Schedule of Classes

The AccessU 2024 class schedule includes one day of Pre-Conference Workshops followed by three days of live training and Q&A sessions. For social events please visit the Conference Activities page of this web site. All times are US Central times.
Note: This schedule is final yet may be subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control.
Types of Sessions
AccessU 2024 is a hybrid event. All General Conference sessions and most Pre-Conference Deep Dive Workshops will be available on-site and to virtual attendees. Most instructors will be in-person in Austin, TX, and we will indicate which instructors will present virtually.
- Deep Dives are Pre-Conference full-day workshops. Only attendees who purchase Premiere or Pre-Conference tickets will have access to these workshops.
- General Sessions are 90-180 minute sessions.
- Some sessions will include pre-recorded materials played at the beginning of the session, followed by the instructor leading participants in a practice activity and/or Q&A session.
- Demonstrations: Presenters will demonstrate a product, service or technology.
- Unconference: Conference attendees suggest and vote on topics during the week; top 6 will selected for facilitated discussion.
- Evening and social events are also listed on the Conference Activities page of this website.
Thanks to our AccessU 2024 Sponsors!

Download Schedule at a Glance (05/15, Microsoft Excel)
Download Schedule at a Glance (05/15_2, Microsoft Excel)
Past Sessions:
Monday, May 13, 2024: AccessU 2024
9:00 AM
to 4:00 PMMon, May 13
Track: Development, Design & User Experience
Accessibility for the Rest of Us Trustee 112
taught by: Julie Romanowski
More Information about Accessibility for the Rest of Us
Accessibility for the Rest of Us Session Detail for Accessibility for the Rest of Us
Track: Documents & Templates
Create Accessible Documents in Office 365: Word, PowerPoint, & Excel Trustee 211
taught by: George Joeckel
More Information about Create Accessible Documents in Office 365: Word, PowerPoint, & Excel
In this full-day, hands-on workshop participants will receive an overview of principles for creating accessible electronic documents. Participants will be given demonstrations for creating Office 365 documents with the visual formatting and structure needed to support all users. Session Detail for Create Accessible Documents in Office 365: Word, PowerPoint, & Excel
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
Digging into Accessibility and Visualization: Basics and Beyond Trustee 203
taught by: Frank Elavsky
More Information about Digging into Accessibility and Visualization: Basics and Beyond
Ever wondered how to design data visualizations with accessibility in mind? Ever wondered how to evaluate data visualizations for inaccessibility? This workshop might be for you! Session Detail for Digging into Accessibility and Visualization: Basics and Beyond
Track: Testing
Simplifying Mobile Accessibility Trustee 113
taught by: Mark Steadman
More Information about Simplifying Mobile Accessibility
Mobile accessibility can be a very difficult space to navigate. Let's make it easier to dive right in! From common terms, breakdown of application accessibility, and building up accessibility on mobile development teams, this session will help build the foundation to ensure your mobile applications are accessible. Session Detail for Simplifying Mobile Accessibility
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Stem to Stern Accessibility Workshop Trustee 116
taught by: Karl Groves
More Information about Stem to Stern Accessibility Workshop
Understanding accessibility maturity and effective management of an accessibility program. Session Detail for Stem to Stern Accessibility Workshop
Track: Design & User Experience
Usability Testing with People with Disabilities Trustee 214
taught by: Elisa Miller
More Information about Usability Testing with People with Disabilities
Learn how usability testing provides important feedback for the development of your products. Session Detail for Usability Testing with People with Disabilities
5:30 PM
to 8:00 PMMon, May 13
Track: Social & Networking
Welcome Reception & Keynote Hyatt Regency
taught by: Meryl Evans
More Information about Welcome Reception & Keynote
Welcome Reception and Keynote: Community, Championing, and Compassion: An Accessibility Journey Session Detail for Welcome Reception & Keynote
Tuesday, May 14, 2024: AccessU 2024
8:30 AM
to 10:00 AMTue, May 14
Track: Development
Accessibility 101 + Core Concepts Trustee 211
taught by: Thomas Brunet, Jess Lin & co-presented by: Phill Jenkins
More Information about Accessibility 101 + Core Concepts
For beginners and experienced accessibility professionals, in this session, we will explore how to explain Accessibility to those outside of the field. We will also explain the core concepts of why and how accessibility works in design and for development of software applications. Session Detail for Accessibility 101 + Core Concepts
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Guidance and Best Practices for Building a Top Down Digital Accessibility Program Trustee 214
taught by: Jeff Kline
More Information about Guidance and Best Practices for Building a Top Down Digital Accessibility Program
Building a successful Digital Accessibility program organization wide means dealing with a lot of moving parts and can be complicated.This session will take attendees through what are the key elements of building and implementing an enterprise program. Session Detail for Guidance and Best Practices for Building a Top Down Digital Accessibility Program
Track: Documents & Templates
Making Microsoft Word Documents Accessible Trustee 215
taught by: Anita Pradeep & co-presented by: Cornelius Chopin
More Information about Making Microsoft Word Documents Accessible
If you need help making your Microsoft Word files accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities, this course is for you. This class is designed as a basic, hands-on course that includes demonstrations of assistive technologies. This class will teach students how to produce documents that comply with HHS Accessibility Policy and State and Federal Accessibility Laws. Session Detail For Making Microsoft Word Documents Accessible
Track: Design & User Experience
Plain Language: Increasing the Accessibility of Your Content Trustee 104
taught by: Elisa Miller
