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Inclusive Design - Understanding the User Voice

taught by: Shea Tanis
co-presented by: Wayne Dick, Meryl Evans, Julian Wang

Session Summary

Panelists will share individual user experiences, what barriers they face, and their thoughts on how a program like Teach Access can support their independence.


As we gather at sessions like AccessU to think and plan for greater accessibility, it is important to practice putting the actual user at the center of those plans. This session is meant to help attendees understand what questions to ask, what to listen for, and how to ensure that authentic user experience remains at the center of the teaching and learning we do about digital accessibility.

Practical Skills

  • Learn more about people with disabilities actually use technology on a daily basis.
  • Understand that compliance may not be enough to meet user needs and the value of putting the user at the center of design decisions.
  • Gain insights into HOW to include people with disabilities in teaching and testing technology design.