Content Management Systems & What You Need to Know
(Note: This blog post was updated September 3 after receiving additional information about Joomla! accessibility.) Content Management Systems (CMS) play a big role in determining how accessible a website is. Ensuring you choose a CMS which champions accessibility is an important …
Be A Digital Ally: Intro to Documents and PDFs
Jay McKay: Hello, everyone. We're going to get started in just a few moments while we wait for some of our friends to log in. So welcome to Be a Digital Ally. Julie Romanowski: Jay, should I go ahead and start sharing the... Jay McKay: Yeah. Let's go ahead get that set up and …
Help Knowbility Bring Inclusive Design to SXSW 2023
It’s that time! Please add your vote and help shape the next SXSW Interactive Festival to include disability access. Knowbility has brought digital accessibility to SXSW and SXSWedu in past years. For 2023, we’ve submitted three sessions that you’ll find on the Panel Picker. …
Be a Digital Ally: Visual Information Pt. 2
Be a Digital Ally: Visual Information Pt. 2 Jessica "Jay" MCKAY: All right, let's go ahead and get started. Hello everyone. Good evening, good morning, good afternoon from wherever you are. Welcome from, Well, I'm in rainy Alabama right now, but Erica's over in very, very sunny …
A Chat with Herin Hentry
Anthony Vasquez: Let me just start. I mean, thank you again for your time. Why don't you give us just a quick introduction of yourself, and how you became involved in our Accessibility Internet Rally. Herin Hentry: Oh, thank you, Anthony. Quick introduction of myself. How I want …