Full Schedule

AccessU 2020 includes two days of talks followed by two days of multi-track training classes. The schedule for each day is linked by date.
Our rooms at AccessU 2020 are dedicated to some of the most notable people in the accessibility space.
Past Sessions:
Wednesday, May 13, 2020: Single-track Talks
9:30 AM
to 10:00 AMWed, May 13
Track: General
Conference Registration, Welcome and Room Dedication to Christopher Schmitt Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-BoyMore Information about Conference Registration, Welcome and Room Dedication to Christopher Schmitt
Welcome and video dedication to Knowbility colleague Christopher Schmitt Session Detail For Conference Registration, Welcome and Room Dedication to Christopher Schmitt
10:00 AM
to 10:45 AMWed, May 13
Track: Design/UX
Efficient & Effective Design: Conserving Cognitive Energy Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Glenda Sims
More Information about Efficient & Effective Design: Conserving Cognitive Energy
What if I told you that I could make you fall in love with Cognitive Accessibility? I don’t ever want you to compromise on good design. Let me show you how the principles of Cognitive Design can elevate your UI to a delightful user experience for all. Learn about key cognitive challenges and how they exist in our daily lives. Explore actionable design principles that will reduce mental friction for all of your users. Session Detail for Efficient & Effective Design: Conserving Cognitive Energy
11:00 AM
to 11:45 AMWed, May 13
Track: Coding & Testing
Commonly Seen Accessibility Errors Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Becky Gibson
More Information about Commonly Seen Accessibility Errors
Do you code HTML or generate content for the Web? Chances are you have created some accessibility barriers. This presentation will review common accessibility errors and show you how to avoid them. Session Detail for Commonly Seen Accessibility Errors
12:00 PM
to 12:15 PMWed, May 13
Track: General
A Video Tribute to Christopher Schmitt Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-BoyMore Information about A Video Tribute to Christopher Schmitt
Video tribute to Knowbility colleague Christopher Schmitt Session Detail for A Video Tribute to Christopher Schmitt
12:15 PM
to 1:30 PMWed, May 13
Track: General
Lunch Break Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by PearsonMore Information about Lunch Break
1:00 PM
to 2:15 PMWed, May 13
Track: Business/Content
Choosing the Best Audio Description Format for Your Video Content Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-BoyMore Information about Choosing the Best Audio Description Format for Your Video Content
Do you know what you need before choosing an Audio Description provider or creating described videos in-house? Come to this session to learn from experienced audio describers about the difference between standard and extended audio description, and which is best for the type of visual material you are presenting. Get ahead of the game by learning what you need to do to make sure your videos are universally designed from the beginning; so audio description is built into your process, saving you … Session Detail for Choosing the Best Audio Description Format for Your Video Content
2:30 PM
to 3:15 PMWed, May 13
Track: Coding & Testing
Accessibility and Security Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-BoyMore Information about Accessibility and Security
Accessibility and security are important – learn where the intersection of these topics lives. Session Detail for Accessibility and Security
3:30 PM
to 4:15 PMWed, May 13
Track: Business/Content
How to Change the Culture of Developing Digital Products: Taking the GAAD Pledge Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Joe Devon
More Information about How to Change the Culture of Developing Digital Products: Taking the GAAD Pledge
Transcript of Video Hello. My name is Joe Devon. I am co founder of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, as well as Diamond, a digital agency that builds inclusive, scalable software. I’m so excited to be one of the speakers at the Jonn Slatin AccessU 2020-goes-virtual conference. Iwanted to share with you that my plan is to speak about how to change the culture of developing digital products and taking the GAAD pledge. This is all about the fact that developers in my experience actually would … Session Detail For How to Change the Culture of Developing Digital Products: Taking the GAAD Pledge
4:45 PM
to 5:00 PMWed, May 13
Track: General
A Video Tribute to Christopher Schmitt Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-BoyMore Information about A Video Tribute to Christopher Schmitt
Video tribute to Knowbility colleague Christopher Schmitt Session Detail for A Video Tribute to Christopher Schmitt
5:00 PM
to 6:00 PMWed, May 13
Track: General
Happy Hour Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-BoyMore Information about Happy Hour
On the evening of Wednesday, May 13, Knowbility opens our virtual doors to all in the accessibility community. Join us first for a tribute to our colleague and dear friend Christopher Schmitt followed by a virtual happy hour which will include event highlights, updates about the upcoming conference day, and continuing with networking and discussion breakouts to encourage connection between attendees. We hope you can join us! Session Detail for Happy Hour