More Information about Plain Language: Increasing the Accessibility of Your Content
You went to a lot of trouble to put that content online. Understanding the concepts of Plain language will help your audience find it, understand it and use it. Session Detail for Plain Language: Increasing the Accessibility of Your Content
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Surveying the Disability Community: Where It Goes Wrong and How to do Better Trustee 303
taught by: Samuel Proulx
More Information about Surveying the Disability Community: Where It Goes Wrong and How to do Better
Fable has surveyed its community of assistive technology users since 2020: led and facilitated by someone with a disability, Fable has consistently been the first or only organization collecting and publishing qualitative data from the disability community on timely subjects. Accessibility Evangelist Samuel Proulx will share the unique data gathering and storytelling skills he has developed as a researcher, writer, and person with a disability. Session Detail for Surveying the Disability Community: Where It Goes Wrong and How to do Better
Track: Development
Without a Paddle: Accessibility Pitfalls of Site Navigation Menus Trustee 203
taught by: Deneb Pulsipher
More Information about Without a Paddle: Accessibility Pitfalls of Site Navigation Menus
If visitors to a website are unable to access parts of the menu, they'll be up a creek without a paddle and will likely bail on the site rather than figure out alternative ways to get around it. Learn how to check the accessibility of the navigation menu, as well as what to do about it if you find it lacking. Session Detail for Without a Paddle: Accessibility Pitfalls of Site Navigation Menus
8:30 AM
to 11:45 AMTue, May 14
Track: Design & User Experience
Accessible Design Considerations for Styles, Components, Patterns, and Pages Trustee 116
taught by: Karen Hawkins
More Information about Accessible Design Considerations for Styles, Components, Patterns, and Pages
Design systems are complex entities, comprised of foundational building blocks that can be grouped and rearranged in infinite variations. Each resultant group or arrangement has its own set of requirements, a portion of which are accessibility related. Join me to learn the accessible design considerations for the different levels of design systems. Session Detail for Accessible Design Considerations for Styles, Components, Patterns, and Pages
Track: Documents & Templates
Getting Started with PDF Accessibility (morning session) Trustee 113
taught by: Teenya Franklin
More Information about Getting Started with PDF Accessibility (morning session)
THIS CLASS SPANS 2 3-HOUR SESSIONS. In the morning, learn the basics of PDF tagging while working alongside an instructor with a sample file. In the afternoon, apply your new skills to a real world document of your choosing, with help and support from an instructor. Session Detail for Getting Started with PDF Accessibility (morning session)
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
What Can We Teach About Accessibility that AI Can't? Trustee 112
taught by: Regine Gilbert & co-presented by: Janvi Patel
More Information about What Can We Teach About Accessibility that AI Can't?
Join us for an insightful workshop that delves into the intricacies of accessibility beyond the capabilities of AI. Together, we'll explore the importance of human understanding, empathy, and ethical considerations in creating inclusive designs that empower all users. Session Detail for What Can We Teach About Accessibility that AI Can't?
10:15 AM
to 11:45 AMTue, May 14
Track: Design & User Experience
Accessible Canada-Accessible World Challenges Pilot: Challenge of Changing the Public Narrative Around Disability Trustee 216
taught by: Shawn Lawton Henry, Peter Slatin
More Information about Accessible Canada-Accessible World Challenges Pilot: Challenge of Changing the Public Narrative Around Disability
Challenge of Changing the Public Narrative Around Disability. Session Detail for Accessible Canada-Accessible World Challenges Pilot: Challenge of Changing the Public Narrative Around Disability
Track: Design & User Experience
Compounding Taxes: Impacts of Disability & Intersectionality Trustee 203
taught by: Jennifer Strickland & co-presented by: Ronna ten Brink, Mariam Ibrahim Chahine
More Information about Compounding Taxes: Impacts of Disability & Intersectionality
Heard of “disability tax” and “pink tax”? Our team explored compounding taxes—encountering many barriers & increased impact—in U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) research. Enhance your research practices to consider intersectionality. Session Detail for Compounding Taxes: Impacts of Disability & Intersectionality
Track: Development
Enable: Accessible Web Components to Use and Learn From Trustee 303
taught by: Zoltan Hawryluk
More Information about Enable: Accessible Web Components to Use and Learn From
Many web developers want to create accessible websites and web applications, but don’t know how to create them or where to find accessible components to use in their work. In this session, you will learn about Enable, which is not only a code library of accessible components, but also a place to learn what makes them work with keyboards, screen readers, and other assistive technology. Session Detail for Enable: Accessible Web Components to Use and Learn From
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
How We Launched a State Office of Accessibility Trustee 215
taught by: Andrew Drummond & co-presented by: John Brennan
More Information about How We Launched a State Office of Accessibility
Learn how the State of Maryland launched it's first state Office of Accessibility. Gain an insight into the steps taken by government leaders to modernize government as it relates to digital accessibility. Session Detail for How We Launched a State Office of Accessibility
Track: Policy & Advocacy
The 2024 AccessU Legal Update Trustee 104
taught by: Jessica Weber
More Information about The 2024 AccessU Legal Update
Digital accessibility is a civil right for people with disabilities. Join disability rights attorney Jessie Weber as she provides background on the legal landscape and shares recent developments, trends, and upcoming activities in the digital accessibility legal space. Session Detail for The 2024 AccessU Legal Update
Track: Development
The Least You Need to Build a Responsive (Mobile First) Web Site Trustee 214
