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Integrating Accessibility Through Faculty Grants

taught by: Anastasia Angelopoulou, Sarah Huibregtse

Session Summary

As Higher Education is challenged to keep up with the changing pace of technology, preparing students to understand and design for digital accessibility is too often overlooked. The session looks at Higher Ed champions who have priortized the need to teach in ways that support our vision that all tech will be born accessible.


To accelerate the creation and delivery of accessibility-infused college curricula, Teach Access provides monetary awards to higher education faculty to develop curriculum enhancements that introduce the fundamental concepts and skills of accessibility into their existing courses. The Teach Access Faculty Grants program has resulted in the creation of hundreds of new course materials by our grantees, as well as several research papers. Learn from this panel of Faculty Grant recipients what their goals were, how they accomplished them, and what they learned along the way. We will also encourage lively Q & A to hear from the community any ideas about how we might futher the goals of accessibility integration into higher ed course curricula.

Practical Skills

  • What Is the Faculty Grant program and what has it accomplished?
  • What impact did the Faculty Grant have on participating educators and researchers?
  • How can the program better serve the mission of integrating accessibilty into student learning?