Thursday, May 14, 2020: Single-track Talks
8:00 AM
to 8:45 AMThu, May 14
Track: Coding & Testing
Respecting User Preferences On The Web Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Eric Eggert
More Information about Respecting User Preferences On The Web
Starting with reduced motion preferences, websites and apps are becoming increasingly aware of a user’s display preferences. Learn how this affects creating new interfaces.Different users have different needs for their web experience. That difference is even greater between different types of disabilities – where one user needs high contrasts, another user might be sensitive to stark contrasts. CSS gives developers simple, yet powerful tools to address those different needs for different users … Session Detail for Respecting User Preferences On The Web
9:00 AM
to 9:45 AMThu, May 14
Track: Coding & Testing
Web Accessibility Testing with a11yTools for Safari and iOS Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Paul Adam
More Information about Web Accessibility Testing with a11yTools for Safari and iOS
a11yTools is a collection of HTML Web Accessibility Testing Tools in one location in a Safari Extension used for quick and easy Accessibility testing. Run your favorite Accessibility testing tool and then take a screenshot showing the a11y error to developers and designers. Session Detail for Web Accessibility Testing with a11yTools for Safari and iOS
10:00 AM
to 10:45 AMThu, May 14
Track: Business/Content
Project Management for Digital Accessibility Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Emily Lewis
More Information about Project Management for Digital Accessibility
Get an introduction to accessibility from a project manager’s perspective! Session Detail for Project Management for Digital Accessibility
11:00 AM
to 11:45 AMThu, May 14
Track: Coding & Testing
Screen Readers and CSS: Going Out of Style (And Into Content) Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: John Northup
More Information about Screen Readers and CSS: Going Out of Style (And Into Content)
Through live demonstrations, participants will learn how various CSS declarations affect content exposure and reading order in several popular screen reader/browser pairings. In addition, we will offer solutions to overcome screen reader limitations and browser inconsistencies. Building on our testing from prior years, we’ve tested more CSS declarations and turned up more inconsistencies and gotchas that may surprise you. Session Detail for Screen Readers and CSS: Going Out of Style (And Into Content)
12:00 PM
to 1:30 PMThu, May 14
Track: General
Lunch Break Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by PearsonMore Information about Lunch Break
1:30 PM
to 2:15 PMThu, May 14
Track: Business/Content
The 2020 AccessU Digital Accessibility Legal Update Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Lainey Feingold
More Information about The 2020 AccessU Digital Accessibility Legal Update
Accessibility is a civil right of people with disabilities. This class will share up-to-date developments in the digital accessibility legal space with an emphasis on how participants can use the law to advance accessibility whatever their role. Session Detail for The 2020 AccessU Digital Accessibility Legal Update
2:30 PM
to 3:15 PMThu, May 14
Track: Design/UX
Accessible Design Systems Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Caryn Pagel, Nathan Weber
More Information about Accessible Design Systems
Design systems are growing in popularity, and for all the right reasons. We’ll explore how digital accessibility works in a good design system. Session Detail for Accessible Design Systems
3:30 PM
to 4:15 PMThu, May 14
Track: Design/UX
The Past, Present, and Future of Web Accessibility – Lessons Learned from WebAIM Million Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Jared Smith
More Information about The Past, Present, and Future of Web Accessibility – Lessons Learned from WebAIM Million
The WebAIM Million analysis of the home pages for the top one million web sites (plus many other interior) pages provides a powerful perspective on the current state of web accessibility and its progress over the last year. This webinar will explore the critical findings of this research and the most impactful issues for users with disabilities, as well as data-driven recommendations for improving web accessibility in the future. Session Detail for The Past, Present, and Future of Web Accessibility – Lessons Learned from WebAIM Million
Tuesday, May 19, 2020: Multi-track Trainings
8:30 AM
to 9:30 AMTue, May 19
Track: Business/Content
Add Accessibility to Your Process the Easy-ish Way Bill Cahill Room
sponsored by codemantrataught by: James Green & co-presented by: Michael Grandpre, Brandon McCartney
More Information about Add Accessibility to Your Process the Easy-ish Way
How to add Accessibility to your product/process even when you don’t have time to stop. Learn the challenges and pitfalls of adopting accessibility and get started with a set of requirements and test cases written by Visa. Session Detail for Add Accessibility to Your Process the Easy-ish Way
Track: Coding & Testing
HTML Accessibility Jim Thatcher Room
sponsored by Tenon.iotaught by: Becky Gibson
More Information about HTML Accessibility
Don’t write inaccessible code! Come learn how to make your sites and pages inclusive to ALL. This session will cover the basic HTML techniques for accessible content. There will be code. Session Detail for HTML Accessibility
