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Inclusive Design: The Big Picture

taught by: Eric Eggert

Session Summary

Accessibility is only one component of an overall Inclusive Design approach. Learn how to connect the dots between different disciplines of Inclusive Design, including accessibility. Define requirements and safeguards to ensure inclusion for all.


Demystifying Inclusive Design

Learn how to make Inclusive Design an ongoing concern and integrate it into your daily routines. Find resources and building blocks that guide you through effectively ensuring inclusive design patterns. We look closely at accessibility and where it intersects with other disciplines of Digital Inclusion.

There is no “magic wand” that you can wave to make inclusion happen. It’s about steadily increasing awareness.

Practical Skills

  • The importance and benefits of an all-encompassing inclusive design philosophy.
  • How people with disabilities can access digital and non-digital spaces and what interactions they expect.
  • Understand how working with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.x can lead to best practices results.