Knowbility Masterclass: Accessibility Auditing
taught by: Alicia Evans, Emily Lewis, Eric Eggert
Session Summary
Learn how to audit like Knowbility!
Join our team of accessibility experts to learn how we test and analyze websites for accessibility according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA standard. We’ll share common accessibility issues and how we audit them efficiently. We’ll also teach how we communicate accessibility issues to project managers and developers, so our clients can easily understand and fix them.
In this full-day workshop, you’ll learn:
How people with disabilities use the web and why this understanding is essential for conducting a useful analysis
How WCAG 2.x success criteria ensure a baseline of accessibility
When and how to address accessibility issues that go beyond WCAG
How to test success criteria in a way that is not overwhelming
Where assistive technologies, like screen readers and voice input, fit into the testing process
You’ll also learn Knowbility’s workflow, from writing an accessibility issue to generating a report.
09:00–10:35am: Part 1
10:35–10:50am: Short Break
10:50–noon: Part 2
noon–12:30pm: Lunch Break
12:30–02:00pm: Part 3
02:00–02:15pm: Short Break
02:15-03:30pm: Part 4
Resources & Links
Testing Tools
Learning Resources
Upcoming Training
Monday, June 19: Audio & Video: Alternative Content for Accessibility