Becky Gibson, Accessibility Veteran, Shares Some Wisdom About AIR
This is a transcript of a video called "Becky Gibson Shares Her AIR Experience" published to our YouTube channel on September 8, 2021. Becky Gibson: Hi, my name's Becky Gibson, and I'm here to encourage you to sign up for the AIR program. You'll have fun, you'll learn new …
A Call for Nonprofits to Improve Web Accessibility
The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 brought about a dramatic shift in how we learn, do business, and even relax. As online-only approaches became the way of life for many, the need to create and maintain accessible experiences became more important. The role of …
Transcript: Sally Thoun AIR Interview
Sally Thoun AIR Interview Youtube link. Since 1998 the Accessibility Internet Rally (AIR) program has been bringing communities together around the powerful idea of accessible digital technology for all. Video Description: The Accessibility Experts & The Accessibility …
Transcript: Sumner Davenport AIR published 8/31/2021
Since 1998 the Accessibility Internet Rally (AIR) program has been bringing communities together around the powerful idea of accessible digital technology for all. Video Description: The Accessibility Experts & The Accessibility Internet Rally with Sumner Davenport, Web …
Transcript: Alicia Evans, Accessibility Consultant Interview at Knowbility, published 8.25.2021
Alicia Evans, Accessibility Consultant Interview at Knowbility, published 8 25 2021 Mariella: Alicia tell us your name, your pronouns, and your audio description. Alicia: All right. My name is Alicia Evans. I'm an accessibility consultant at Knowbility. My pronouns are she, her, …