taught by: Bouton Jones
More Information about The Least You Need to Build a Responsive (Mobile First) Web Site
This will be presented from the perspective of web design. It is targeted at busy web designers with little to no JS experience or a lazy web developer who appreciates simplicity. Some knowledge of HTML and CSS will be necessary but it will not be a deep dive into web design. Session Detail for The Least You Need to Build a Responsive (Mobile First) Web Site
1:00 PM
to 2:00 PMTue, May 14
Track: Keynote
Futureproofing DEI + Accessibility Jones Auditorium (Ragsdale Hall)
taught by: John Samuel
More Information about Futureproofing DEI + Accessibility
Futureproofing DEI + Accessibility Session Detail for Futureproofing DEI + Accessibility
2:00 PM
to 5:15 PMTue, May 14
Track: Testing
Person Centered Accessibility Testing Trustee 203
taught by: Michael Moore & co-presented by: Kimberly Cannon
More Information about Person Centered Accessibility Testing
Automated tools only identify 20-30% of potential accessibility issues. Learn to use manual inspection methods and assistive software to find the remaining 70-80% and provide your design and development teams with the information they need to ensure access for everyone. Session Detail for Person Centered Accessibility Testing
Track: Documents & Templates
Accessible PowerPoint Presentations Trustee 215
taught by: Mike Zapata
More Information about Accessible PowerPoint Presentations
This class teaches students the basics of preparing, designing, and delivering accessible presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. Session Detail for Accessible PowerPoint Presentations
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
ARRM: A Framework to Fight Accessibility Apathy Trustee 214
taught by: Jennifer Chadwick & co-presented by: Bill Tyler, Denis Boudreau
More Information about ARRM: A Framework to Fight Accessibility Apathy
Accessibility Roles and Responsibility Mapping (ARRM) is a framework to help teams break down web accessibility requirements by role to make it easier to prioritize and remediate issues for accessibility and get tasks done. Session Detail for ARRM: A Framework to Fight Accessibility Apathy
Track: Documents & Templates
Getting Started with PDF Accessibility (afternoon session) Trustee 113
taught by: Teenya Franklin
More Information about Getting Started with PDF Accessibility (afternoon session)
THIS CLASS SPANS 2 3-HOUR SESSIONS. In the morning, learn the basics of PDF tagging while working alongside an instructor with a sample file. In the afternoon, apply your new skills to a real world document of your choosing, with help and support from an instructor. Session Detail for Getting Started with PDF Accessibility (afternoon session)
Track: Design & User Experience
Prototyping Accessibility Trustee 116
taught by: Adrian Roselli
More Information about Prototyping Accessibility
An introduction to digital accessibility concepts and approaches, specifying a minimal user interface element for practice. No code or computers needed (nor used). Session Detail for Prototyping Accessibility
2:00 PM
to 3:30 PMTue, May 14
Track: Testing
Polished (and Sometimes Puzzling) Plug-ins to Perfect Your Accessibility Trustee 303
taught by: Kylie Pollock
More Information about Polished (and Sometimes Puzzling) Plug-ins to Perfect Your Accessibility
Picking plug-ins to assist developers and testers review, test and simulate accessibility features can be a perplexing problem. What plug-ins perform, which instead lead to pain and which can you procure for less than a penny? Session Detail for Polished (and Sometimes Puzzling) Plug-ins to Perfect Your Accessibility
Track: Design & User Experience
Straight Talk: What Disabled Users Want You to Know When Designing your Product Trustee 104
taught by: Amy Mason & co-presented by: Bruno Torquato
More Information about Straight Talk: What Disabled Users Want You to Know When Designing your Product
We want to ensure that our products are accessible for all users. What does that really mean from the user’s perspective, and can we use good user research practices to get there? Session Detail for Straight Talk: What Disabled Users Want You to Know When Designing your Product
Track: Development
Understanding Canvas Accessibility Trustee 211
taught by: Philip Lazarevic
More Information about Understanding Canvas Accessibility
Creating an accessible canvas element can be challenging. The recommendation of fallback content has not changed in years but does not provide an enjoyable developer nor end user experience as complexity grows. Learn about where Canvas accessibility is today and features being worked on to create accessible, interactive bitmap graphics. Session Detail for Understanding Canvas Accessibility
Track: Policy & Advocacy
W3C Accessibility - Then, Now, and In-progress Trustee 112
taught by: Jeanne Spellman & co-presented by: Jim Allan, Wayne Dick
More Information about W3C Accessibility - Then, Now, and In-progress
Learn the history of W3C Web Accessibility Initiative from some of the people who made it. Learn about the standards and work in progress and how the history has an impact on the future standards. Session Detail for W3C Accessibility - Then, Now, and In-progress
3:45 PM
to 5:15 PMTue, May 14
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
AI Assisted ePub & Content Remediation: Enhancing Accessibility with Large Language Models Trustee 112
taught by: Christine Foushi
More Information about AI Assisted ePub & Content Remediation: Enhancing Accessibility with Large Language Models
In today's digital age, ePubs and content have become essential tools for disseminating information and knowledge. However, ensuring these platforms are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, remains a challenge. Session Detail for AI Assisted ePub & Content Remediation: Enhancing Accessibility with Large Language Models
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Scaling Accessibility Across your Org, the Easy-Ish Way Trustee 211
taught by: James Green
More Information about Scaling Accessibility Across your Org, the Easy-Ish Way
Big or small, your organization needs to make digital experiences accessible and keep them that way. Learn the key components to include and pitfalls to avoid when building out this organizational capability. Session Detail for Scaling Accessibility Across your Org, the Easy-Ish Way
