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Designing ARIA Implementations for Complex, Custom Widgets

taught by: Matt King

Session Summary

Using case studies, this class will walk attendees through the process of designing the ARIA implementation for a complex custom widget, whether you are building that widget using a framework or building that widget to be part of a framework.


Given a product with a complex UI that is not accessible, how do you use the information in the APG to arrive at an ARIA implantation that will yield a great assistive technology (AT) and keyboard experience? We will explore an approach  to analyzing and defining requirements and constraints.  We'll provide methods to help you choose the set of patterns to combine and layer.  We'll share some tricky engineering challenges that you are liable to face when layering patterns. We'll help you avoid common pitfalls and evaluate tradeoffs.

Practical Skills

  • Given a product with a complex UI that is not accessible, how do you use the information in the APG to arrive at an ARIA implantation that will yield a great assistive technology (AT) and keyboard experience? We will explore an approach  to analyzing and defining requirements and constraints.  We'll provide methods to help you choose the set of patterns to combine and layer.  We'll share some tricky engineering challenges that you are liable to face when layering patterns. We'll help you avoid common pitfalls and evaluate tradeoffs.
  • Given a product with a complex UI that is not accessible, how do you use the information in the APG to arrive at an ARIA implantation that will yield a great assistive technology (AT) and keyboard experience? We will explore an approach  to analyzing and defining requirements and constraints.  We'll provide methods to help you choose the set of patterns to combine and layer.  We'll share some tricky engineering challenges that you are liable to face when layering patterns. We'll help you avoid common pitfalls and evaluate tradeoffs.
  • Given a product with a complex UI that is not accessible, how do you use the information in the APG to arrive at an ARIA implantation that will yield a great assistive technology (AT) and keyboard experience? We will explore an approach  to analyzing and defining requirements and constraints.  We'll provide methods to help you choose the set of patterns to combine and layer.  We'll share some tricky engineering challenges that you are liable to face when layering patterns. We'll help you avoid common pitfalls and evaluate tradeoffs.