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Sustainable Accessibility

taught by: Henny Swan
co-presented by: Gareth Ford Williams

Session Summary

An accessibility strategy is one thing. But all too often it remains on paper rather than coming to life. In this session we'll explore how to move theory into practice in a way that is sustainable and creates permanent change. 


It takes time and effort to embed sustainable accessibility into an organisation. You cannot achieve this through disconnected activities like assessments or training (although these things have their place); sustainable accessibility needs a co-ordinated and evolving plan that encompasses every aspect of the organisation.

In this session, we'll look at how you can put in place a sustainable accessibility framework that best suits your business, culture and ultimately your customers. We'll dissect common barriers such as cost, culture, and responsibility as well as pathways out. We'll also explore how an accessibility champions network can amplify efforts and help communicate, educate and facilitate the spread of accessibility knowledge throughout the organisation

We know that a single accessibility blueprint doesn't fit all teams, projects or organisations. Through a combination of case studies and activities, we'll discuss how you can put together a living roadmap that encompasses every aspect of the organisation which is designed to evolve and adapt as you continue on your accessibility journey.

Practical Skills

  • How to put together a living roadmap for sustainable accessibility
  • How an accessibility champions network can help underpin sustainable accessibility
  • How you can diagnose where to start making a change both in the short and long term