Track: Business/Content
PDF Rescue: Practical Tips for Busy Professionals Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by Pearsontaught by: Marc Thorson & co-presented by: Stacy Carston Sporie, Rob Kaul
More Information about PDF Rescue: Practical Tips for Busy Professionals
Learn how to use Adobe Acrobat Pro to make PDF documents accessible. The Nelnet Accessibility Team will draw on their experience to teach you the essentials of how to evaluate and remediate PDFs and share strategies for dealing with common issues. Session Detail for PDF Rescue: Practical Tips for Busy Professionals
Track: Design/UX
Plain Language: Increasing The Accessibility Of Your Content Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Elisa Miller
More Information about Plain Language: Increasing The Accessibility Of Your Content
You went to a lot of trouble to put that content online. Understanding the concepts of Plain language will help your audience find it, understand it and use it. Writing clearly makes information more accessible – and usable – for people who don’t read well, are reading in a second language, or are listening to the text. That means better informed users, happier customers, and fewer angry support calls. Session Detail for Plain Language: Increasing The Accessibility Of Your Content
9:45 AM
to 10:45 AMTue, May 19
Track: Coding & Testing
Accessibility Testing Practices for Web Components and Patterns Jim Thatcher Room
sponsored by Tenon.iotaught by: Lyssa Prince
More Information about Accessibility Testing Practices for Web Components and Patterns
This class will cover testing web components and patterns, such as carousels, accordions, buttons, form fields, tables, modals, and navigation menus. We will build on knowledge of basic accessibility concepts including proper structure, keyboard access and usability, and similar concepts. Session Detail for Accessibility Testing Practices for Web Components and Patterns
Track: Coding & Testing
Better Tooling with ACT Rules Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Shadi Abou-Zahra
More Information about Better Tooling with ACT Rules
Learn about the W3C Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) Rules and how they improve your checker tools Session Detail for Better Tooling with ACT Rules
Track: Business/Content
Ethics, Economics And (In-)Action: Accessibility In Procurement And Use Bill Cahill Room
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Rob Carr
More Information about Ethics, Economics And (In-)Action: Accessibility In Procurement And Use
Through case studies and discussion, we will dig into how to manage, advance, or stop conversations about accessibility with current and prospective technology vendors. You will learn or revisit tools and processes that will help your organization to better account for accessibility when you make a purchase or use decision. Finally we will also share some advice to vendors that might want to sell their products to organizations with mature accessibility programs all while considering aspects of … Session Detail for Ethics, Economics And (In-)Action: Accessibility In Procurement And Use
Track: Business/Content
Impact of Digital Document Accessibility Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by Pearsontaught by: Ian Smith
More Information about Impact of Digital Document Accessibility
This course will cover PDF accessibility compliance and will provide an overview of how non-compliant documents “appear” to end-users, the benefits of an accessible document, and the fundamentals required to create an accessible PDF file. Session Detail for Impact of Digital Document Accessibility
11:00 AM
to 12:00 PMTue, May 19
Track: Coding & Testing
Creating Accessible Tables Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Jim Allan
More Information about Creating Accessible Tables
Tables can pose unique usability and accessibility challenges to people, including those using assistive and mobile technologies. This BYOL hands-on session will review current practices and strategies to making tables usable and accessible using semantic HTML and CSS. We will review how screen-readers and other assistive technologies interact with tables. Session Detail for Creating Accessible Tables
Track: Education & Gaming
Designing Accessible Games Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by Pearsontaught by: Steven Lambert
More Information about Designing Accessible Games
Learn about the principles of accessibility in games and how to design your games with accessibility in mind Session Detail for Designing Accessible Games
Track: Coding & Testing
Enhance Your Accessibility With ARIA Jim Thatcher Room
sponsored by Tenon.iotaught by: Megan Zlock
More Information about Enhance Your Accessibility With ARIA
During this talk, Megan will walk through ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications), covering ARIA roles, attributes, and some examples. She’ll walk through common ARIA patterns in depth and provide resources for developers to further their ARIA knowledge on their own. Session Detail for Enhance Your Accessibility With ARIA
Track: Business/Content
Section 508 and WCAG 2.1+ — Key Things You Need To Know! Bill Cahill Room
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Bruce Bailey
More Information about Section 508 and WCAG 2.1+ — Key Things You Need To Know!