Track: Design & User Experience
Spotting Accessibility Anti-Patterns Trustee 303
taught by: Kate Walser
More Information about Spotting Accessibility Anti-Patterns
In the past 10 years, some common anti-patterns have emerged. Learn how these anti-patterns are breaking accessibility and usability, and how to spot and overcome them. Session Detail for Spotting Accessibility Anti-Patterns
Track: Documents & Templates
The Power of Word Templates Trustee 104
taught by: Crystal Gonzales & co-presented by: Teri Forest
More Information about The Power of Word Templates
This course introduces the power of Word templates through showing you how to build a template and why they provide efficiency for authors. The templates integrate accessibility and branding providing efficiency for authors and improve the accessibility of documents across the agency. Session Detail for The Power of Word Templates
5:30 PM
to 8:30 PMTue, May 14
Track: Social & Networking
Austin on Your Own Trustee 104
More Information about Austin on Your Own
After AccessU, relax and enjoy a night out with old and new friends. Austin has numerous music venues, bars, restaurants, and other entertainment. Session Detail for Austin on Your Own
Wednesday, May 15, 2024: AccessU 2024
8:30 AM
to 11:45 AMWed, May 15
Track: Documents & Templates
A11y PDF: 101 and 102 Trustee 203
taught by: Bouton Jones
More Information about A11y PDF: 101 and 102
A comprehensive session for applying Ally to Office documents and PDFs using WCAG, PDF/UA, and the Matterhorn protocol. This will focus on the creation of accessible documents rather than remediation of less accessible documents. Session Detail for A11y PDF: 101 and 102
Track: Documents & Templates
Advanced PDF Accessibility Concepts (morning session) Trustee 113
taught by: Teenya Franklin
More Information about Advanced PDF Accessibility Concepts (morning session)
THIS CLASS SPANS 2 3-HOUR SESSIONS. In the morning, learn advanced PDF tagging while working alongside an instructor with a sample file. In the afternoon, apply your new skills to a real world document of your choosing, with help and support from an instructor. Session Detail for Advanced PDF Accessibility Concepts (morning session)
Track: Development
SwiftUI Accessibility Techniques for Native iOS Apps Trustee 112
taught by: Paul Adam
More Information about SwiftUI Accessibility Techniques for Native iOS Apps
This session will teach developers and designers how to build accessible iPhone and iPad apps for users with disabilities. We will use the CVS Health iOS SwiftUI Accessibility Techniques open-source project on GitHub and the iOS AppStore app SwiftUI Accessibility Techs. to demonstrate how to apply WCAG to native iOS and build apps accessible to iOS Assistive Technology users. Session Detail for SwiftUI Accessibility Techniques for Native iOS Apps
8:30 AM
to 10:00 AMWed, May 15
Track: Design & User Experience
Designing for Neurodiversity Trustee 303
taught by: Kate Walser & co-presented by: Jennifer Gauvreau
More Information about Designing for Neurodiversity
Ask a team how they’ve made their product accessible, and they may be delighted to describe their approach. Probe deeper and ask that same team if they are accounting for different types of brain functioning (neurodiversity), and you may be met with a blank look. Session Detail for Designing for Neurodiversity
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Finding the Balance: Vetting Accessibility in Purchasing and Use Decisions Trustee 211
taught by: Rob Carr
More Information about Finding the Balance: Vetting Accessibility in Purchasing and Use Decisions
Join me to dive into techniques that make a VPAT more effective and to discuss how to use other methods and tools to better account for accessibility in technology purchasing and use decision-making. Leave with a larger procurement toolbox and insight informed from first-person experience. Session Detail for Finding the Balance: Vetting Accessibility in Purchasing and Use Decisions
Track: Design & User Experience
Getting Started with Accessibility and WordPress Trustee 116
taught by: Sumner Davenport
More Information about Getting Started with Accessibility and WordPress
From install to launch WordPress can be the most simple platform to use to present an attractive and accessible website, even when approaching it for the first time. Session Detail for Getting Started with Accessibility and WordPress
Track: Testing
So You Want to be an Accessibility Engineer Trustee 214
taught by: Rachele DiTullio & co-presented by: Wesley Estes
More Information about So You Want to be an Accessibility Engineer
In this session, you’ll hear from two accessibility engineers who want to help you understand what a day-in-the-life of an accessibility engineer is like. We want you to be informed about what it’s like to work in accessibility, the skills you’ll need and how to find your first accessibility opportunity. Session Detail for So You Want to be an Accessibility Engineer
Track: Documents & Templates
Using EPUB's to Retire the PDF Trustee 215
taught by: Darrin Evans
More Information about Using EPUB's to Retire the PDF
In this session participants will be introduced to the free WordToEPUB tool and will be taught a workflow for developing accessible EPUB's as a way to replace PDF's. Session Detail for Using EPUB's to Retire the PDF
10:15 AM
to 11:45 AMWed, May 15
Track: Policy & Advocacy
Accessible Canada-Accessible World Challenges Pilot: Challenge of how to overcome impediments to innovation and greater inclusion in policies and regulations within an existing system Trustee 216
taught by: Samuel Proulx, Jeanne Spellman
More Information about Accessible Canada-Accessible World Challenges Pilot: Challenge of how to overcome impediments to innovation and greater inclusion in policies and regulations within an existing system
Challenge of how to overcome impediments to innovation and greater inclusion in policies and regulations within an existing system Session Detail for Accessible Canada-Accessible World Challenges Pilot: Challenge of how to overcome impediments to innovation and greater inclusion in policies and regulations within an existing system
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Design Systems: The Key to Sustained Web Accessibility? Trustee 215
taught by: David Cox
More Information about Design Systems: The Key to Sustained Web Accessibility?
