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Assessing Digital Accessibility Maturity

taught by: Andrew Arch
co-presented by: Neil Jarvis

Session Summary

Learn how your organisation can grow its digital accessibility. Find out how a gap analysis can help to prepare a roadmap towards digital accessibility maturity. Learn about the components of a gap analysis report and how to implement its findings.


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Assessing the digital accessibility maturity of an organisation assists them to know with confidence where they are currently and what they need to do so that they can become more mature with respect to delivering more accessible digital outcomes. This benefits their customers, employees and other stakeholders.

Intopia typically undertakes a gap analysis which empowers organisations to move from where they currently sit on the digital accessibility continuum to where they wish to be over time.

This presentation will outline the components of that gap analysis. We will explain the value and content of stakeholder interviews, reviews of strategic documentation such as policies, plans and processes as well as samples of comms and website content.

We will discuss the structure of a report, talk about risk assessment and recommendations designed to meet the specific needs of an individual organisation. We will also discuss additional information which can help organisations, such as suggested improvements to existing policies, checklists and resources they can use to follow up the learnings from the report.

The presentation will conclude with thoughts as to what organisations can do with respect to next steps once they have received a gap analysis and how they can put in place a plan to become more mature with respect to digital accessibility. This will include tips on ensuring that motivation remains high and progress is institutionalised so that it survives changes in personnel.

Instructor will present virtually.

This session will feature pre-recorded material that will be shown at the beginning of the session, followed by live practice or Q&A with the instructor.

Practical Skills

  • What is digital accessibility maturity and how can we assess it
  • The components of a typical gap analysis report and how to assess risk and suggestions for mitigation
  • How to make meaningful recommendations which an organisation can implement, including quick wins to show immediate progress