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How to Create Accessible Social Media and Web Content

taught by: Meryl Evans

Session Summary

Learn how to make sure the content — text, images, links, video, and audio — you share on your website and social media is accessible.


Find How to Create Accessible Social Media and Web Content on the Knowbility Learning Center

Maybe a marketer doesn't know to add alternative text to images. Maybe a video creator doesn't know how to add captions and audio descriptions to videos. Maybe a salesperson doesn't know presentation and PDF files need to be accessible.

Maybe a writer doesn't use proper headings. Maybe a graphics designer doesn't realize their graphic would fail every contrast test. Maybe human resources creates inaccessible job listings.

Do you detect a theme here?

Accessibility is everyone's responsibility including content creators and people using social media.

WebAIM Million says out of one million sites it evaluated, 96.8% of home pages had detectable accessibility problems. The biggest root cause of inaccessibility is the lack of education.

Inaccessible content affects more than those living with a disability. For instance, when it comes to captioning videos, most people think it's for the deaf and hard of hearing. But it turns out a lot of people with hearing use it.

What about screen readers? They're not just for humans who are blind or have low vision. People with processing disorders, learning differences, and ADHD use screen readers. And even students without disabilities use it.

Besides, anyone can become temporarily, situationally, or episodically impaired. All of these can lead to taking advantage of accessibility.

Creating accessible content on websites and social media is easier than you think. It's a matter of knowing what to do. Attend this session and you'll know what to do.

Practical Skills

  • Why accessibility matters in content
  • How to optimize content for accessibility
  • How to ensure online content is accessible