Section 508 Standards from the US Access Board were updated to include the W3C’s WCAG 2.0 Level AA Success Criteria and conformance requirements. In 2018, the W3C published an update – WCAG 2.1. What are the implications of standards evolution for accessibility managers in institutions of all types and sizes? How do we stay current and ensure that the needs of all our stakeholders are met while we conform to legal requirements? This full day class will take you through the important details of … Session Detail For Section 508 and WCAG 2.1+ — Key Things You Need To Know!
12:00 PM
to 1:30 PMTue, May 19
Track: General
Lunch & Keynote by Jamie Knight John Slatin Room
sponsored by WebAIMtaught by: Jamie Knight
More Information about Lunch & Keynote by Jamie Knight
We often describe disability as the mismatch between a person and their environment. The barriers in the environment disable us. Virtual Reality (VR) gives us the tools to redefine the environment that surrounds us. Eliminating barriers and enhancing access and inclusion. This presentation covers the work of the BBC VR Barriers project. Providing an overview of the project and discussing some of the adventures we have along the way. Session Detail For Lunch & Keynote by Jamie Knight
1:30 PM
to 2:30 PMTue, May 19
Track: Education & Gaming
Engaging Students with Disabilities with the Xbox Adaptive Controller Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by Pearsontaught by: Bryce Johnson
More Information about Engaging Students with Disabilities with the Xbox Adaptive Controller
How can the Xbox Adaptive Controller can empower students with disabilities? We’ll show how it can be used for different types of limited mobility and give you tips on how you can engage students. We do this in Minecraft by going through the education content available for all Minecraft players. Session Detail For Engaging Students with Disabilities with the Xbox Adaptive Controller
Track: Business/Content
Implementing Accessibility Strategically Bill Cahill Room
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Jeff Kline
More Information about Implementing Accessibility Strategically
This course will cover IT Accessibility at an organization side, strategic level and will cover a number of topics key to a successful accessibility program. Session Detail for Implementing Accessibility Strategically
Track: Coding & Testing
Patterns For Improving Accessible Quality Through Automated Tools In Development Environments Jim Thatcher Room
sponsored by Tenon.iotaught by: Thomas Brunet & co-presented by: Charu Pandhi
More Information about Patterns For Improving Accessible Quality Through Automated Tools In Development Environments
Learn how to perform automated testing of content and integrate that testing into your build processes Session Detail for Patterns For Improving Accessible Quality Through Automated Tools In Development Environments
1:30 PM
to 3:45 PMTue, May 19
Track: Design/UX
Planning And Creating Usability Tests For Those With Disabilities Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Elisa Miller
More Information about Planning And Creating Usability Tests For Those With Disabilities
This is an introduction to usability testing, when and how to conduct testing as a part of your app or web site development process. You will learn how to create a usability test, as well as adapt your test to work with people with different disabilities and assistive technologies. Session Detail for Planning And Creating Usability Tests For Those With Disabilities
2:45 PM
to 3:45 PMTue, May 19
Track: Education & Gaming
Accessible eLearning? It’s Easy if you Do It Smart Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by Pearsontaught by: Valerie Bergloff & co-presented by: Kathy Keller
More Information about Accessible eLearning? It’s Easy if you Do It Smart
In this session you’ll review the basics of accessibility in an eLearning context, learn how to implement accessibility throughout your development process, review eLearning software, and learn how to test your products. Session Detail for Accessible eLearning? It’s Easy if you Do It Smart
Track: Business/Content
Introducing ARRM: A Framework To Fight Accessibility Apathy Bill Cahill Room
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Denis Boudreau, Bill Tyler, Sean Kelly & co-presented by: Lewis Phillips, Jennifer Chadwick, Michael Mistak
More Information about Introducing ARRM: A Framework To Fight Accessibility Apathy
