Tuesday brought more lessons from SXSW Interactive. A few of them follow in no particular order
- Dewey Winburne may not have been a saint, but was certainly a genius
- Undecided about the tradeshow mash-up, will know tomorrow
- Accessibility barriers come from ignorance more often than neglect
- LousSign interpreters are beautiful to watch in action
- Lunch in a cone looks better than it is
- Marshal McLuhan was envisioning the future as well as the past by saying "We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us"
- Very large companies need accessibility guidance from 30,000 feet, building policy and folding it into process.
- Impossible to spend too much time with brilliant, good hearted, fun-loving people
- Common Twitter "I gave my iPad 2 money to #Japan relief."
- Interactve awards emcee Chris Hardwick brilliantly made us laugh at oursleves, no matter where we are on the geek, nerd, celebrity watcher scale.
There's always more to come.