screen Readers and Screen Magnification for Reading: Using Word as an Example Trustee 211
taught by: Wayne Dick
More Information about Alternatives to Screen Readers and Screen Magnification for Reading: Using Word as an Example
Screen readers, screen magnifiers, and other assistive technologies are commonly used reading aids for people with low vision. Many are unaware however of the accessibility features built right in to Microsoft Word. These accessibility features are free and have a very easy learning curve. Session Detail for Alternatives to Screen Readers and Screen Magnification for Reading: Using Word as an Example
Track: Testing
Screen reader testing: the how and why behind accessibility best practices Trustee 113
taught by: Samuel Proulx
More Information about Screen reader testing: the how and why behind accessibility best practices
Testing products with a screen reader for the first time can be a daunting prospect. This talk will help you to determine how to start, when it’s time to involve actual users, when testing yourself is okay, and how to understand your findings. Session Detail for Screen reader testing: the how and why behind accessibility best practices
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
The Power of Word Templates Trustee 117
taught by: Crystal Gonzales & co-presented by: Nancy Abee
More Information about The Power of Word Templates
This course introduces the power of Word templates through a case study of how they are currently deployed at Texas Health and Human Services. The templates integrate accessibility and branding providing efficiency for authors and improving the accessibility of documents across the agency. Session Detail for The Power of Word Templates
Friday, May 12, 2023: AccessU 2023
8:00 AM
to 9:00 AMFri, May 12
Track: Testing
Plenary Session: Don't expect a winner in the game if there isn't a scoreboard Mabee Ballroom (Ragsdale Hall)
taught by: Chris Law
More Information about Plenary Session: Don't expect a winner in the game if there isn't a scoreboard
Presenter: Dr. Chris M. Law, Standard Accessibility Reporting, Inc. Introductions: Sharron Rush, Knowbility (Strategic Partner Member of Standard Accessibility Reporting, Inc.) Session Detail for Plenary Session: Don't expect a winner in the game if there isn't a scoreboard
9:15 AM
to 10:45 AMFri, May 12
Track: Development
Accessible JavaScript In Action Trustee 117
taught by: Andrew Olson
More Information about Accessible JavaScript In Action
In this session, participants will examine three common Web interactions (Modals, TypeAhead, Menus) and explores ways to make them more accessible. The session will investigate different ways people can experience these barriers and look at solutions using JavaScript in simple, creative ways. Session Detail for Accessible JavaScript In Action
Track: Development
Accessible Maps Trustee 215
taught by: Sabrina Jodexnis
More Information about Accessible Maps
Making web maps more accessible is still an ongoing process. Discover how to take the first steps towards more accessible maps and understand the basics of accessibility in static and interactive maps. Session Detail for Accessible Maps
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Career Security with A11y Trustee 203
taught by: Sumner Davenport
More Information about Career Security with A11y
A recent web survey identifies that over 92% of websites have a11y failures. The need for A11y web design professionals is evident. Session Detail for Career Security with A11y
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Designing for All: Harnessing the Power of Disability Inclusion for Exceptional Usability Room 216
taught by: Manish Agrawal & co-presented by: Aman Singal, Elle Waters
More Information about Designing for All: Harnessing the Power of Disability Inclusion for Exceptional Usability
Discover the benefits of involving people with disabilities in the accessibility process to create more usable products. Learn from blind accessibility experts and discover strategies to effectively include people with disabilities in your product design process. Session Detail for Designing for All: Harnessing the Power of Disability Inclusion for Exceptional Usability
Track: Development
Learning Through Competition: How Competing in (and Winning) the AIR 2022 Accelerated Our Accessibility Journey Trustee 112
taught by: Deneb Pulsipher & co-presented by: Graham Venning, Akosua (Kosi) Asabere
More Information about Learning Through Competition: How Competing in (and Winning) the AIR 2022 Accelerated Our Accessibility Journey
Join last year’s winners of the Accessibility Internet Rally (AIR) competition as they explore how participating in the AIR helped them take a leap forward in their accessibility knowledge and skills. Find out how participating later this year can prime you, too, to become an accessibility champion. Session Detail for Learning Through Competition: How Competing in (and Winning) the AIR 2022 Accelerated Our Accessibility Journey
Track: Design & User Experience
The Right to Understand: A Simple Three-Question Framework to Ensure All Users Can Understand Your Content Trustee 211
taught by: Leslie O'Flahavan & co-presented by: Susan Price
More Information about The Right to Understand: A Simple Three-Question Framework to Ensure All Users Can Understand Your Content
To make digital experiences accessible, we must honor users’ right to understand, but instead we often “firehose” users with information and features. Learn a three-question framework that will prevent you from drowning your users in content. Session Detail for The Right to Understand: A Simple Three-Question Framework to Ensure All Users Can Understand Your Content
Track: Design & User Experience
You Say It’s “Accessible” But Why Can’t I Use It? Trustee 116
taught by: Michael Moore & co-presented by: Kimberly Cannon
More Information about You Say It’s “Accessible” But Why Can’t I Use It?