Are design systems truly a tool to improve web accessibility at scale, or is it that organizations which can afford a design system simply have more resources to invest in web accessibility? Join me as I present my findings on the connections between organizations with design systems, organizations with accessible websites, and organizations with both. Session Detail for Design Systems: The Key to Sustained Web Accessibility?
Track: Design & User Experience
Environmental Concerns: Making Your Usability Tests Accessible Trustee 104
taught by: Erica Braverman
More Information about Environmental Concerns: Making Your Usability Tests Accessible
You are ready to start usability research with participants who have disabilities! But how can you make sure that the study experience itself is accessible? Learn how to plan for accessibility at every step of the way. Session Detail for Environmental Concerns: Making Your Usability Tests Accessible
Track: Design & User Experience
The Human Element: How to Include People with Disabilities into Your User Testing Practice Trustee 116
taught by: Amy Cole & co-presented by: Alex Hull, Angelina Smith
More Information about The Human Element: How to Include People with Disabilities into Your User Testing Practice
Whether you’ve got an advanced user testing practice or are just getting started, we have tips on how to include people with disabilities into your project’s life cycle. Learn how we partnered with a local visual impairment group to recruit people with disabilities into our content, generative, and prototype testing practice and how their findings have confirmed or changed our work. Session Detail for The Human Element: How to Include People with Disabilities into Your User Testing Practice
Track: Testing
The Nuances in Screen Reader vs. Keyboard Testing and Why It Matters Trustee 214
taught by: Derek Jackson
More Information about The Nuances in Screen Reader vs. Keyboard Testing and Why It Matters
While keyboard and screen reader testing may seem interchangeable, they work with distinct and separate areas of technology to interact with the browser. This session delves into the the worlds of keyboard and screen reader testing to make it clear what we are really looking for in these types of testing to enable more comprehensive and effective testing approaches. Session Detail for The Nuances in Screen Reader vs. Keyboard Testing and Why It Matters
Track: Design & User Experience
When Designing for the Disabled, Fit is the Finish Trustee 303
taught by: Bryce Johnson
More Information about When Designing for the Disabled, Fit is the Finish
Introducing a new extension to the Microsoft Inclusive Design methods focused on how devices can be designed to be flexible systems that are inclusive for the disabled. Session Detail for When Designing for the Disabled, Fit is the Finish
Track: Design & User Experience
Accessible Firebrand: “Why can’t I use my brand color there? …and if not there – then where?” Trustee 211
taught by: Deneb Pulsipher & co-presented by: Mark Alvis
More Information about Accessible Firebrand: “Why can’t I use my brand color there? …and if not there – then where?”
Every company is strongly invested in its brand colors, even when these don’t meet contrast ratio requirements against the site’s background color. From an accessibility specialist’s perspective, it’s essential to know where these colors cannot be used, but from a designer’s practical and aesthetic perspective, it’s important to know where and how they can safely be used to build brand identity. Session Detail for Accessible Firebrand: “Why can’t I use my brand color there? …and if not there – then where?”