The Accessibility Roles and Responsibility Mapping (ARRM) is a framework developed by the W3C’s EOWG to help teams break down Web accessibility requirements by roles. Session Detail for Introducing ARRM: A Framework To Fight Accessibility Apathy
Track: Coding & Testing
Surviving Dev Frameworks: Lessons Learned With Drupal, Wordpress, jQuery, And More Jim Thatcher Room
sponsored by Tenon.iotaught by: Kate Walser
More Information about Surviving Dev Frameworks: Lessons Learned With Drupal, Wordpress, jQuery, And More
Learn strategies for addressing accessibility when your dev framework falls short. Session Detail for Surviving Dev Frameworks: Lessons Learned With Drupal, Wordpress, jQuery, And More
4:00 PM
to 5:00 PMTue, May 19
Track: Education & Gaming
No Controls, No Screen, No Problem: Using Voice & Gesture To Interact With Learning Tools Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by Pearsontaught by: Kelly Lancaster & co-presented by: Damien Brockmann
More Information about No Controls, No Screen, No Problem: Using Voice & Gesture To Interact With Learning Tools
Machine learning libraries - now available in front-end applications - offer a new set of tools for inclusive design. In this session, you will “train” an interactive application to associate voice and/or gesture commands with actions in the browser to accomplish a goal. Together, we will consider the affordances that machine learning provides for accessibility in education technology. Session Detail for No Controls, No Screen, No Problem: Using Voice & Gesture To Interact With Learning Tools
Track: Design/UX
Novel Ways To Influence Design For Inclusive Solutions Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Charu Pandhi & co-presented by: Hope Turner
More Information about Novel Ways To Influence Design For Inclusive Solutions
Design is the intent behind an outcome. Explore novel 3D tactile design ideas to bring human-centered designs to life, shaping the possible for all. Session Detail for Novel Ways To Influence Design For Inclusive Solutions
Track: Business/Content
Remediating A WordPress Site For Accessibility Bill Cahill Room
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Sumner Davenport
More Information about Remediating A WordPress Site For Accessibility
Learn steps and procedures for evaluating and remediating a WordPress site by following a strategic plan that includes working with resources that are readily available. Session Detail for Remediating A WordPress Site For Accessibility
Track: Coding & Testing
Writing Accessible JavaScript Jim Thatcher Room
sponsored by Tenon.iotaught by: Steven Lambert
More Information about Writing Accessible JavaScript
Learn about the four common problems of writing accessible JavaScript and gain hands-on experience writing your own solutions Session Detail for Writing Accessible JavaScript
5:15 PM
to 6:15 PMTue, May 19
Track: General
Virtual Game Night John Slatin Room
sponsored by WebAIMMore Information about Virtual Game Night
Game Night - Join in the fun!! Session Detail for Virtual Game Night
Wednesday, May 20, 2020: Multi-track Trainings
8:30 AM
to 9:30 AMWed, May 20
Track: Business/Content
Easy Accessibility: Using Microsoft Word Templates To Save Time And Effort Bill Cahill Room
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Carmen Matthews
More Information about Easy Accessibility: Using Microsoft Word Templates To Save Time And Effort
In this session, I’ll share the approach the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has taken to encourage the use of Word templates in the agency. You’ll create a Word template using accessibility best practices then take it for a test drive: creating a new document from your template and applying your template to an existing document. You’ll walk away with knowledge of what is working for us at TWC, a copy of the templates our agency uses, and a fresh template for your workplace. Session Detail for Easy Accessibility: Using Microsoft Word Templates To Save Time And Effort
Track: Education & Gaming
Game Building: What Is The Frame? How Is The Signal? Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by Pearsontaught by: Teal Ashby
More Information about Game Building: What Is The Frame? How Is The Signal?
A rambling, cross discipline exploration of the meaning of games and how games can engage in diversifying both audience and game technique. Partly technology, partly theory, partly artistic contemplation, this will touch on a variety of game industries, as well as a range of accessibility interfaces / endpoints. Session Detail for Game Building: What Is The Frame? How Is The Signal?