Accessibility conformance testing and reporting may keep you out of legal hot water but ensuring that people with disabilities can actually use your application requires more than technical conformance with WCAG Success Criteria. Session Detail for You Say It’s “Accessible” But Why Can’t I Use It?
Track: Testing
Practical Guide to Mobile App Accessibility Testing Trustee 113
taught by: Priti Rohra
More Information about Practical Guide to Mobile App Accessibility Testing
Accessibility testing for mobile apps on the basis of different elements, Images, Screen titles, headings, Menus, Tabs, Forms and so on. What approach to use while testing, automated or manual testing? Session Detail for Practical Guide to Mobile App Accessibility Testing
Track: Policy & Advocacy
So You Say You’re an Advocate. Now What? Trustee 214
taught by: Caroline Desrosiers & co-presented by: Cam Beaudoin
More Information about So You Say You’re an Advocate. Now What?
This session is designed to empower attendees to take action on developing their personal brand, securing buy-in from stakeholders, and scaling their ideas to drive progress in accessibility advocacy in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Attendees will leave with practical strategies and tools to make an impact in the field of accessibility. Session Detail for So You Say You’re an Advocate. Now What?
11:00 AM
to 12:00 PMFri, May 12
Track: Social & Networking
Neurodivergent Sensory Recovery Session Jones Auditorium (Ragsdale Hall)
More Information about Neurodivergent Sensory Recovery Session
After a long week of bright lights, crowds, masking, presenting, and learning, some of us neuroSpicy folks with sensory sensitivities will be overdue for rest and recovery. Join us in our specially prepared quiet room to end the conference with a meditation and breathing exercise for nervous system recovery followed by some time spent together in restful silence. No small talk, no eye contact (unless u want to), just peace. Feel free to bring a yoga mat, cushion or other items for your … Session Detail for Neurodivergent Sensory Recovery Session
Track: Development
Roundtable Discussions Mabee Ballroom (Ragsdale Hall)
More Information about Roundtable Discussions
Please join us for informal but lively discussions on a range of topics. If you are onsite and wish to join one of the virtual roundtables, please find a quiet place on campus and join the Zoom meeting. Session Detail for Roundtable Discussions
1:15 PM
to 2:45 PMFri, May 12
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
Keynote Conversation: The Future of AI in Accessibility - Balancing Opportunities and Challenges Jones Auditorium (Ragsdale Hall)
taught by: Kelsey Ruger, Jutta Treviranus
More Information about Keynote Conversation: The Future of AI in Accessibility - Balancing Opportunities and Challenges
Kelsey Ruger and Jutta Treviranus explore the role of AI and Machine Learning in the future of accessibility, focusing on both the opportunities and challenges presented by these technologies. A moderator will engage these thought leaders in a dynamic conversation, sharing their expertise and insights on harnessing the power of AI while addressing potential risks and barriers. Session Detail for Keynote Conversation: The Future of AI in Accessibility - Balancing Opportunities and Challenges