1:00 PM
to 2:00 PMWed, May 15
Track: Keynote
The Role of Cognitive, Emotional, and Compassionate Empathy in Product Design Jones Auditorium (Ragsdale Hall)
taught by: Homer Gaines
More Information about The Role of Cognitive, Emotional, and Compassionate Empathy in Product Design
The Role of Cognitive, Emotional, and Compassionate Empathy in Product Design Session Detail for The Role of Cognitive, Emotional, and Compassionate Empathy in Product Design
2:00 PM
to 5:15 PMWed, May 15
Track: Design & User Experience
Accessibility for Designers Trustee 112
taught by: Miranda Capra
More Information about Accessibility for Designers
This class will help web and app designers create accessible designs. It will walk through common design patterns and examples drawn from years of coaching teams on creating usable and accessible designs. Session Detail for Accessibility for Designers
Track: Documents & Templates
Advanced PDF Accessibility Concepts (afternoon session) Trustee 113
taught by: Teenya Franklin
More Information about Advanced PDF Accessibility Concepts (afternoon session)
THIS CLASS SPANS 2 3-HOUR SESSIONS. In the morning, learn advanced PDF tagging while working alongside an instructor with a sample file. In the afternoon, apply your new skills to a real world document of your choosing, with help and support from an instructor. Session Detail for Advanced PDF Accessibility Concepts (afternoon session)
Track: Development
Designing ARIA Implementations for Complex, Custom Widgets Trustee 214
taught by: Matt King
More Information about Designing ARIA Implementations for Complex, Custom Widgets
Using case studies, this class will walk attendees through the process of designing the ARIA implementation for a complex custom widget, whether you are building that widget using a framework or building that widget to be part of a framework. Session Detail for Designing ARIA Implementations for Complex, Custom Widgets
2:00 PM
to 3:30 PMWed, May 15
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Beyond Accessibility Basics: Charting a Path for the GOV.UK Design System Trustee 104
taught by: David Cox
More Information about Beyond Accessibility Basics: Charting a Path for the GOV.UK Design System
A well-placed accessibility strategy can multiply a team's impact, improving the lives of many. David will share how the GOV.UK Design System team built a solid accessibility strategy, advancing one of the world’s most accessible government design systems beyond the basics. Session Detail for Beyond Accessibility Basics: Charting a Path for the GOV.UK Design System
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Ensuring Your ICT Procurement is Accessible Trustee 303
taught by: Andrew Arch & co-presented by: Neil Jarvis
More Information about Ensuring Your ICT Procurement is Accessible
In this session we'll provide an understanding of the processes and requirements to ensure accessibility considerations are included in the procurement of ICT products and services. If you're involved in any aspect of the procurement of ICT products or services, either as an accessibility advisor or as a user of ICT purchased for your organisation, come and learn how to improve the accessibility of future purchases. Session Detail for Ensuring Your ICT Procurement is Accessible
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
“Hello Computer” - Empowering Lives Through Voice Control: My Journey Trustee 211
taught by: David Dauber
More Information about “Hello Computer” - Empowering Lives Through Voice Control: My Journey
Join Dave D., a lifelong assistive technology user, as he explores the universe of Voice Control on Mac and iPhone—no need to talk into a mouse like Scotty from Star Trek! Session Detail for “Hello Computer” - Empowering Lives Through Voice Control: My Journey
Track: Development
Labels and Aria - What’s in a Name? Trustee 203
taught by: Leslie Schulz
More Information about Labels and Aria - What’s in a Name?
What is an accessible name? Learn how to use html labels and discover aria solutions for form elements, links, and regions. Session Detail for Labels and Aria - What’s in a Name?
Track: Design & User Experience
Leveraging User-Centric Practices to Create Accessible and Learnable Tools & Experiences for Accessibility Testing Trustee 116
taught by: Nandita Gupta & co-presented by: Anezka Virani, Sayli Pednekar
More Information about Leveraging User-Centric Practices to Create Accessible and Learnable Tools & Experiences for Accessibility Testing
This workshop dives deep into user-centric approaches to building accessible and learnable tools and experiences for accessibility testing. We'll explore how to empower users of varying experience levels, from seasoned accessibility professionals to developers taking their first steps in the field. Session Detail for Leveraging User-Centric Practices to Create Accessible and Learnable Tools & Experiences for Accessibility Testing
Track: Development
WCAG 2.2 and the IBM Accessibility Equal Access Toolkit Trustee 215
taught by: Phill Jenkins, Josiah Hoskins & co-presented by: Thomas Brunet
More Information about WCAG 2.2 and the IBM Accessibility Equal Access Toolkit
The IBM Equal Access Toolkit provides free guidance and tools for roles throughout your application development workflow. Learn how the accessibility guidance and tools can help you and your designers and developers be ready for WCAG 2.2. Session Detail for WCAG 2.2 and the IBM Accessibility Equal Access Toolkit
3:45 PM
to 5:15 PMWed, May 15
Track: Development
Creating an Accessible Character Counter Trustee 303
taught by: Russ Weakley
More Information about Creating an Accessible Character Counter
How can you create a character counter to be accessible for all users? Ideally we want it to provide immediate feedback for sighted users, and less verbose feedback for screen readers users. This presentation will take a deep-dive into this complex component. Session Detail for Creating an Accessible Character Counter
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
EU Legislation Will Have International Impact Trustee 215
taught by: Susanna Laurin
More Information about EU Legislation Will Have International Impact
