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The Least You Need to Build a Responsive (Mobile First) Web Site

taught by: Bouton Jones

Session Summary

This will be presented from the perspective of web design. It is targeted at busy web designers with little to no JS experience or a lazy web developer who appreciates simplicity. Some knowledge of HTML and CSS will be necessary but it will not be a deep dive into web design.


With the ubiquity of smartphones for viewing the web, it's almost a necessity that most websites can be easily viewed on those small, handheld devices. This session will cover how to make websites using responsive design with the least blood, sweat, and tears as well as the least programming.

This will be presented from the perspective of a web designer. It is targeted at busy web designers with little to no JS experience or lazy web developers who appreciate simplicity. Some knowledge of HTML and CSS will be necessary but it will not be a deep dive into markup languages.

A few of the topics covered:

  • Why do you need a mobile website?
  • Why are we covering mobile website design in an accessibility conference?
  • What is universal design and how does it realte to accessibility?
  • Applying mobile-first to a legacy website.

Practical Skills

  • Build a responsive web site with the least grief.
  • How responsive Web Design and Accessibility are closely related and complement one another.
  • How to create a functional hamburger menu without JavaScript.