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Pragmatic Design for Cognitive Accessibility

taught by: Glenda Sims
co-presented by: Jennie Delisi

Session Summary

Learn easy ways to start making your content more accessible for people with cognitive disabilities. Realize that designing for cognitive accessibility will improve your design for all.


Is it important that people with cognitive disabilities are as independent as possible when using digital information? Work with children or adults? If you answered yes, and you:

  • Want to learn what can be made cognitively accessible

  • Want to discover tools people with cognitive disabilities may be using

  • Need strategies, tools for making content accessible

  • Want to learn what others are doing to create a more accessible digital world - improving "the rules"

then this is the session for you! Assistive technology needs content built with accessibility in mind. We have tools, resources, and experience to share.

Practical Skills

  • Identify 3 barriers encountered by people with cognitive disabilities when accessing digital information.
  • Identify 3 ways assistive technology is used by people with cognitive disabilities to access digital information.
  • Identify 3 steps content authors can take while writing content to improve digital accessibility for those with cognitive disabilities.