Track: Coding & Testing
Mobile Web Accessibility With VoiceOver And TalkBack Jim Thatcher Room
sponsored by Tenon.iotaught by: Paul Adam
More Information about Mobile Web Accessibility With VoiceOver And TalkBack
Bring your iPhone, iPad, or Android device and learn how to do accessibility testing without needing a desktop computer. We’ll cover mobile web accessibility testing and development for VoiceOver on iOS and TalkBack on Android. Session Detail for Mobile Web Accessibility With VoiceOver And TalkBack
Track: Design/UX
Unmasking Forms: Finding Balance Between Accessibility And Security Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Richard Steinberg & co-presented by: Tori Clark
More Information about Unmasking Forms: Finding Balance Between Accessibility And Security
Learn how to advocate for more inclusive user experience in web forms that addresses security concerns without sacrificing accessibility and usability. Session Detail for Unmasking Forms: Finding Balance Between Accessibility And Security
9:45 AM
to 10:45 AMWed, May 20
Track: Education & Gaming
Accessibility in Microsoft Office 365 + Windows 10 Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by Pearsontaught by: Casey Salinas, Greg Stevens
More Information about Accessibility in Microsoft Office 365 + Windows 10
Individuals attending this session will leave with the knowledge that Microsoft’s Learning Tools are going to help build a foundation for students’ future success. Using inclusive education tools help students grow their potential and gain independence both inside and outside the classroom. Teachers are more empowered to engage every learner when they have the knowledge of what inclusive classroom tools are out there. And finally, schools build reputations as positive places that promote equity … Session Detail For Accessibility in Microsoft Office 365 + Windows 10
Track: Design/UX
Considering The Deaf Perspective In Inclusive Design Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Brent Shiver & co-presented by: Jenna King
More Information about Considering The Deaf Perspective In Inclusive Design
When designing and developing solutions, organizations may overlook the deaf perspective when ensuring accessibility. Simply adding captions to videos where appropriate and rubber-stamp the site as in compliance may not be enough. The presenters, both experienced deaf developers, have firsthand user experience with the challenges that deaf and hard of hearing users face. The class will explore the common quirks that fall short of the full accessibility expected for the users and the recent case … Session Detail for Considering The Deaf Perspective In Inclusive Design
Track: Business/Content
Quality Accessibility Conformance Reports Using The VPAT Bill Cahill Room
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Mary Jo Mueller
More Information about Quality Accessibility Conformance Reports Using The VPAT
Learn important aspects of making a good, quality Accessibility Conformance Report using the VPAT® template. Session Detail for Quality Accessibility Conformance Reports Using The VPAT
Track: Coding & Testing
Testing And Reporting To Support Development Teams Jim Thatcher Room
sponsored by Tenon.iotaught by: Michael Moore & co-presented by: Krishna Vemuganti
More Information about Testing And Reporting To Support Development Teams
This course presents a testing and reporting framework that can be used to provide repeatable test results and documentation to support product release cycles and defect tracing. Session Detail for Testing And Reporting To Support Development Teams
11:00 AM
to 12:00 PMWed, May 20
Track: Coding & Testing
A Developer’s Guide to Getting Started in Accessibility: How to Find Resources, Avoid Pitfalls, and Do Good Work Jim Thatcher Room
sponsored by Tenon.iotaught by: Alicia Evans
More Information about A Developer’s Guide to Getting Started in Accessibility: How to Find Resources, Avoid Pitfalls, and Do Good Work
An anecdotal account of one developer’s journey toward making websites accessible. Session Detail for A Developer’s Guide to Getting Started in Accessibility: How to Find Resources, Avoid Pitfalls, and Do Good Work
Track: Education & Gaming
Cognitive Accessibility: What? Why? And How? Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by Pearsontaught by: Betsy Furler
More Information about Cognitive Accessibility: What? Why? And How?
Traditionally digital accessibility has focused on vision, hearing and mobility access. About 30% of the population struggles with cognitive accessibility yet its often overlooked. This session addresses what cognitive accessibility is, why it’s important and what needs to be done to make websites and software more accessible to this overlooked portion of the population. Session Detail for Cognitive Accessibility: What? Why? And How?
