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The Web We Want: Unity, Universality, and the Unparalleled Quest for a Better World

taught by: Molly Holzschlag

Session Summary

Examining the global movement of #a11y and Accessibility as it was, is now, and hopefully can become!


Find The Web We Want: Unity, Universality, and the Unparalleled Quest for a Better World on the Knowbility Learning Center

Accessibility for the World Wide Web is a labor of love, fueled by a powerful passion indeed. What informs our persistence as a movement? What does it take to use our passion to help unite humanity? How can we take a step forward in today's session and follow up tomorrow?

An invention born of passion for collaboration, access, and sociotechnical progress, the gift of the Web can always be met with a gift for each other: a measurably diverse, inclusive Web reignited by those ideals in our personal and workaday worlds.

And, the burning question: Which roadblocks are keeping us back from a stronger foothold in the "Me First" and "Net Worth" attitudes dominating the Web professions nowadays?

Together, we will hunt for answers. We'll add to real solutions to ease our Web industry's social hurdles. We'll examine the global movement of #a11y and Accessibility as it was, is now, and hopefully can become.

Our mutual takeaway? A conceptual and literal roadmap we can use to design and develop a better WWW for all!

Practical Skills

  • Comprehensive understanding of the historical arc of the Web Accessibility movement
  • Understanding of current issues in the Accessibility industry
  • Evolving an actual roadmap for scaling the sociotechnical progress of humanity and the environment using the World Wide Web