K12 Access Toolkit

To help ensure students are able to access their curriculum and make progress, Knowbility offers unique training for teachers, staff, and parents designed to provide information, resources and strategies to determine the assistive technology needs of students.
Coming Soon: K12 Access Toolkit
The K12 Access Toolkit is being built on the foundation of Knowbility’s longstanding ATSTAR (Assistive Technology Strategies, Tools, Accommodations, and Resources)teacher training program. The course work is online, so K12 AT is available across the globe. It’s an on-going process because it is likely that users will revisit in order to refresh knowledge and skills as their students’ needs evolve. K12 AT was designed for everyone learning more about Assistive Technology and how to successfully apply it in the K12 classroom. As learning environments are evolving, we are expanding the K12 AT course to include more resources to help teachers meet diverse learning needs.
K12 AT is a tool that provides:
Technology training for teachers
Technology for students
Classroom technology resources
About Current ASTAR Training:
The purpose of ATSTAR
ATSTAR prepares educational staff to conduct assessments in-school, collect data, and integrate Assistive Technology into the learning process. The program provides a network of ongoing support as educators learn to use technology to include students with disabilities in classroom learning activities. It’s very important that teachers understand technology and how it interfaces with students that have disabilities. Today students go to school and they depend on Assistive Technology to do their classwork and take exams. But to really know how to help students, teachers need to understand how Assistive Technology works so they can work with them side by side to empower them to be successful at school.
You don’t have to be an expert!
ATSTAR was designed primarily for educators, parents, and administrators who may not have a strong background in special education but want to learn the basics of Assistive Technology.
ATSTAR has something for everyone who wants to find more opportunities for students with disabilities:
How do you know your teachers are up to date on the tools their students with disabilities could use? How well do your teachers work as a team to stay on top of the latest developments? Learn how ATSTAR helps teachers become a team as they learn about Assistive Technology and how ATSTAR lets you track their progress.
What tools are available today to help you reach students with disabilities and to help them take advantage of their strengths? In a series of online lessons, ATSTAR will show you how assistive technologies can break down barriers to communication. And you don’t have to do this alone. ATSTAR helps you build a team with your colleagues. With ATSTAR in your toolkit, your students will have better educational outcomes.
If your child’s teachers had access to ATSTAR, what more could they do for him or her? Learn how we can help you reach the teachers and administrators in your schools. If you need more help than what you’ve been getting, we can help you find an agency or organization in your area that serves parents of children with disabilities.
ATSTAR recognition
- ATSTAR has been accredited by the University of Oregon
- Austin Independent School District (AISD) implemented the tool in its own server
- ATSTAR is now available for all public schools
- ATSTAR gives teachers credit hours (CPE/CPU)
ATSTAR website
The ATSTAR Program and K12AT upgrade is funded by a government grant from GTOPs and supported by AISD, Region 13 and the TCEA.