Putting your finger on the new iPhone
Recently, Apple came out with their newest version of the iPhone, called the iPhone 3GS. I am sure there are many interesting new features of this product, but the one that is most fascinating to me is their built-in accessibility. How do you make a phone with a touch screen …
Books won't talk on Kindle
Last month, the well-known and reputable publisher Randomhouse made the decision to turn off the text-to-speech feature in its books. This action mainly affects those using Amazon’s Kindle 2 for reading or listening to books. However, though I do not use a Kindle, this …
A fabulous go to site for accessibility news
I was recently led to a site that has a ton of information and news about accessibility. From arts and entertainment, to education and to issues in communities throughout the world, this place on the net is a great resource for all things accessible! I will surely be discussing …
My AT&T Adventures
This week has been one of change for my family and I with regard to our home network, telephone and television. We decided to try AT&T’s U-verse service, which combines all of those products into one package. The technician was at our home installing everything for …
Telecommuting, could it decrease unemployment for the disabled?
There are several reasons why so many people with disabilities are unemployed. One of the possible barriers for many disabled people when it comes to employment is transportation. Taking the bus is not always an option, and even in those cities that offer a transporting system …