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Accessible eLearning? It’s Easy if you Do It Smart

taught by: Valerie Bergloff
co-presented by: Kathy Keller

Session Summary

In this session you’ll review the basics of accessibility in an eLearning context, learn how to implement accessibility throughout your development process, review eLearning software, and learn how to test your products.


In this session, we’ll:

  • Go over the basics of accessibility applied across the spectrum of eLearning products.
  • Talk about planning for and implementing accessibility throughout the phases of your development model.
  • Explore different types of eLearning software and their potential accessibility.
  • Provide tips and share a few workarounds.
  • Evaluate eLearning products and show you how to test them for accessibility.

Practical Skills

  • How to apply accessibililty standards to eLearning products.
  • How to implement accessibility throughout the development process.
  • How to test eLearning products for accessibility.