Your Browser May Be Having a Secret Relationship with a Screen Reader
This is the final installment of my three-part saga on the technical details of how screen readers communicate with other software. Part 1 introduced accessibility APIs (application programming interfaces) and the accessibility tree, and Part 2 provided a history lesson of how …
The Road to Good Intentions Is Paved with Hell
This post is the second in a three-part series about how screen readers obtain what users need from applications and operating systems. Part 1 introduced accessibility APIs (application programming interfaces) and the accessibility tree. I'll conclude the series with a …
So, You Want to be a Digital Accessibility Specialist
I’m sure you’re familiar with the age-old small talk conversation topic, “What do you do?” When I'm asked this question, I always take the opportunity to talk about digital accessibility and its importance, as well as how it’s not enough of a priority for many organizations. My …
Be A Digital Ally: How People with Disabilities Access Digital Content
Melissa Green: Good evening allies and happy Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Today marks the 12th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day or GAAD. This annual event held every year on the third Thursday in May, aims to get people thinking, talking, and doing, around …
Be A Digital Ally: Planning Inclusive Events
Sharron Rush: I'm Sharon Rush, executive director of Knowbility. Happy to welcome you to this episode of BADA, which is Planning Inclusive Events. We find that we really more and more have to think about that not only in the physical space when we welcome people to places like …