The European Accessibility Act enters into force in 2025. It covers certain products and services on the EU market, which means that US-based or global companies doing business in the EU will be affected. Economic operators in the entire value chain: manufacturers, representatives, importers, distributors and providers are covered. Accessibility requirements differ between US and the EU, so this is important to be aware of, if you have clients who do business in the EU. Session Detail for EU Legislation Will Have International Impact
Track: Design & User Experience
Rainbows and Fig Trees Trustee 203
taught by: Thea Eaton
More Information about Rainbows and Fig Trees
Learn about accessible design in Figma in a hands-on workshop. Session Detail for Rainbows and Fig Trees
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Waking Up to Accessibility Trustee 104
taught by: Becky Gibson & co-presented by: Anthony Vasquez
More Information about Waking Up to Accessibility
So how do you get everyone to buy into digital inclusion? Demos! See a screen reader user show you live if he can or cannot get around on live websites. Session Detail for Waking Up to Accessibility
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
Transparency: The Key to a More Accessible and Intelligent Future Trustee 211
taught by: Kate Kalcevich
More Information about Transparency: The Key to a More Accessible and Intelligent Future
Learn how transparency can shield against bias and act as a catalyst for innovation in AI systems. Session Detail for Transparency: The Key to a More Accessible and Intelligent Future
3:45 PM
to 5:15 PMWed, May 15
Track: Documents & Templates
How to Create and Remediate Microsoft Excel Files for Accessibility Trustee 116
taught by: Richard Steinberg
More Information about How to Create and Remediate Microsoft Excel Files for Accessibility
This session will focus on understanding what makes Microsoft Excel data tables and charts accessible, and will include demonstrations of assistive technologies with Excel. Making Excel documents accessible ultimately improves usability for everyone, making them easier to read, access information quickly, and manage over time. Session Detail for How to Create and Remediate Microsoft Excel Files for Accessibility
5:30 PM
to 7:00 PMWed, May 15
Track: Social & Networking
Speed Networking and Happy Hour Trustee 104
More Information about Speed Networking and Happy Hour
The field of digital accessibility professional is disrupted by layoffs, AI, and the general uncertainty of these times. Join us for drinks and snacks on the beautiful lawn of St. Edward's University. We'll conduct fun speed networking activities to help you connect to job seekers, those with jobs to fill, and the general community of practice. Session Detail for Speed Networking and Happy Hour
Thursday, May 16, 2024: AccessU 2024
8:30 AM
to 10:00 AMThu, May 16
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
Alternative Text with AI Computer Vision Trustee 211
taught by: Carolyn Chesler
More Information about Alternative Text with AI Computer Vision
I will cover how we were able to leverage AI Computer Vision with Sitecore CMS to automate the process of adding alternative text. We learned that we increased efficiency without sacrificing quality and you can too. Session Detail for Alternative Text with AI Computer Vision
Track: Design & User Experience
Audio Description Demystified Trustee 203
taught by: Celia Hughes & co-presented by: April Sullivan
More Information about Audio Description Demystified
Come to this session to learn from experienced describers the difference between standard and extended description, and which is best for the type of material you are creating. Get ahead of the game by learning what you need to do to make sure your videos are universally designed from the beginning; so description is built into your process, saving you both time and money! Session Detail for Audio Description Demystified
Track: Testing
Compare & Contrast: Pointer Gestures and Dragging Movements Trustee 215
taught by: Jennifer VonYeast
More Information about Compare & Contrast: Pointer Gestures and Dragging Movements
WCAG 2.2 now incorporates more guidance for a variety of input modalities. Let's use this time to learn more about WCAG 2.5.1 - Pointer Gestures, WCAG 2.5.7 Dragging Movements, and how they compare. Session Detail for Compare & Contrast: Pointer Gestures and Dragging Movements
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Digital Accessibility Stewardship Trustee 116
taught by: Christina Adams
More Information about Digital Accessibility Stewardship
We have all been placed into a position of inheriting legacy systems where we struggle to make our mark to improve the user experience, design, and accessibility within these digital experiences. Digital Accessibility Stewardship is a concept where we arrive into a system that we did not build but work to leave the system better than how we inherited it from our predecessors. Session Detail for Digital Accessibility Stewardship
Track: Design & User Experience
Greenlines System for Accessible User Experience Trustee 112
taught by: Linda Nakasone
More Information about Greenlines System for Accessible User Experience
Greenlines is a tool UX designers utilize to annotate design, providing developers with guidance for creating accessible code, and serving as a reference for testers to assess compliance. Session Detail for Greenlines System for Accessible User Experience
Track: Design & User Experience
Redefining Legal Access: Practical Insights from Legal Kiosk Implementation Trustee 113
taught by: Bailey Goldenbaum & co-presented by: Elliott Fontenette
More Information about Redefining Legal Access: Practical Insights from Legal Kiosk Implementation
Legal Kiosks are computers located in public spaces providing access to legal services, removing technology and transportation barriers. Experience firsthand how our accessibility features are helping reshape the justice landscape, helping people connect with legal information and services in their community. Session Detail for Redefining Legal Access: Practical Insights from Legal Kiosk Implementation
Track: Design & User Experience
The Importance of Semantics for Designers (and Developers) Trustee 104
taught by: Gerard Cohen
More Information about The Importance of Semantics for Designers (and Developers)
Semantics are the backbone of digital accessibility. Not just for developers, this is also crucial for designers, especially when expected to provide accessibility annotations. Session Detail for The Importance of Semantics for Designers (and Developers)
