I Took the Plunge
Ok, so for whatever crazy reason, I decided to take on some studying. I figured that since I have been testing websites for several years now, purely from a usability perspective, I should learn more about the technical stuff. User testing is great, but I have been finding it …
My Experiences at AccessU 2009
This week of course was full of fun at AccessU! It consisted of two full days and a third day for post conference, as well as some great evening activities. There was much to learn and fabulous people to talk to and network with. I was privileged to be involved in the two first …
An option for On-line job training, but is it accessible?
Discrimination of all kinds is out there, weather we as a society like to believe it or not. The job field is no exception. Many times, potential employees are discriminated against before they even get to an interview, especially if they are candid about their individual …
Accessibility = Usability
The W3C has just released a new introduction to their 2005 document entitled “ How people with disabilities use the web .” This document is only in its draft stage and will continue to be updated throughout the year. But as I read through the sections …
Open question forum closed to many!
During his campaign and throughout his term so far, President Obama has been an active advocate for people with disabilities. He has a very promising agenda regarding the rights, education and employment of disabled Americans. However, one area not mentioned on the agenda …