Track: Design/UX
Connecting the Accessibility Dots Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Eric Eggert
More Information about Connecting the Accessibility Dots
It is easy to get lost in the requirements for accessibility, the needs of people with disabilities and intricate specific workings of assistive technologies. In addition there’s lots of jargon around that does makes picking up accessibility hard. Session Detail for Connecting the Accessibility Dots
Track: Business/Content
Setting Up & Scaling Up an Accessibility Program Bill Cahill Room
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Aidan Tierney
More Information about Setting Up & Scaling Up an Accessibility Program
This interactive session will explore the activities, or dimensions, that an accessibility program manager needs to consider, such as executive support, hiring, policies, tools, workflows and communications. For experienced program leads this session will be an opportunity to share practices, successes and challenges. For others, the session will introduce a blueprint to build a program. Session Detail for Setting Up & Scaling Up an Accessibility Program
12:00 PM
to 1:30 PMWed, May 20
Track: General
Lunch & Keynote by Chancey Fleet: De-visualizing Technology: the Joys and Frictions of Blindness in the Digital Commons John Slatin Room
sponsored by WebAIMtaught by: Chancey Fleet
More Information about Lunch & Keynote by Chancey Fleet: De-visualizing Technology: the Joys and Frictions of Blindness in the Digital Commons
Chancey will draw on her experience as a tech educator and self-taught Blind technologist to explore the rewards and complications of Blind life in a digital world. What happens to our ability to build skills and set goals when the general public is mostly unaware of the tools and techniques we need to succeed? Why does our everyday access to data representations and images lag so far behind what’s achievable, and how can we use description, sonification and tangible media to end image poverty … Session Detail For Lunch & Keynote by Chancey Fleet: De-visualizing Technology: the Joys and Frictions of Blindness in the Digital Commons
1:30 PM
to 2:30 PMWed, May 20
Track: Design/UX
A Case Study in Designing a (Mostly) Accessible eCommerce Website Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Karen Hawkins
More Information about A Case Study in Designing a (Mostly) Accessible eCommerce Website
This talk is a case study in how you can successfully and meaningfully incorporate consideration of web accessibility into the entire digital design process. From the style guide to wireframes to final design comps, I will walk the audience through the design thinking that went into the complete redesign of an eCommerce website. Session Detail for A Case Study in Designing a (Mostly) Accessible eCommerce Website
Track: Business/Content
Accessibility in an Agile Methodology Bill Cahill Room
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Helen Burge
More Information about Accessibility in an Agile Methodology
A practical walk through of applying accessibility principles to an Agile workflow. This includes examples and how to apply it successfully in your business. If you are looking to implement accessibility within an Agile framework, this class will help with the tried and tested techniques for you to use in your company. Session Detail for Accessibility in an Agile Methodology
Track: Coding & Testing
Data Visualization and Accessibility on the Web Jim Thatcher Room
sponsored by Tenon.iotaught by: Frank Elavsky & co-presented by: Imranali Khaja
More Information about Data Visualization and Accessibility on the Web
Making data-driven visualizations accessible is no easy task. If those data visualizations are interactive and dynamic? This task can become even more daunting. Join a web engineer in Data Visualization and a design researcher in Accessibility in this Intermediate-to-Advanced lecture as they walk through their approach making accessible data visualizations on the web. Session Detail for Data Visualization and Accessibility on the Web
Track: Education & Gaming
Teaching Students the Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation: A Free Totally Accessible Online Approach Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by Pearsontaught by: Susan Osterhaus & co-presented by: Sara Larkin
More Information about Teaching Students the Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation: A Free Totally Accessible Online Approach
The class will begin with an overview of the Nemeth Code Curriculum. This curriculum includes lots of hands on activities and games for younger students that reinforce grade-level math concepts. Then we will move to the Focused Lessons for Grades 3–8, and finally we will focus on the Nemeth Symbol Library, which allows the user to look up symbols or math terms and find definitions for writing those in Nemeth Code, complete with examples for older students. Bring your computers and let’s get … Session Detail for Teaching Students the Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation: A Free Totally Accessible Online Approach
2:45 PM
to 3:45 PMWed, May 20
Track: Business/Content
No Autocraptions Allowed: Why and How to Caption Videos Bill Cahill Room
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Meryl Evans
