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Simplifying Digital Accessibility

taught by: Lyssa Prince

Session Summary

Digital accessibility can be daunting and overwhelming. With talk of WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), compliance, and even threats of being sued, it’s enough to make a person want to walk away or throw up their hands in defeat. In this session, we’ll take the digital accessibility stress level down a few notches by starting more simply.


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Digital accessibility can be daunting and overwhelming. With talk of WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), compliance, and even threats of being sued, it’s enough to make a person want to walk away or throw up their hands in defeat. In this session, we’ll take the digital accessibility stress level down a few notches by starting more simply. We’ll learn some core accessibility skills that are approachable and can quickly make your content much more accessible, whether that content is Microsoft Office documents, PDF, or web page. Then, we’ll learn how to apply these core skills in common programs, such as Microsoft Word and WordPress. We will also cover accessibility checkers available to assist you in ensuring your content is accessible, noting the checkers’ abilities and limitations. You’ll leave with knowledge that will give you a starting point, as well as a soft place to land.

Practical Skills

  • You will be able to list the core accessibility skills.
  • You will apply an accessibility skill to a piece of content you are responsible for.
  • You will formulate one idea for how you can use the skills back at your desk.