Track: Policy & Advocacy
Understanding the User Needs Trustee 303
taught by: Helen Burge
More Information about Understanding the User Needs
When performing accessibility audits, I have learned a lot about the users and their needs. I aim to share some common pitfalls and assumptions to help everyone improve their understanding. Session Detail for Understanding the User Needs
10:15 AM
to 11:45 AMThu, May 16
Track: Policy & Advocacy
Connecting the Paths: Harnessing Expertise and Bolstering Advocacy for Lasting Regulatory Change Jones Auditorium (Ragsdale Hall)
taught by: Corbb O'Connor & co-presented by: John G. Paré, Jr., Susanna Laurin, Whitney Quesenbery
More Information about Connecting the Paths: Harnessing Expertise and Bolstering Advocacy for Lasting Regulatory Change
This panel of accessibility experts will explore the importance of connecting accessibility professionals and advocacy organizations. Session Detail for Connecting the Paths: Harnessing Expertise and Bolstering Advocacy for Lasting Regulatory Change
12:00 PM
to 1:45 PMThu, May 16
Track: Social & Networking
Unconference Sessions Trustee 104
More Information about Unconference Sessions
Join us during lunch for informal but lively discussions on a range of accessibility topics. Session Detail for Unconference Sessions
2:00 PM
to 3:30 PMThu, May 16
Track: Design & User Experience
A11y Design Fundamentals Trustee 113
taught by: Seda Maurer
More Information about A11y Design Fundamentals
Are you wondering how to design for digital accessibility? Do you know all the different constraints and disabilities that need to be considered? Do you know how to address each in your designs? Join this session to answer your questions. Session Detail for A11y Design Fundamentals
Track: Design & User Experience
A11Y & Data Visualization Trustee 104
taught by: Thomas Watkins
More Information about A11Y & Data Visualization
The current state of accessibility for data visualization leaves much to be desired. Fortunately, we already know enough to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing methods and imagine plans for making data insights accessible to users of all ability levels. Session Detail for A11Y & Data Visualization
Track: Interactive & Emerging Technologies
Breaking Barriers: Crafting an inclusive TV experience for All... Beyond Audio Description and Captions Trustee 211
taught by: Alpesh Danabhai Ahir & co-presented by: Sam Joehl
More Information about Breaking Barriers: Crafting an inclusive TV experience for All... Beyond Audio Description and Captions
This session will explore some of the barriers, limitations, and solutions around creating inclusive experiences for television and streaming media interfaces. We will offer practical best practices with demonstrations and examples of ways to make these experiences more enjoyable for everyone. Session Detail for Breaking Barriers: Crafting an inclusive TV experience for All... Beyond Audio Description and Captions
Track: Testing
Fast-Track Remediation With Browser DevTools Trustee 214
taught by: Dan Tripp
More Information about Fast-Track Remediation With Browser DevTools
How to fix common web accessibility errors using the DevTools functionality of your browser, in combination with your auditing tool of choice. Session Detail for Fast-Track Remediation With Browser DevTools
Track: Design & User Experience
Accessible and Inclusive Persona and Product Practices from the Sunflower UX Team Trustee 112
taught by: Sonya Lewis
More Information about Accessible and Inclusive Persona and Product Practices from the Sunflower UX Team
Sonya Lewis presents a case study on how the Sunflower UX Team is reimagining EdTech by integrating accessibility and inclusive design into Continuing Medical Education (CMEs) products for healthcare professionals. Learn how the Sunflower UX Team applies strategic best practices into our external products and service offerings, while building inclusive internal processes for our team members - which includes People with Disabilities (PwD). Session Detail for Accessible and Inclusive Persona and Product Practices from the Sunflower UX Team
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
Inclusive Insights: Pioneering Progress with Accessibility Metrics & KPIs Trustee 116
taught by: Kai Wong
More Information about Inclusive Insights: Pioneering Progress with Accessibility Metrics & KPIs
Learn how you can set goals and measure progress of a digital accessibility program using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Session Detail for Inclusive Insights: Pioneering Progress with Accessibility Metrics & KPIs
Track: Organizational Practices & Strategic Planning
On a Roll: What Roller-Skating Can Teach You about Digital Accessibility Trustee 303
taught by: Kylie Pollock
More Information about On a Roll: What Roller-Skating Can Teach You about Digital Accessibility
Digital accessibility can feel hard when people first start on their journey, it can take you on odd turns and sometimes you are going to stumble or even need to go backwards to learn how to go forward with confidence. Don’t you wish someone would explain the basics of digital accessibility in an easy-to-understand way? Well put on those skates and lets learn through analogy of skate culture. Session Detail for On a Roll: What Roller-Skating Can Teach You about Digital Accessibility
Track: Development
The Case for Accessible Unit Testing Trustee 203
taught by: Zoltan Hawryluk
More Information about The Case for Accessible Unit Testing
Even though the website you are working on is accessible now, it may not be accessible in the future if inexperienced developer accidentally deletes the code that makes it that way. This session will show how to prevent this with unit testing. Session Detail for The Case for Accessible Unit Testing
Track: Testing
You Say It’s “Accessible” But Why Can’t I Use It? Trustee 215
taught by: Kimberly Cannon & co-presented by: Michael Moore
More Information about You Say It’s “Accessible” But Why Can’t I Use It?
Accessibility conformance testing and reporting may keep you out of legal hot water but ensuring that people with disabilities can actually use your application requires more than technical conformance with WCAG Success Criteria. Session Detail for You Say It’s “Accessible” But Why Can’t I Use It?