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Q&A: Teaching Students the Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation: A Free Totally Accessible Online Approach

taught by: Susan Osterhaus
co-presented by: Tina Herzberg, Sara Larkin

Session Summary

For the first time, there is a free, fully accessible online curriculum to teach Nemeth Code within Unified English Braille Contexts. The presentation will highlight a step-by-step curriculum for students in Pre-Kindergarten through 2nd grade, focused lessons for students in 3rd-8th grade, and a Nemeth symbol library for students of all ages.


This is not a full presentation. This is a Q&A for the pre-recorded session available to attendees in our Learning Center. Please watch the recording prior to attending the Q&A session.

This presentation will begin with an overview of the accessible online Nemeth Code Curriculum. This curriculum includes lots of hands-on activities and games for younger students that reinforce grade-level math concepts. Then we will move to the Focused Lessons for Grades 3 – 8, and finally we will focus on the Nemeth Symbol Library, which allows the user to look up symbols or math terms and find definitions for writing those in Nemeth Code, complete with a variety of examples for all grade levels. Bring your ideas, and let's get excited about Nemeth!

Practical Skills

  • Participants will be able to identify three strategies that can be used to teach Nemeth Code to young students who read braille.
  • Participants will be able to make connections between learning the Nemeth Code and learning math from across all grade levels.
  • Participants will be able to locate Nemeth Code symbols and examples in mathematical context using the Nemeth Symbol Library for a variety of uses, including mathematical and Nemeth Code learning.