More Information about No Autocraptions Allowed: Why and How to Caption Videos
Great captions for videos require more than just capturing all audio. Learn how and what it takes to create awesome captions. Session Detail for No Autocraptions Allowed: Why and How to Caption Videos
Track: Business/Content
Accessibility on Social Media Jim Thatcher Room
sponsored by Tenon.iotaught by: Jon Gibbins
More Information about Accessibility on Social Media
Jon shows you how to make your social media posts more accessible. Session Detail for Accessibility on Social Media
Track: Education & Gaming
Student Benefits And Teaching Resources For Including Accessibility/Inclusive Design Topics In University Courses Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by Pearsontaught by: Howard Kramer
More Information about Student Benefits And Teaching Resources For Including Accessibility/Inclusive Design Topics In University Courses
The session will review the results of a study to measure the student benefits of taking accessibility and Inclusive Design topics in college level courses. Benefits for both career and academic work will be explored. In addition, learn about curriculum resources and strategies for teaching about accessibility. Session Detail for Student Benefits And Teaching Resources For Including Accessibility/Inclusive Design Topics In University Courses
Track: Design/UX
The Rhetoric of Universal Interaction Design Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Robert O’Connell
More Information about The Rhetoric of Universal Interaction Design
A digital UI design brief is a rhetorical artifact that should serve the user goal, whatever the interaction mode. The designer task is to map every aspect of interaction design, from graphic and text content to visible and textual feedback, to keep the user goal foremost in every interaction a device may support: default view, high-contrast mode, whatever the text or viewport scale. The multimodality of digital devices poses a difficulty for user-centered designers: how to convey to … Session Detail For The Rhetoric of Universal Interaction Design
4:00 PM
to 5:00 PMWed, May 20
Track: Education & Gaming
#AllKidsCanLearn: Assistive Technology Trends In K-12 Ana Sisnett Room
sponsored by Pearsontaught by: Carye Edelman & co-presented by: Shira Goldberg, NeCol Roager
More Information about #AllKidsCanLearn: Assistive Technology Trends In K-12
We will focus on easily accessible assistive technology tools that support students with disabilities. We will demonstrate how to access each of these tools as well as how they work. Tools that will be addressed: Chrome extensions, Google, iOS device settings and apps, Windows OS, MS Office tools, and free web-based resources. Session Detail for #AllKidsCanLearn: Assistive Technology Trends In K-12
Track: Education & Gaming
Essential for Some, Helpful for All: Accessibility in the Context of Universal Design for Learning Bill Cahill Room
sponsored by codemantrataught by: Luis Pérez
More Information about Essential for Some, Helpful for All: Accessibility in the Context of Universal Design for Learning
Explore the creation and use of accessible educational materials in the context of Universal Design for Learning, a framework for ensuring education provides every student with the opportunity to become an expert learner. Session Detail for Essential for Some, Helpful for All: Accessibility in the Context of Universal Design for Learning
Track: Coding & Testing
Importance Of Semantics (For Designers and Developers) Jim Thatcher Room
sponsored by Tenon.iotaught by: Gerard Cohen
More Information about Importance Of Semantics (For Designers and Developers)
Semantics on the web have to do with the implied meaning and interaction, and they are the backbone of web accessibility. It’s important that both designers and developers are familiar with the semantic meaning of elements. Choosing the right element, and using in the correct way, is just as important to designers as it is developers. Session Detail for Importance Of Semantics (For Designers and Developers)
Track: Design/UX
Strategies To Make Accessibility Conversations A Priority In The Design Process Christopher Schmitt Room
sponsored by Monkee-Boytaught by: Beth Dolliver & co-presented by: Julianna Perkins, Ashley Menefee
More Information about Strategies To Make Accessibility Conversations A Priority In The Design Process
Do you design content and work with clients that you constantly have to remind about accessibility? Are you having to edit all the material that comes to you to meet accessibility requirements? Do you shy away from having the tough conversations about why this is important and how it impacts others? Are you working with someone who is dragging their feet when it comes to making content accessible? Is the thought of having these conversations, yet again, giving you a headache? Then this is the … Session Detail for Strategies To Make Accessibility Conversations A Priority In The Design Process
5:00 PM
to 5:30 PMWed, May 20
Track: General
Closing Ceremony John Slatin Room
sponsored by WebAIMMore Information about Closing Ceremony
Join us as we celebrate our instructional time together, have last words, and bid each other audieu. Session Detail for Closing Ceremony