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Without a Paddle: Accessibility Pitfalls of Site Navigation Menus

taught by: Deneb Pulsipher

Session Summary

If visitors to a website are unable to access parts of the menu, they'll be up a creek without a paddle and will likely bail on the site rather than figure out alternative ways to get around it. Learn how to check the accessibility of the navigation menu, as well as what to do about it if you find it lacking.


In this session you'll learn four of the most common problems that make site navigation menus inaccessible. We'll examine and discuss websites in the wild that have fallen into these traps, and consider what the experience of these sites would be like for visitors using assistive devices. We'll discuss how these problems can be planned for when developing navigation menus as well as what can be done to remediate existing menus that have these problems.

Practical Skills

  • Participants will be able to test for and recognize accessibility failures of site navigation menus.
  • Participants will learn how to plan for and implement accessibility features in navigation menus under development, and how to remediate them in production.
  • Participants will test and get help remediating the navigation menus of their own sites, or others they have an interest in.