Tip 31: Consider giving an accessible gift this holiday season!

Tip 30: Donate to organizations that promote inclusion of people with disabilities

Tip 29: Consider ways of improving the commute experience for employees with disabilities

Tip 28: Help your students sharpen their soft skills so they can be job-ready

Tip 27: Make sure that your employees with disabilities have the technology to succeed in their role

Tip 26: Share articles and videos depicting people with disabilities pursuing their career dreams

Tip 25: Create a mentorship program for employees with disabilities

Tip 24: Seek to create online spaces where a person with a disability has the accommodations they need without needing to disclose 

Tip 23: Interview candidates fairly by asking the same questions

Tip 22: Have your HR and employees read the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guide prior to interviewing candidates

Tip 21: Post your job openings on online job boards that are often used by people with disabilities

Tip 20: Never assume, ask questions

Tip 19: Treat your all employees with respect and dignity

Tip 18: Modify your application process to be built with accessibility in mind

Tip 17: ​​Ensure that all employees and volunteers in an organization are aware of inclusive policies and best-practices  

Tip 16: Register to take classes about accessibility with the Knowbility Learning Center 

Tip 15: Attend annual a11y Conferences —like AccessU— to keep your a11y toolkit up-to-date 

Tip 14: Create an accessibility budget for accommodations 

Tip 13: Conduct regular accessibility testing 

Tip 12: Conduct regular usability testing

Tip 11: Watch Judy Heumann’s AccessU 2021 Keynote to learn about disability history 

Tip 10: Watch Crip Camp  

Tip 9: Create an inclusive culture of advocacy and community learning 

Tip 8: Build internship programs for people with disabilities

Tip 7: Join Knowbility’s A11y Office Hour this month to join a panel conversation with professionals with disabilities on best practices, challenges, and opportunities in the workplace

Tip 6: Highlight the availability of flexible working conditions, including telecommuting or flexible scheduling in your job posting 

Tip 5: Employ people with disabilities at all levels of your organization 

Tip 4: Nothing about us without us!

Tip 3: Incorporate accessibility training in your workplace

Tip 2: Ensure your website is meeting minimum accessibility standards

Tip 1: Donate to Knowbility and help grow accessibility knowledge worldwide


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