Accessibility Club #4 and BeyondTellerrand in Berlin
I had the pleasure of traveling to Berlin recently for two events: The one-day Accessibility Club on November 7 and and one of the two days of the BeyondTellerrand conference on November 8. Accessibility Club Karl Groves started his European Tour by kicking off …
Your favorite device feature probably started as an accommodation for disability
October – the National Disability Employment Awareness month in the US – in now in the rear view mirror. We meant to take at least a minute before we get immersed in year end holidays to salute the work of scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs who have …
Knowbility at the Accessing Higher Ground Conference
Knowbility is looking forward to participating in Accessing Higher Ground, the "Accessible Media, Web and Technology Conference” in Westminster, Colorado, November 14th–18th. Web Accessibility Specialist Eric Eggert will conduct two pre-conference workshops as …
Integrating Accessibility at the Big Design Conference
September 10th found a few members of the Knowbility team -- Community Programs Director, Jessica Looney and CTO, Bobby Brooks -- just north of Dallas for the annual Big Design Conference. Their mission? To educate a room full of 80+ of Texas’s leading user experience, …
Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) invites conversation at TPAC
EOWG co-chairs Sharron Rush and Brent Bakken will be at the W3C Combined Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee Meetings (TPAC) and have offered to host an open forum MeetUp for WAI-IG participants and any others interested in web accessibility. Announcement: WAI-IG Meetup …