Last week, Sharron Rush and I were privileged to be interviewed by NPR’s Bob Garfield for his show “on The Media.”  It was a fabulous chance for us to tell our story, to explain why accessibility is so vital for everyone.  We talked about not only the federal mandates and legal requirements, but the inpact accessibility has on individuals in their lives.  I got to demonstrate JAWS working on a couple of websites, as well as show how my iPhone has been made accessible out of the box.  Many listeners may not know what a Screen Reader is, much less hear one in action.  The technology is amazing, but unless the designers of websites and software develop with accessibility in mind, those technologies cannot work properly.  This interview was a fantastic experience and we have confirmed that it will air this weekend!  So check your local listings to see when and where the show is on in your area!  There is also a podcast for “On The Media,” so you can always listen that way.  If you have friends, coworkers or acquaintances who just don’t know what we’re fighting for, tell them to tune in!  We really hope that this national attention will help to further our cause and make more people aware of the importance of access for all!