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Audio Description Demystified

taught by: Celia Hughes
co-presented by: April Sullivan

Session Summary

Come to this session to learn from experienced describers the difference between standard and extended description, and which is best for the type of material you are creating. Get ahead of the game by learning what you need to do to make sure your videos are universally designed from the beginning; so description is built into your process, saving you both time and money!


This presentation will provide a general understanding of what a Describer looks for when deciding the type of description best suited for your content. Learning the difference between standard and extended description will give you the knowledge you need to hire the right Describer, or to produce quality description in-house. Watch real examples to get a sense of how good description can enhance a video and bad description can detract from your content. Go one step beyond and discover how the core skills and general principles of effective description can influence your narrative content in a proactive way.

Practical Skills

  • Analyzing visual content for comprehension.
  • Understanding the differences between standard and extended description.
  • General principles for effective audio description.