Want a more accessible web? Help build online training!
I am writing this today to ask everyone who cares about web accessibility to consider making a contribution of any size to our campaign to create Online Training to Make Sites and Apps Accessible and then to help spread the word. Here's why: Each year at John Slatin …
AccessU 2014 map (accessible)
An accessible pdf map of the St. Edwards University campus, where the AccessU activities will take place. ACCESSU MAP 2014
It's Clobberin' Time: The OpenAIR Heroes Game Newsletter
Oh, the places we've been The OpenAIR 2014 Heroes game on the road Greetings, AIR participants and Knowbility supporters! We've had a busy time already this year, traveling and creating and learning, and we have a lot to share with you. For those of you who signed up to receive …
Vote in People's Choice for OpenAIR accessible web design contest
Each year, volunteer web pros contribute their time and talents to build accessible web sites for nonprofit organizations of all kinds and from all over the world. We judge them and will give an award for accessibility at the 2014 SXSW Interactive Media Festival. But …
Last chance to sign on to OpenAIR - need three teams!
Learn digital accessibility skills AND help nonprofit group We're in the home stretch of recruiting for this year's Open Accessibility Internet Rally (OpenAIR) and seeking just three more teams to make the wishes of all of our nonprofits come true. Sign your team up now! I know …