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EU Legislation Will Have International Impact

taught by: Susanna Laurin

Session Summary

The European Accessibility Act enters into force in 2025. It covers certain products and services on the EU market, which means that US-based or global companies doing business in the EU will be affected. Economic operators in the entire value chain: manufacturers, representatives, importers, distributors and providers are covered. Accessibility requirements differ between US and the EU, so this is important to be aware of, if you have clients who do business in the EU.


The session will describe the products and services in scope of the European Accessibility Act and give an overview of where European standards and minimum requirements go beyond what is required in the US. The session will cover requirements for documentation and market surveillance, the rights of end users with disabilities, the enforcement procedures, penalties and risks - as well as grace periods and how claims of disproportionate burden or fundamental alteration are handled.

Practical Skills

  • Understanding who, what and when the EAA covers.
  • Understanding the relation between legal requirements and standards in the EU.
  • Understanding the drivers behind accessibility in the EU, far from litigation.