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Understanding the User Needs

taught by: Helen Burge

Session Summary

When performing accessibility audits, I have learned a lot about the users and their needs. I aim to share some common pitfalls and assumptions to help everyone improve their understanding.


As a mum of 2 neurodivergent boys, I know they might have 1 disability classification but have completely different needs. My eldest has multiple neurodivergent conditions and my youngest has nonverbal ASD. However, both are happy boys but have completely different wants and needs. Some are due to the human factor and their personalities!

I have found this is true of all users and want to share my learnings and past assumptions to help others who might have similar assumptions. As I work with many people with a variety of accessibility backgrounds, I know these might be second nature to most. This talk might help you confirm your understanding or help you learn a few new facts. One thing you can be sure of… I will mention my mistakes first!

Practical Skills

  • User needs.
  • Audit solutions for issues.
  • We are all human.